Hello Randy,

See remarks inline.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 3:16 AM, Randy Leonard <randy.leonard....@gmail.com>

> To all:
> Our local development setup is comprised of several Eclipse-based OSGI
> enRoute projects and a Liferay 7 portal project. The OSGI enRoute projects
> share bundles by publishing to a local gradle repository to share artifacts
> without first committing to continuous integration process. This has proven
> very efficient for us.
> Accessing local gradle repositories from OSGI enRoute projects is
> straightforward, only need to modify our build.bnd file with local
> repositories:
> -plugin.71.Foundation: \
>    aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo; \
>    name = Local-Foundation ; \
>    pretty = true ; \
>    local = /Users/user1/projects/xyz/src/git/com.xyz.foundation/cnf/
> release
> -plugin.72.MasterData: \
>    aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo; \
>    name = Local-MasterData ; \
>    pretty = true ; \
>    local = /Users/user1/projects/xyz/src/git/com.xyz.masterdata/cnf/
> release
> -plugin.73.Batch: \
>    aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo; \
>    name = Local-Batch ; \
>    pretty = true ; \
>    local = /Users/user1/projects/xyz/src/git/com.xyz.batch/cnf/release
> -plugin.74.AndSoOn: \
>    aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo; \
>    name = Local-AndSoOn ; \
>    pretty = true ; \
>    local = /Users/user1/projects/xyz/src/git/com.xyz.andSoOn/cnf/release
> Given this approach, if a bug in our MasterData requires a fix to both
> Foundation and MasterData repositories, we make the fix in Foundation and
> run ./gradlew release to make the change available to the MasterData-based
> projects.  All is well.  (We understand the absolute path for
> local=“/Users/….” Needs to become machine independent, a separate issue)
> We are now building the portal layer using Liferay7, and would like to use
> the same approach here as well.  Our issue is that enRoute projects
> leverage a aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo repository
> type, and we are having issues accessing this type of repository from our
> Liferay projects.
> It seems we would need to declare the following imports somewhere within
> out Liferay projects:
>    import aQute.bnd.build.Workspace
>    import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants
> But this is new territory for us.  Curious if others on this list have
> leveraged aQute.bnd.deployer.repository.LocalIndexedRepo within Liferay7
> and can provide some pointers?

I'm slightly confused by "... leveraged
within Liferay7 ..."

Can you expand on what this means please? A use-case would be good.

- Ray

> Thanks,
> Randy
> s
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*Raymond Augé* <http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/profile>
Senior Software Architect *Liferay, Inc.* <http://www.liferay.com>
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance <http://osgi.org> (@OSGiAlliance)
OSGi Developer Mail List

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