Well we don't want to add another whiteboard model to track changes to the whiteboard model (e.g. Http whiteboard). Who will watch the watchers? :-D
Since it is somewhat of a special case to be able to track changes to the DTO set, we felt a service property holding the change count would be sufficient and it would work with the existing service event model. In DS, you can have a reference to ServiceComponentRuntime service and use the updated method for the reference to get called when the service properties change.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
----- Original message -----
From: Scott Lewis <sle...@composent.com>
Sent by: osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org
To: osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] ServiceComponentRuntime service
Date: Tue, Feb 14, 2017 2:45 PM
On 2/13/2017 10:07 AM, BJ Hargrave wrote:
Not in R6. Under discussion for R7 is a service property for the ServiceComponentRuntime service which would hold a change count for the DTO set. Then whenever the DTO set changes, the service properties for the ServiceComponentRuntime service would change. So you could listen for MODIFIED service events on the ServiceComponentRuntime service if you need to track changes to the DTO set.
We also look to use the same service property for HttpServiceRuntime and JaxRSServiceRuntime for the same reason.

Thanks for the info.   Although I don't have any objection to the service property...wouldn't there be some consumer advantages (common patterns) to also having *Listener + *Event added to the ServiceComponentRuntime package...e.g. RSA?


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