And one more related question:
Is it valid to assume that once a DS component is registered, the services 
which are implemented by this component are registered as well or does it 
happen only afterwards?

> On 10. Dec 2017, at 11:52, Konrad Windszus via osgi-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Hi, 
> I have a question about the component life cycle of DS components and the 
> relation to the containing bundle's life cycle.
> According to OSGi Comp R6, 112.5.1 "the life cycle of a component is 
> contained within the life cycle of its bundle". But is it a valid assumption 
> that all enabled components are registered before the containing bundle 
> becomes active? Is the same true for services? Or does the registration of 
> the services/components only happen after the bundle has switched to state 
> active?
> The life cycle example at 112.5.17 unfortunately is also very vague in that 
> regard as it only talks about "bundle started" event.
> I need to know this information in the context of executing an IT against a 
> remote OSGi container. The IT should only start to execute, once a particular 
> (lazy) component is registered. Is it enough to wait for the Bundle status 
> "Active", or do I really have to check the status of this particular 
> component?
> Thanks in advance,
> Konrad
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