Just before giving up on the new enRoute system I decided to go back to the start and follow the quickstart tutorial exactly as outlined in the documents.
I had tried to be too clever and use the bare project...wrong.
Using the full project artifact solved all of the problems. I deleted my .m2 
dir so as to start fresh.
Vaadin bundles cause no problems at all and the process turns out now to be smooth, fast and a pleasure to use.

I think my adventures with the bare bones approach may have honed my skills to the point where I have a much better understanding of the process. There seems to be a fair amount of magic contained in the full project artifact, which I hope to understand better as I proceed. Logging works cleanly using slf4j and the web console is made available via the debug bndrun. No pain at all.

Tim's answers (thanks Tim) to my questions also contributed to my understanding of the process and helped me get to this stage.

Thanks Ray for your suggestion about Vaadin bundles, but on investigation I could not find any Vaadin bundles that use the default package.

Lots more to do, hope things continue smooth, fast and a pleasure, time will 


On 18/06/2018 11:46 PM, Tim Ward wrote:
Hi Paul,

Is there a reason some bundles can not be added as dependencies in the project 
(reactor) pom?

You should not add dependencies to the parent pom (which in this case is also the reactor pom). The parent pom should be used to manage the versions of common dependencies using the dependency management section, but any dependencies you add in the parent become dependencies of every project whether they are needed or not. This isn’t an enRoute recommendation as much as general Maven recommendation.

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