Brilliant! Thank you. :-)

> On Jul 18, 2018, at 14:46, Peter Kriens <> wrote:
> A really elegant solution to these problems is to use a Promise …
> 1) Create a Deferrred
> 2) Execute your item code through the promise of the deferred
> 3) When the Executor reference is set, you resolve the deferred
>       @Component
>       public class Foo {
>               Deferred<Executor>              deferred = new Deferred<>();
>               @Reference
>               void setExecutor( Executor e) { deferred.resolve(e); }
>               @Reference( multiple/dynmaic) 
>               void addItem( Item item) {
>                       deferred.getPromise().thenAccept ( executor -> … )
>               }
>       }
> This will automatically process your items after the executor is set. It 
> think it also easily extends to multiple dependencies but would have to 
> puzzle a bit. If you’re unfamiliar with Promises, I’ve written an app note, 
> ehh blog, recently about 1.1 Promises    
> <>. They really shine in these 
> ordering issues.
> Kind regards,
>       Peter Kriens
>> On 18 Jul 2018, at 00:16, David Leangen via osgi-dev < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have a component that acts a bit like a whiteboard provider. It looks 
>> something like this:
>> public class MyWhiteboard
>> {
>>  boolean isActive;
>>  @Reference MyExecutor executor; // Required service to execute on an Item
>>  @Reference(multiple/dynamic)
>>  void bindItem( Item item )
>>  {
>>    if (isActivated)
>>      // add the Item
>>    else
>>      // Store the item to be added once this component is activated
>>  }
>>  void unbindItem( Item item )
>>  {
>>    // Remove the item
>>  }
>>  @Activate
>>  void activate()
>>  {
>>    // execute non-processed Items
>>    isActivate = true;
>>  }
>> }
>> The MyExecutor must be present before an Item can be processed, but there is 
>> no guarantee as to the binding order. All I can think of doing is ensuring 
>> that the Component is Activated before processing.
>> My question is: is there a more elegant / simpler / less error prone way of 
>> accomplishing this?
>> Thanks!
>> =David
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