Hi David,

Are you able to share this code, because it sounds as though the thread 
signalling model you’re using is wrong? 

From what you’re saying it sounds like the problem is in this other component. 
Specifically, that it is performing long running work that isn’t paying 
attention to its own deactivation state. Equally, there’s no need for a 
"myServiceIsStillActive()” check because you should only ever care about 
whether your own component is active. If a service dependency is deactivated 
then it will be unregistered *first* so that the dependent component gets 
deactivated first. This stops you from having to care about anyone’s lifecycle 
but your own.

As for using shutdownNow(). This is *encouraged* to interrupt the threads, but 
not guaranteed. You also need to make sure to actually check the interrupt 
status. As it sounds like your component gives up control of the thread into 
another component which has the problem then this may require more extensive 
changes. I would need to see code to be sure.

Best Regards,


> On 2 Aug 2018, at 01:01, David Leangen via osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks, and this is good advice. The example you give is when the thread is 
> in the same component that is being deactivated. In this case, as you show, 
> it is quite trivial to track the activation state of the component in order 
> to shut down the thread.
> In my case, the trouble I am having is that the long-running thread is in a 
> component that is different from the component that is getting deactivated. 
> For instance, building on your example:
> @Component
> public class MyClass {
>    // Note that I am using a STATIC service
>    @Reference private MyService myService;
>    private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();
>    @Activate
>    void start() {
>        new Thread(this::longStart).run()
>    }
>    @Deactivate
>    void stop() {
>        closed.set(true);
>    }
>    void longStart() {
>        for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>            // This only works if the service object is not stateful, 
> otherwise we need
>            // to do a check and throw away an intermediate invalidated result
>            // Understood, but unfortunately the service object is stateful.
>            // The problem is that the dependency can be deactivated at any 
> time, and this
>            // is happening before “closed" in this component get set to 
> “true". I do not know how
>            // to detect the deactivation of the dependency. I need to 
> determine this pre-emptively,
>            // not after-the-fact. Otherwise the result will be destructive.
>            doSomethingWithMyService(myService);
>            // Ideally I would like to do something like this:
>            if (myServiceIsStillActive())
>                doSomethingWithMyService(myService);
>        }
>    }
> }
> In the second example, there is a dynamic @Reference, so I see the point of 
> using an AtomicReference. However, I am using a static @Reference, so I doubt 
> that just putting in an AtomicReference will change the timing problem.
> Any thoughts?
> By the way, instead of using a “closed” variable, I am doing something like 
> this:
>     @Activate
>     void activate()
>     {
>         executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
>     }
>     void deactivate()
>     {
>         executor.shutdownNow();
>     }
> Then I only need to test for Thread.interrupted(). I assume this has the same 
> effect as having the check for “closed".
> Cheers,
> =David
>> On Aug 1, 2018, at 16:59, Tim Ward <tim.w...@paremus.com 
>> <mailto:tim.w...@paremus.com>> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> In addition to interrupting the worker thread (which is a good idea). There 
>> are a couple of useful things that you can do using the support from 
>> java.util.concurrent. For example, setting a closed state:
>> @Component
>> public class MyClass {
>>    private final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();
>>    @Activate
>>    void start() {
>>        new Thread(this::longStart).run()
>>    }
>>    @Deactivate
>>    void stop() {
>>        closed.set(true);
>>    }
>>    void longStart() {
>>        for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>>            if(closed.get()) {
>>                break;
>>            }
>>            doSomething();
>>        }
>>    }
>> }
>> Also if your references are dynamic then you should treat them carefully
>> @Component
>> public class MyClass implements MySlowService {
>>    private final AtomicReference<MyService> myRef = new AtomicReference<>();
>>    @Reference(policy=DYNAMIC)
>>    void setReference(MyService service) {
>>        myRef.set(service)
>>    }
>>    void unsetReference(MyService service) {
>>        // Note that it is *not* safe to just do a set null, see Compendium 
>> 112.5.12
>>        myRef.compareAndSet(service, null);
>>    }
>>    public void longRunningTask() {
>>        for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
>>            // This only works if the service object is not stateful, 
>> otherwise we need
>>            // to do a check and throw away an intermediate invalidated result
>>            MyService myService = myRef.get();
>>            doSomethingWithMyService(myService);
>>        }
>>    }
>> }
>> I hope you find these helpful.
>> Tim
>>> On 1 Aug 2018, at 05:44, David Leangen via osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org 
>>> <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am running into a situation where, what I think is happening is:
>>> Component A gets instantiated
>>> Component B
>>> - references A
>>> - gets satisfied once A is satisfied 
>>> - kicks off a long-running process when one of its methods are called
>>> - the long-running process is run in a different thread, with a Promise
>>> Component A is no longer satisfied
>>> But
>>> - the long-running process is still running
>>> - the long-running process now references an invalid Component A
>>> - the long-running thread fails because of the invalid state of Component A
>>> Component B is no longer satisfied
>>> So, the long-running component messes things up, but its component has not 
>>> yet shut down even though its process is still happily running in another 
>>> thread.
>>> I can think of two possible solutions, but not sure which is best and not 
>>> sure how to implement:
>>> 1) Figure out a way to share an ExecutorService between “related” 
>>> components so that when one component 
>>>     shuts down it will signal to the other related components that their 
>>> threads are now interrupted
>>> 2) In the long-running process, determine if the component that provides 
>>> the required service
>>>      is still active before continuing with the havoc-wreaking process
>>> Does this sound about right?
>>> How would I actually accomplish either of these?
>>> Thanks!
>>> =David
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