
I noticed the split of the o.e.core.runtime and am already using the
o.e.equinox.common + supplement and running some stuff like that with
Felix. But that part doesn't include of the support for extension points
that is in the other "half", hence my question.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 12:18 AM Scott Lewis via osgi-dev <> wrote:

> IOn 8/8/2018 7:43 AM, Alain Picard via osgi-dev wrote:
> > Working through our move from RCP to a generic OSGI solution, and I am
> > stuck with a couple of questions.
> >
> > There was an issue a while ago for EMF that resulted in a generation
> > setting to support generic OSGI frameworks and not only
> > Eclipse/Equinox. But the resulting bundles still have plugin.xml and
> > expose extension points. My understanding is that this part of Eclipse
> > is not covered in the portable part of o.e.core.runtime. We also have
> > a number of our own extension-points, some that we have already
> > converted and others that are still around.
> >
> > So anyone has successfully used EMF and/or Extension points outside of
> > a full Eclipse environment?
> Yes wrt extension registry/extension points.
> o.e.core.runtime is a split package, split between bundles
> o.e.equinox.common and o.e.equinox.registry
> I'm not sure of the justification for split packages, but I think it was
> done to maintain backward compatibility in eclipse plugins.
> The version I used was a few years ago, but at that time these two
> bundles...along with equinox...would run the extension registry (i.e.
> process extension points/extensions on startup).  AFAIK that's still the
> case.
> If you want to use a framework other than equinox, I know for certain
> that o.e.equinox.common works just fine on long as one also
> includes this bundle [1].
> I don't think EMF requires anything in addition to o.e.equinox.common
> and o.e.equinox.registry but I'm not completely sure about that.
> Scott
> [1] org.eclipse.equinox.supplement  - available via equinox or maven
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