
I want to have a filter at the root of my application where all http
requests must pass through, so I make a Servlet filter:
property= {
public final class AuthenticationFilter implements Filter {...}
Then I have some servlets (in other bundles) defined like this:
service = Servlet.class,
property= {
public class AccessTokenServlet extends HttpServlet{...}
I also have some resource services in other bundles:
@Component(service = IconsResourceService.class,
property = {
public class IconsResourceService {}
However, my filter never trigger when i request the icon (static resource)
or token (servlet). My understanding is that the 3 components above reside
in different bundles thus they have different servlet contexts so the
filter wont trigger. I can created a ServletContextHelper and select it in
the Servlet component annotation but this wont help in the case of the
resource service. Is there other way to share filter across bundles?

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