Hi Peter, thanks for the clarification.

The spec did make it clear that what is contained in the DP is treated as a
unit, and that unit is very tightly contained. My thinking was that I could
have a tightly contained unit for the framework, and a tightly contained
unit for the resources, but this doesn't seem to be the right tool for the

You mentioned a resolver; what were you talking about when you referenced

I'll ask another question, under a different subject, that gets to why I
wanted to use DPs in the first place, instead of trying to un-XY-problem it.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 1:53 AM Peter Kriens <peter.kri...@aqute.biz> wrote:

> Yes, Deployment Packages may not overlap. As I recall we were never shy
> about this in the spec since it was controversial?
> The problems you need to solve when you have the same bundle in different
> DP's with different versions were deemed too much for the hardware we were
> considering in 2003. The problem with DPs is that it is too easy to create
> incompatible packages, the model has a lot of error state. If you have
> plenty of disk space you and you can have plenty of memory and CPU you can
> isolate many of those problems. However, in a VM on an embedded device
> there is no such luxury.
> I also think Deployment Packages are superseded by what you can do with
> the resolver. A resolver takes a set of initial requirements and calculates
> a solution that takes all these problems like versions of the same bundle
> into account. You then get a resolution for your platform.
> For my customers, I've helped developing several management systems. The
> one that works best uses the initial requirements as the configuration.
> When a remote gateway needs to be updated, we calculate the actual bundles.
> The gateway then calculates the differences and installs/removes/updates
> the bundles accordingly.
> This model is a lot less error prone.
> Kind regards,
>         Peter Kriens
> > On 20 Aug 2020, at 03:30, Zyle Moore via osgi-dev <
> osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org> wrote:
> >
> > Posted this at StackOverflow, but thought it might be better to ask here.
> > ---
> > The Deployment Admin Specification defines a way of creating Deployment
> Packages, which can contain Bundles and Resources.
> >
> > I wanted to use the Deployment Admin to install two types of Deployment
> Packages. The first Deployment Package would contain the "framework" of the
> program; including all infrastructure level services and bundles, like the
> Configuration Admin, Declarative Services, etc. The second Deployment
> Package would contain the "data" of the program; almost exclusively
> Resources to be processed by the Resource Processors in the framework
> package.
> >
> > In this situation, the Resource Processors would be in Customizer
> bundles in the framework package.
> >
> > When trying to do it this way, though, the second package is recognized
> as a foreign deployment package, and therefore can't be installed. The
> Specification, (114.5, Customizer) mentions
> >
> > > As a Customizer bundle is started, it should register one or more
> Resource Processor services. These
> > Resource Processor services must only be used by resources originating
> from the same Deployment
> > Package. Customizer bundles must never process a resource from another
> Deployment Package,
> > which must be ensured by the Deployment Admin service.
> >
> > To check if this was true, I looked to the Auto Configuration
> Specification (115), which specifies an Autoconf Resource Processor, which
> is an extension of the Deployment Package Specification. It specifies a
> Resource Processor implementation, and processes Resources from the
> Deployment Package.
> >
> > Based on this, if I wanted to use the Auto Configuration Specification,
> then I would seemingly need to include the Auto Configuration Bundle, and
> the Autoconf Resources within the same Deployment Package. This seems to
> result in another problem though. The Auto Configuration Bundle wouldn't be
> able to be used by another package, since a Resource Processor can only be
> used by Resources in the same package; additionally that Bundle couldn't be
> used by a separate, unrelated deployment package, because the Autoconf
> Bundle is already registered by the first package.
> >
> > It seems like if two Deployment Packages wanted to use Autoconf
> Resources, we would be blocked because the Resource Processor is either
> installed as a Bundle, and therefore unusable by the Deployment Admin
> because it is not in a Deployment Package, or as part of a single
> Deployment Package, and no other Deployment Package can ever use that
> version of that Bundle.
> >
> > Is my understanding correct then, that two Deployment Packages not only
> have to be separate, but also completely unrelated, to the point of not
> reusing even a single Bundle? If this is the case, then does that mean that
> it is impossible to have two Deployment Packages with Autoconf Resources;
> or at least, two packages with the same type of Resource?
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