In my game, all content, mechanics, and systems will be modular, and
based on OSGi bundles. One of these bundles is for an Entity. Entities
are uniquely identifiable things in the game world. Examples would
include trees, rocks, and characters. The game though does not
necessarily have to have any of those. If the game doesn't need trees,
it shouldn't have trees. If it doesn't need rocks, it shouldn't have
rocks. The Entity is the unique identity other things are associated
with. One of the things an Entity can be associated with is a Position.
A Position is an (x, y) coordinate in the world. Positions are in a
separate bundle than Entities. Positions are not inherently tied to
Entities, and Entities do not inherently have Positions, even though
they will likely be used together, depending on the game.

At this point, there are two bundles; Entity, and Position. To get more
functionality out of these two, a third bundle is needed;
EntityPosition, which provides a glue class (EntityPosition) which
associates a Position with an Entity.

+------------+    +--------------------+     +----------+
|            |    |                    |     |          |
| Entity     |    | EntityPosition     |     | Position |
|            |    |                    |     |          |
+------------+    +--------------------+     +----------+
|            |    |                    |     |          |
| id: String +--->+ entity: Entity     |     | x: Int   |
|            |    | position: Position +<----+ y: Int   |
+------------+    |                    |     |          |
                  +--------------------+     +----------+

In this simple example, two bundles became three, in order to associate
them. If I only needed to turn two into three, that wouldn't be so bad.
But if I wanted to associate a name with an Entity, that adds another
bundle. If I wanted to associate a sprite with an Entity, that adds two
other bundles, one for the sprite, one for the EntitySprite association.
This results in an explosion of small, but simple, bundles; each one
only binding two things from other bundles together.

- Entity
- Position
 - EntityPosition
- Name
 - EntityName
- Sprite
 - EntitySprite
- Sound
 - EntitySound

This has always seemed off to me somehow. Even though the code is small,
easy, and sharing a common pattern, the sheer scale seems overwhelming.
Each one has to be built, tested, deployed, and referenced; all for the
sole purpose of binding two things together.

In order to try to avoid this explosion of bundles, a possible solution
came to me. Each service registered in the framework service registry
can have properties associated with it. Could I use these properties to
provide the relationship between the services? In this example, we
would have one Entity component configuration, one Position component
configuration, and one of the properties of the Position configuration
would reference the Entity that the Position belongs to.

entity.uuid.1: tree

    position.for: entity.uuid.1
    position.x: 0
    position.y: 0

My thinking is that the service properties can provide the glue, or
associations, between components/services, reducing the need for a
separate glue class. Additionally, if a Position needed to be associated
with something other than an Entity, I still don't need to create a
separate bundle, I can just change the `position.for` property to point
to whatever the new thing is, assuming the service can be filtered. This
way, the Position and Entity classes remain ignorant of the binding, and
can be focused on only its x and y values, and if I ever need to know
the Position of something, I can simply filter the Position services on
the `position.for` property.
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