
Muslim bigot smears Australians

Gerard Jackson
BrookesNews.Com <>
Monday 8  August 2006

Waleed Aly, executive committee member of the Islamic Council of
Victoria, is the type of Muslim that makes one realise how selective
Australia's immigration program needs to be. He is a man that wears
a veneer of civilisation beneath which lies the Muslim hypocrisy and
contempt for Western values that we have come to expect from Islamic
fanatics (War has lured bigots out into the open, 31  July 2006).

This was revealed by his contemptible attitude to Israel's response
to the murderous attacks on it citizens by Hezbollah terrorists who then
used Lebanese civilians as human shields. The result was pandemonium as
thousands of Lebanese with Australian passports tried to flee the
country. That there were so many Lebanese-borne Australian
passport-holders living permanently in Lebanon led some to rightly
wonder whether these people were using Australian passports only as a
form of insurance.

This led Western Australian MP Wilson Tuckey to call for an end to dual
citizenship. This was just too much for our ever so tolerant Mr Waleed
Aly who accused Australians of creating "a new category of person:
the pseudo-citizen to whom we owe nothing or at least not a rescue
mission from a war zone".

Despite his insults Australians are a generous and fair-minded people.
Their objections were not to saving people but to those who used
Australian passports as a mere convenience. But to Waleed such
questioning is a "disgusting argument" that smacks of
"narrow-minded parochialism". This is the typical response of a
bigot: if you can't beat the argument use ad hominem attacks.

Waleed let slip his real feelings when he compared the death of Assaf
Namer, an Australian citizen fighting with the Israeli army in Lebanon,
to those terrorists whose positions were being blasted by the Israeli
Army. That's right, folks, this Muslim hypocrite accused Israel
"putting at risk the lives of thousands of Australian citizens".
That this is what Hezbollah — an Iranian terrorist front — did
by using them as shields, and even trying to stop them from fleeing, is
one of those untidy little facts that this poster boy for
multiculturalism neglected to mention.

Thinking he is as smart as a whip, this genius inadvertently
encapsulated the problem we have with Muslim extremists, whose loyalty
to Australia is questionable to say the least, with this statement:

And if Iran was attacking England, leaving many London-based Australian
citizens stranded, it surely would have been. And British-Australians
(the largest group of Australians with dual citizenship) would, rightly,
be unquestionably Australian.

It did not occur to him that readers would notice that England is a
democracy while Iran is a murderous theocracy run by a bunch of
Islamo-Nazis intent on exterminating Jews. Has he forgotten that Canada
and Australia immediately supported England when she declared war on
Hitler's Germany? This fact is of profound importance and explains
why Australia would still support England if she was attacked by that
bunch of Jew-hating fanatics in Tehran and their would-be fuehrer, one
of whose favourite people is — you guessed it — Adolf Hitler.
And to think some people acted surprised when this maniac called for the
"elimination of the Zionist regime," meaning Jews.

(Incidentally, these Iranian thugs imprisoned student activist Akbar
Mohammadi in Tehran's infamous Evin prison where on 30 July they had
him murdered. Now how's that for bigotry, Mr Waleed Aly?)

Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's current gruppenführer, stated on 22
October 2002: "If they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save
us the trouble of going after them worldwide". The intent is clear:
Hassan Nasrallah and his fellow Islamo-Nazis want to finish Hitler's
holocaust. But don't expect Waleed Aly to vigorously condemn these
sadistic thugs — he's too busy attacking Christian pastors.

It is a question of freedom-loving people standing together against a
genocidal regime that publicly hangs teenage girls, abuses children,
tortures and murders its critics while planning the mass extermination
of Jews. That Waleed remains mute on these matters explains why he chose
to condemn Israel while ignoring Hezbollah's war crimes. (Perhaps
this brilliant legal thinker does not know that it is a war crime to use
civilians as human shields).

It is "clear that the loyalty question is about something else",
he said. It sure is, baby. The question is whether the likes of Waleed
are loyal to those Western values upon which Australia is built or
whether he is loyal to a bigoted and genocidal ideology. Assaf Namer
deserves respect because, unlike Waleed Aly, his cause is inextricably
linked to the survival of Western values.

Showing us just how sophisticated he is Waleed declared that
"[n]ationalism, though sometimes harmless, has occasionally provided
cover for bigotry". And we need look no further than Mr Waleed Aly
himself. This is the same character who is viciously pursuing two
Christian pastors for the heinous crime of accurately quoting from the
Koran. And he is doing this to — wait for it — protect the right
to free speech! (There is free speech, and then there is hate-inducing
vilification, Herald Sun, 21 December 2004)*.

And this joker has the unmitigated gall to accuse ordinary Australians
of being bigots. And speaking of bigotry, Waleed Aly's Islamic
Council's website <>  is linked to Islam
sh-Ask_Scholar/FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503544134> . This charming bunch
recommend death for those who abandon Islam. So what is this telling
about Waleed Aly and his mates? Evident he believes that making serious
death threats against people who change their religion does not amount
to "hate-inducing vilification".

Every democracy has the right to defend itself. It follows from this
that Australia has the right to deport to their country of origin those
who have aligned themselves with our enemies and who attack our
fundamental rights. We can do no better than to start with the loathsome
Waleed Aly. Here's hoping: Hasta la vista, baby.

Note: How is this for chutzpah. Dr Kara-Ali, a prominent member of the
Australian Muslim community stated that "[i]t's unfair because
classifying Hezbollah as a terrorist group is putting it on par with
al-Qaeda, when it is totally different" (Jewel Topsfield , Muslim
`advisers' demand PM's ear, The Age, 3 August 2006). This is
the same murderous crowd that in 1983 used suicide bombers to blow up a
Marine barracks in Beirut. They killed some 241 marines and around 58
French paratroopers. All were members of the Multinational Force that
was supposed to maintain the peace. Given Dr Kara-Ali's obvious
sympathies I think he too should be given a one-way ticket home.

  [labanon and hezbollah]

The difference between Hezbollah savages and Israeli   soldiers is one
civilised values and behaviour

*The following articles refer to the case of the persecuted Christian

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