Come to Londonistan, our refuge for poor misunderstood Islamist victims
Melanie Phillips
The London Times 
June 06, 2006
ACCORDING TO REMARKS attributed in the past few days to security sources, no 
fewer than 1,200 Islamist terrorists are biding their time within British 
suburbs. Yet does Britain even now fully understand the nature of the threat it 
is facing, let alone have the will to deal with it?

The recent report by the Commons Intelligence Committee on last July's London 
bombings barely scratched the surface of the failure by the security 
establishment. It failed to note, for example, Britain's dirty little secret: 
that from the 1990s, Islamist radicals had been given free rein in Britain in a 
"gentlemen's agreement" that if they were left alone, they would not turn on 
the country that was so generously nurturing them. The result was 
"Londonistan", as Britain became the hub of al-Qaeda in Europe.

This intelligence debacle, however, was only the tip of the iceberg. Among 
Britain's governing class -- its intelligentsia, its media, its politicians, 
its judiciary, its Church and even its police -- a broader and deeper cultural 
pathology persists to this day. Londonistan is more than the physical presence 
of Islamist extremists. It is also a state of mind. To a dismaying extent, the 
British have signed up to the false narrative of those who are laying siege to 
their society.

The problem lies in a refusal to acknowledge that Islamist extremism is rooted 
in religion. Instead, ministers and security officials prefer to think of it as 
a protest movement against grievances such as Iraq or Palestine, or 
"Islamophobia'. They simply ignore the statements and signs that show 
unequivocally that the aim is to Islamicise the West.

In large measure, this is the outcome of a profound loss of cultural nerve. The 
doctrines of multiculturalism and minority rights, themselves the outcome of a 
systematic onslaught by the British elite against the country's own identity 
and values, have paralysed the establishment, which accordingly shies away from 
criticising any minority for fear of being labelled as bigoted.

As a result, it ignored the radicalisation of many British Muslims by extremist 
Islamic institutions. Worse still, "grievance culture" has meant that instead 
of fighting the paranoia and lies driving the Islamists' hatred of the West, 
British society is afflicted by the very same pathology.

Minority rights doctrine has produced a moral inversion, in which those doing 
wrong are excused if they belong to a "victim" group, while those at the 
receiving end of their behaviour are blamed simply because they belong to the 
"oppressive" majority.

Britain effectively allowed itself to be taken hostage by militant gays, 
feminists or "anti-racists" who used weapons such as public vilification, moral 
blackmail and threats to people’s livelihoods to force the majority to give 
in to their demands. So when radical Islamists refused to accept minority 
status and insisted instead that their values must trump those of the majority, 
Britain had no answer.

This was disastrous because Islamist violence is fuelled by precisely this 
false sense of victimisation. The mendacious message preached by Islamist 
leaders, that Britain and America are engaged in a war on Islam rather than a 
defence of their societies, is a potent incitement to terror by whipping up a 
hysteria that Muslims are under attack.

So any attempt by the West to defend itself against terror becomes a recruiting 
sergeant for that terror. The more atrocities committed against the West, the 
more the West tries to defend itself; and the more it does so, the more 
hysteria among Muslims rises that they are under attack, and the more they are 
thus incited to hatred and to terrorism.

The circle is completed by British fellow-travellers who promulgate the same 
morally inverted thinking, and thus help further to incite both Muslim 
extremism and Western defeatism. After the London bombings, this gave rise to 
the widely expressed view that the major problem was not Islamic terrorism but 

It is impossible to overstate the importance -- not just to Britain but to the 
global struggle against Islamist extremism -- of properly understanding and 
publicly challenging this moral, intellectual and philosophical inversion, 
which translates aggressor into victim and vice versa. For it has destabilised 
debate by allowing Muslims to argue that British and American foreign policy is 
unfair and aggressive towards the Muslim world.

So profound is the fear of being branded a bigot among British liberals that 
the obvious examples of illogicality, untruths and paranoia in such discourse 
have never been challenged.

The British Establishment also ignores this because it is in a state of denial. 
With few exceptions politicians, Whitehall officials, senior police and 
intelligence officers and academic experts have failed to grasp that the 
problem to be confronted is not just the assembly of bombs and poison factories 
but what is going on inside people’s heads that drives them to such acts.

Transfixed instead by the artificial division it has erected between those who 
actively espouse violence and those who do not, the British Establishment 
rejects the idea that the hatred of Jews, Israel, America and the West that 
suffuses the utterances of the Muslim Brotherhood forms an ideological conveyor 
belt to terrorism.

The result of this institutionalised denial has been that the Government has 
settled upon a disastrously misguided strategy. Believing that Islamist 
terrorism is merely about grievances, it thinks it can appease Islamist rage by 
pandering to extremism and inviting Muslim Brotherhood radicals into the heart 
of the British Establishment as advisers.

In Britain, hundreds of thousands of Muslims lead law-abiding lives and merely 
want to prosper and raise their families in peace. But truly moderate Muslims 
are finding that, through such appeasement, the host community is cutting the 
ground from under their feet and delivering them into the hands of the 
extremists. This is a deliberate policy of riding the Islamist tiger. But those 
who ride a tiger may get eaten.

Extracted from Londonistan by Melanie Phillips, published next week by Gibson 

(UK) Muslim Britain split over 'martyrs' of 7/7 - Sixteen per cent of 
British Muslims, equivalent to more than 150,000 believes 7/7 London 
suicide bombing cause "was right"
(UK) 'Sympathy' For 7/7 Killers <,,30000-13508854,00.html> 
One in five UK Muslims sympathize with the suicide bombers who killed
52 people in London on July 7, a survey suggests; poll also reveals
four in 10 want hardline Sharia Law introduced to parts of Britain.
The day when Osama bin Laden applied for asylum in Britain
http://www.timesonl <,,2-1802835,00.html>,,2-1802835,00.html
Commentary Melanie Phillips: Come to Londonistan, our refuge for poor
 misunderstood Islamist victims
http://www.timesonl <,,6-2212130,00.html>,,6-2212130,00.html
(UK) Commentary: Appeasing jihadists 
In London, Islamic Radicals Found a Haven
(UK) Commentary: Behind the Lines: London in denial?
Leaked No 10 dossier reveals Al-Qaeda's British recruits
(UK) More than 230 terror suspects free to stay in Britain - 
identified by MI5 and Scotland Yard as suspected terrorists have been 
allowed to stay in Britain as asylum seekers 
Britain still hub for Islamic militants
(UK) Reporter plants (fake) 'bomb' on nuclear train 
(UK) MI5 fears Hezbollah terror attacks in Britain
(UK) Report: Bangladesh Islamist cleric to visit London - Delwar 
Hossain Sayeedi visa approved by UK govt - known for anti-Western 
rhetoric and was accused of war crimes last year
Train bombers 'funded by British businessmen' - Indian intel officials 
accuse Britain of failing to stop wealthy businessmen funneling up to 
£8 million a year to LeT and other Kashmiri militants
http://www.timesonl <,,3-2273287,00.html>,,3-2273287,00.html
July 7 ringleader linked to British Tel Aviv suicide bombers
(UK) Imam Abubaker Deghayes backs terror attack against Blair - 
Brighton mosque radicalized
(UK) Joking Muslim cleric mocks victims of London blasts
UK probing 8,000 Al-Qaeda sympathisers
UK Imam's visit raises concerns - Sheik Riyadh ul-Haq invited to 
Scarborough mosque
London Muslims urged to shun police
UK Islamist Group Al-Ghurabaa: "There is no Room for Freedom in Islam"
http://www.alghurab <>
British computer whizz-kid exports terror via Internet - e-mail trail 
has led to arrest of global suspects recruited and schooled in 
bombmaking - senior security source  says far greater number of terror 
networks in Britain than previously thought using Internet to plot 
(UK) Blunders that left Abu Hamza free - should have been removed from 
Britain 25 years ago after being caught flouting immigration laws
http://www.timesonl <,,2-2202315,00.html>,,2-2202315,00.html
(UK) Report: Papers Found in Ditch Detail Britain's Response to Terror 
http://www.foxnews. <,2933,202307,00.html> 
(UK) Guardian Report: Al-Qaida plan to infiltrate MI5 revealed - 
Attempts to join agency disclosed as police say four major terror 
plots foiled 
(UK)  Amnesty plan for 500,000 illegal migrants
(UK) MI5 at full stretch as 20 Islamist terror plots revealed - as 
many as 1,200 potential terrorist suspects may now be in the UK
(UK) More than 230 terror suspects free to stay in Britain - 
identified by MI5 and Scotland Yard as suspected terrorists have been 
allowed to stay in Britain as asylum seekers 
(UK) 900 terrorist suspects in Britain leave MI5 and police unable to 
http://news. <>
(UK) MI5 chief: terror threat to UK may be getting worse
http://www.theheral <>
I killed US troops, British al-Qaeda gunman claims
Briton convicted of missile plot in United States
(UK) London Educational System: Providing Terrorism in Context or 
Moral Confusion?
http://www.timesonl <,,6-2227886,00.html>,,6-2227886,00.html
(UK) Lawmaker George Galloway - Killing Blair 'morally justified' - 
claims killing UK PM Blair in suicide bombing would be "morally 
justified" <,10117,19267877-23109,00.html>,10117,19267877-23109,00.html
BBC Documentary Says Terror Threat to UK is a Fantasy 

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