Victims framed for kidnap and rape 

"Deportation would be a death sentence" 

Asylum urged for gay Iranian refugees 

London - 20 April 2006 

The Iranian government is executing gay and bisexual men under the cover of
rape and kidnapping charges, according to a major new investigation by Simon
Forbes of the UK-based gay and lesbian human rights group OutRage! 

Mr Forbes's nine-month investigation, published today by OutRage!, is based
on information gathered from sources inside Iran. His research reveals: 

* Lynchings by Iran's security forces, and 'honour killings' by families in
the south western province of Khuzestan 

* Secret hangings in prison 

* The method of hanging is designed to cause slow, agonising strangulation 

* Internet entrapment of gay Iranians using foreign-based online gay dating

* A pattern of framing gay people on charges of kidnap, rape and
paedophilia, as the following five sample cases suggest: 

* The Gorgan case where two men were publicly hanged for Lavaat (sodomy) in
November 2005 

* Details of the Kermanshah case where three men were hanged in prison in
November 2005 for sodomy that was alleged to have taken the form of the
kidnap and rape of a younger male 

* The Arak case of two men sentenced to death for sodomy in August 2005,
which also involved the alleged kidnap and rape of a younger male, the son
of an officer 

* Two cases of public execution for sodomy in Mashhad in December 2004 and
July 2005 that involved suspiciously similar charges 

* Claims of rape are sometimes made to save the family's honour or to save
the passive partner from execution, and are part of an Iranian government
propaganda offensive to scapegoat and demonise gay people 

* Comparisons with Saudi Arabia, where it is also suggested that bogus rape
charges are levelled against gay men 

* Hypocrisy of the mullah's attitudes towards the abuse of young girls, the
rape of both males and females in custody, and widespread sodomy in
religious colleges 

The full, shocking report follows below. 

It is the first document in a series of documents that will be published by
OutRage! in the coming weeks and months. These documents expose the
state-sanctioned torture and murder of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) people by the Iranian clerical regime.

"Mr Forbes's pioneering investigation is based on information from credible,
verified sources inside Iran. It provides clear evidence of homophobic
honour killings, arrests, torture and executions," said OutRage!
spokesperson Peter Tatchell. 

"His research confirms a pattern of framing same-sex lovers on charges of
kidnap and rape, in order to discredit them, discourage public protests and
deflect international condemnation. 

"The information on which the Home Office bases its rejection of most gay
Iranian asylum claims is partial, badly researched and glosses over gay
human rights abuses by the Iranian regime. 

"Until Iran's anti-gay laws are repealed, the UK, EU and US should
permanently halt the deportation of lesbian and gay Iranians. So long as
Iran criminalises same-sex relations, it will not be safe for gay people to
return to Iran. 

"The decision in mid-April by the Dutch government to defer its planned
deportation of gay Iranian asylum seekers is a recognition that deportees
would be at serious risk of torture and execution. 

"While we welcome the Dutch moratorium on deportations, we deplore its
temporary nature. 

"Deportations are tantamount to a sentence of death. Any gay asylum seeker
sent back to Iran is likely to be arrested, tortured and executed. 

"Under the European Convention on Human Rights it is illegal to deport
people to countries like Iran where they would be at risk of torture and
execution," said Mr Tatchell. 


Iran - The State-Sponsored Torture & Murder of Lesbians & Gays Men 

New evidence of how the clerical regime frames, defames and hangs

By Simon Forbes of OutRage! London, UK

With editorial input by Brett Lock and Peter Tatchell of OutRage! 

The shocking photos of the execution of gay teenagers, Mahmoud 'Asgari and
Ayaz Marhoni, in the Iranian city of Mashhad on 19 July 2005, bought home to
many people for the first time the barbaric, inhuman and violently
homophobic nature of the Iranian clerical regime. 

Their executions were, of course, just two of many state-sanctioned murders
of children, unchaste women, gay people, and ethnic, political and religious

The Islamic Republic of Iran has been repeatedly condemned by Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch for widespread and severe human rights
abuses, including abuses of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. 

Limited official information about sodomy executions 

Detailed and reliable figures concerning Iranian executions for Lavaat
(sodomy) are hard to come by, as the government rarely gives out information
concerning its criminal justice system. It seems particularly reluctant to
provide statistics on sodomy cases, much as Britain and Europe were
reluctant to reveal the true scale of executions in the days when sodomy was
a capital offence. 

Homan, an Iranian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) exile group,
estimated that around 4,000 people had been executed for Lavaat from 1979
until the mid-1990s. An attempt to set up a gay organisation in the early
1980s led to 70 executions. Around 100 gay people were sentenced to death
following one raid on one private party in 1992. [1] 

A very large number were executed, or rather lynched without trial, as the
Ayatollahs began to hijack the Iranian Revolution by the end of 1979. Those
killed reportedly included foreign visitors. That year gay activists from
the Lavender Crescent Society in San Francisco were taken from the airport
in Tehran shortly after their arrival and summarily shot dead. [2] Gay and
bisexual men were quite literally hanged from trees at that time. Executions
of lesbians took place as well. [3] Additional 'smokescreen' charges, such
as rape and kidnap, were rarely made, seemingly because there was very
little international interest or protest at these widespread killings of
LGBT people. Since the world did not care much about the execution of queers
in those days, the tyrants in Tehran felt no need to disguise their actions
and motives. 

Executions for sodomy are believed to be at a lower level in recent years,
although it may simply be that they conducted in secret and are

An informed Iranian source, for whom English is his second language, told
OutRage!: "Having said that the authority do not systematically looking for
gays in every corner to find and execute them does not mean that the
authority have changed their opinion or are somehow more gay friendly now."

According to Iranian informants, two, or possibly three, gay men were
executed in prison in the city of Khoramabad without any publicity in the
early part of 2005. [5] 

OutRage!'s sources in Iran acknowledge that in small pockets of the country,
principally in the wealthier parts of Tehran, it is sometimes possible for
same-sex couples to live discretely with each other; albeit with the ever
present danger that they might be exposed and face lethal punishment. In
truth, nowhere in Iran is truly safe. 

To say that some parts of Iran are safer than others for queers in 2006 is
the equivalent of saying that some parts of Germany were safer than others
for Jews in 1935. 

Our Iranian informants are at pains to stress that although gays are not the
number one target of the regime and although there is not a permanent,
systematic, universal witch-hunt of LGBT people in every corner of the
country at all times, this does not mean gays are not at risk. 

Gay and bisexual men can meet in certain parks. They can contact each other
via gay chat rooms on foreign-based gay websites. Private gay parties do
take place in the major cities. 

But this all happens very discretely and is very dangerous. The participants
risk entrapment, arrest, torture and even execution. 

In other words, some gay life exists in Iran but it is underground and
precarious. An OutRage! contact inside the country is adamant (in his own
unedited words, as a second-language English speaker): 

"It [the holding of secret gay parties and so on] does NOT mean that gays
are not executed and killed because of their sexuality. In Iran, everything
depends on which city or which part of the country you are living in, and it
depends on the judges as well. Unfortunately many of gays arrest or killing
are not reported in the media." [6] 

Internet entrapment of gay men 

To catch gay men, the Iranian authorities are increasingly resorting to
entrapment via internet chat rooms. They arrange a date online, turn up at
the agreed rendezvous point, and then arrest and charge the victim. 

This is confirmed by Amir, a 22-year-old gay Iranian from the city of
Shiraz, who was arrested by Iran's morality police. 

Through a Persian translator, Amir gave the US journalist Doug Ireland a
firsthand account of the anti-gay crackdown. 

Ireland wrote it up on his blog:

'Amir set up a meeting with a man he met through a Yahoo gay chat room. When
his date turned out to be a member of the sex police, Amir was arrested and
taken to Intelligence Ministry headquarters, "a very scary place," he says.
"There I denied that I was gay-but they showed me a printout from the chat
room of my messages and my pictures." 

'Then, says Amir, the torture began. "There was a metal chair in the middle
of the room-they put a gas flame under the chair and made me sit on it as
the metal seat got hotter and hotter. They threatened to send me to an army
barracks where all the soldiers were going to rape me. The leader told one
of the other officers to take [a soft drink] bottle and shove it up my ass,
screaming, 'This will teach you not to want any more cock!' I was so afraid
of sitting in that metal chair as it got hotter and hotter that I confessed.
Then they brought out my file and told me that I was a 'famous faggot' in
Shiraz. They beat me up so badly that I passed out and was thrown,
unconscious, into a holding cell. 

'"When I came to, I saw there were several dozen other gay guys in the cell
with me. One of them told me that after they had taken him in, they beat him
and forced him to set up dates with people through chat rooms-and each one
of those people had been arrested; those were the other people in that cell
with me." 

'Eventually tried, Amir was sentenced to 100 lashes. "I passed out before
the 100 lashes were over. When I woke up, my arms and legs were so numb that
I fell over when they picked me up from the platform on which I'd been
lashed. They had told me that if I screamed, they would beat me even
harder-so I was biting my arms so hard, to keep from screaming, that I left
deep teeth wounds in my own arms." 

'After this entrapment and public flogging, Amir's life became unbearable.
He was rousted regularly at his home by the basiji (a para-police made up of
thugs recruited from the criminal classes and the lumpen unemployed) and by
agents of the Office for Promotion of Virtue and Prohibition of Vice, which
represses "moral deviance"-things like boys and girls walking around holding
hands, women not wearing proper Islamic dress and prostitution. 

'Says Amir, "In one of these arrests, Colonel Javanmardi told me that if
they catch me again that I would be put to death, 'just like the boys in
Mashhad.' He said it just like that, very simply, very explicitly. He didn't
mince words. We all know that the boys who were hanged in Mashhad were
gay-the rape charges against them were trumped up, just like the charges of
theft and kidnapping against them. When you get arrested, you are forced by
beatings, torture and threats to confess to crimes you didn't commit. It
happens all the time, and has to friends of mine."

This compelling testimony by Amir to Doug Ireland reveals the widespread use
of internet entrapment, a threat of execution for mere homosexuality, the
torture of gay men to extract false confessions, and the implied admission
by an Iranian colonel that the youths in Mashhad were hanged because of
their sexuality - and not because they raped and kidnapped, as was
officially claimed by the Iranian authorities at the time of their hanging. 

Honour killing of LGBTs 

In the some parts of Iran the risk of death for homosexuality is extremely
high, either at the hands of the security forces or at the hands of the
individual's own family. In the south western province of Khuzestan, from
which Mahmoud and Ayaz came, a gay man is known as a raguuS or "little
dancing boy," a term suggesting effeminacy and sexual passivity. [7] Ewen
Macmillan, an expert on life in the Ahwaz region, says: 

"RawaagiiS (plural of raaguuS) are generally killed in Ahwaz, by the
security forces or by their male kin, in one of three ways: strangulation,
throat-slitting or decapitation. If the homosexual youths are killed by the
security forces, their corpses -- frequently decapitated but accompanied by
their heads -- are left in the street. Their families therefore have a
certain tragic incentive to kill them more humanely and bury them secretly.
In addition, amongst Iran's Arab minority, male relatives of homosexual
youths regard their murder as vindicating the honour of the clan and,
indeed, of their ethnic group as a whole. [Name deleted] said that he knew
of another youth from al-Aamiri [in Ahwaz], who was a raaguuS, and who had
expressed the wish to escape Iran, but who was unfortunately killed before
he was able to do so." [8] 

In some cases a member of one or other of their own families report them to
the authorities, as happened in the case of Mahmoud and Ayaz. 

In Khuzestan, this included an instance where a "mother is alleged to have
found him (her son) and his lover having sex and informed the authorities.
The actions of the mother -- the consequences of which she may at the time
have been unaware -- are alleged to have resulted in the killing of her own
son." [9] 

Another documented case in the same province involved Sayyid RiDa Mussawi.
Just as 'Iyaad Marhuuni used the Persian name Ayaz, RiDa used the Persian
name Shahraam about town. He was not killed by authorities but beheaded by
some his brothers and cousins in 2002 in the city of Ahwaz/Ahvaz. The family
members were arrested but they were later released when the parents of
Shahraam forgave the killers, as permitted under Shari'a Law. Shahraam was
murdered because he became known as a raaguuS and specifically because he
was known as the partner of another gay man, who later fled to Britain. [10]

The level of honour killings varies wildly within the country. In Tehran
they are said to be rare, but in the western provinces, such as Khuzestan,
Luristan and Kurdistan, and in the south eastern province of Baluchistan,
they are said to be much more common. [11] Public lynchings of LGBT people
by the security forces also seem to be largely confined to the rebellious
province of Khuzestan where, as a matter of course, they act outside the
legal system with scarcely any restraint or respect for the local population
(Khuzestan is inhabited by Ahwazi Arabs, who are a severely persecuted
ethnic minority). 

Secret executions in prisons 

In recent times, many executions for Lavaat (sodomy) seem to be have been
conducted inside prisons, rather than in public. These secret executions
take place behind closed doors. They are not publicly notified. The local
population is unaware they have happened. In the period 1979-89, public
executions were much more common. According to a former woman resident of
the city of Mashhad, such hangings "were not a rare event and homosexuals
were regularly killed like that" when she lived there. [12] 

I have uncovered references to a case in 2000 or 2001, where a student was
sentenced to death for Lavaat. As is typical, his execution was not
publicised. Since it was not publicised, if the death sentence was carried
out, it probably took place in prison, not in public. We cannot know for
sure that he was hanged, but since his guilt was clear and he had committed
same-sex acts repeatedly over a long period of time, it seems unlikely that
the sentence was commuted. He was defended by Mr K, who later gave evidence
about this case at UK asylum appeal tribunal. [13] 

According to Mr K's evidence "The student had been sentenced to death
because he had confessed. They had found sperm in his body. There was no way
for him but to confess. He had carried out homosexual acts for a long time
with another student, and his room mate had realised this and reported it to
the people responsible for the dormitories, and they had put the person
under surveillance and entered the room at the time he was arrested. He knew
he would receive the death sentence and he had confessed." [14] 

The Tehran case 

On 14 March 2005 two gay men were sentenced to death for consensual Lavaat
in Tehran. [15] The younger man, a wrestler, confessed that he had shot a
video of them having sex together for the purpose of extortion.
Unfortunately, the wrestler's wife found the video and out of curiosity
played it. In a fury she took it to the Qazis who watched it as well. Both
were arrested brought before the court and sentenced to death. [16] The act
committed was presumably anal sex, which is punishable by death for the
first offence. 

It would appear that only the younger man confessed. Confession by one man
would not automatically lead to the conviction of the other. The older man
was therefore probably convicted through "knowledge of the judge" under
Article 120 of the Penal Code. 

In practice, Lavaat is probably much easier to prove without confession than
some people think, at least in the case of the passive partner. Medical
evidence of penetration may well be sufficient. As we have already heard, 22
year old Amir, from the city of Shiraz, was threatened by the police that if
he was sent for a medical examination and they found penetration he would be
sentenced to death. [17] 

It is not known if or when the sentence in this 14 March case in Tehran was
carried out. Stoning is a possible sentence because the young wrestler was
married, and stoning is the traditional mode of execution for married people
who commit sodomy.

Otherwise, hanging is the normal method of killing 'sodomites.' Although not
as cruel as stoning, it should be born in mind that the way it is carried
out is designed to ensure that the neck is not broken. Instead, death is
induced by slow, painful strangulation. Relatively thin ropes or even wire
are often used to maximise suffering. The knot is placed at the side of the
neck to prolong the agony. [18] We can see from photographs in the case of
Mahmoud and Ayaz that death did not come quickly. [19] The windpipe can take
several minutes to be slowly squeezed shut. [20] 

The Gorgan case 

Another public execution, in November 2005, was in the northern town of
Gorgan near the Caspian Sea. The sole internal Iranian press report read as
follows: "Execution of two criminals:- Gorgan - Kayhan reporter: Sentence of
execution of two people by the name of Mokhtar N and 'Ali A for the crime of
homosexuality (Lavaat) came to be carried out in the Shaheed Bahonar Square,
Gorgan. The criminal records of these two people [included] kidnapping,
knife-wielding, rape (tajaavoz beh 'onf), harassment and fighting. They were
aged 24 and 25 respectively." [21] 

The men were publicly hanged from two cranes. Unlike the Mashhad hangings in
July 2005, photography of the execution was actively discouraged, although a
poor quality picture was sent to the Persian Gay and Lesbian Organisation.
[22] A report by Iran Focus suggested that the reason for the execution was
simply for Lavaat and that the other crimes listed were previous
convictions. [23] 

It was Iran Focus who spotted this small article, which could easily have
been missed. Subsequently Human Rights Watch, who are not fans of Iran
Focus, also suggested that the executions were for consensual homosexual
conduct. [24] 

Amnesty International wrote to the Iranian authorities about the case. As of
early February 2006, four months later, they had received no reply. [25] The
Dutch Foreign Ministry, who have a cordial relationship with their Iranian
counterparts, were given more consideration. The Dutch were assured that the
convictions were not for "homosexual relations" but for "kidnapping, rape
and extortion." [26] It is worth noting that the Kayhan article makes no
mention of extortion in the list of charges. 

The details of the Gorgan case are unclear. The cited string of charges
could refer to past convictions or to convictions at their trial. Moreover,
the article is very badly worded. Either way, this list of charges is all
too familiar in gay cases and needs to be treated with suspicion. 

Paula Ettelbrick, of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights
Commission, said shortly after these executions: "It's clear that a pattern
is emerging in which young men are executed as couples and that the crimes
they allegedly committed always involve some form of sexual assault of
another male." [27] 

The Kermanshah case 

Also in November 2005, three men were hanged in a prison in the city of
Kermanshah. In this case they were accused of kidnapping and rape (tajaavoz)
of a 19 year old. [28] 

For more details about this triple execution, and the executions in the
preceding Gorgan case, see Doug Ireland's expose:

This report from Doug Ireland also includes an interview with Mojtaba, a 27
year old gay man from the city of Shiraz. His partner was arrested and
Motjaba narrowly escaped arrest by fleeing to Turkey. The fate of his
arrested partner is unknown. 

Two cases in Mashhad 

In the city of Mashhad, there have been two relatively recent cases of pairs
of males being executed, at least one of which involved juveniles. Both
instances involved an almost identical string of charges. There is the
hanging of Mahmoud and Ayaz in July 2005. The other case was at the end of
December 2004 and was reported in the Iranian newspaper Kayhan. [29] 

Evidence received from people in Mashhad confirms that the hanged gay
teenagers, Mahmoud 'Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, were lovers, not rapists as the
regime alleges. Moreover, extensive investigations reveal that the regime's
claims against the youths are riddled with inconsistencies, contradictions
and implausibilities. A major investigative report will be released soon,
exposing the fabrications and lies of the Iranian regime concerning these
two executed gay teenagers. 

In both the Mashhad cases, sodomy charges appear to have been embroidered
with additional, non-consensual charges, probably in part to discourage
international condemnation and protests. The authorities presumably reasoned
that there would not be much international sympathy for people executed for
sexual assault. 

As we have seen in each of these different cases, whenever men are executed
for sodomy, the defendants are invariably accused of the kidnap and rape of
a younger male. Such allegations need to be treated with extreme scepticism,
as they tend to follow a suspiciously stereotypical formula.

The tactic of defaming the victims 

This current tactic of adding charges of rape, child abuse and kidnap to the
sodomy charges against gay and bisexual men is in marked contrast to the
early days of the Islamic Republic. In the 1980s, a period when even most
western democracies were avowedly homophobic, there was no need to disguise
the execution of homosexuals. No one gave a damn. Even Amnesty International
ignored the plight of terrorised LGBT people. 

Since the early days of theocratic rule in Iran, much of world has moved on,
with a growing understanding of LGBT people, and an increased revulsion
against homophobic persecution. 

The Iranian dictatorship now realises it is not good PR to execute people
for merely being gay. That risks an international outcry. To pre-empt
condemnation, the Iranians now craftily pin on same-sex lovers additional
charges involving paedophilia, violence and rape. It is a clever tactic that
has hook-winked even some human rights groups. 

There may be a further explanation for the standard Iranian formula of
charges of homosexuality being often accompanied by charges of kidnap and
rape. The regime clearly does not want its people to view same-sex relations
as something a respectable person might engage in with consent. That could
present Lavaat as something desirable and positive, and this might encourage
tolerance - and even curiosity and experimentation. The clerical regime
wants to depict sodomy in the worst possible light to deter and discourage
its practice. To do this, it needs to present gay and lesbian people as
repellent, dangerous individuals. In these circumstances, the mere charge of
Lavaat is not sufficient. To prompt revulsion and support for executions,
homosexuality needs to be associated in the public mind with violence and
child abuse. 

This is a very familiar tactic used by despotic regimes to discredit and
marginalise dissidents. History teaches us that scapegoated and demonised
minorities are often subjected to false smears and slurs, sometimes of a
sexual nature. During the period of segregation in the southern United
States, for example, false charges of rape were often pinned on young black
men, and these charges were then used to justify lynchings or judicial
executions. As we know, the real motive was to punish black men for
consensual interracial sex, while 'saving' the reputation of white women. 

Comparisons with Saudi executions 

As in Iran, it is not uncommon in Saudi Arabia for allegations of sodomy by
force to accompany allegations of consensual sodomy. 

There have been at least two cases of multiple executions of 'sodomites' in
the Saudi city of Abha in recent years - six were beheaded in 2000 and three
were beheaded 2002. In one of these cases we are asked to believe that in a
society where homosexuality is taboo they went round assaulting various
people who apparently knew of and disapproved of their behaviour. In both
these cases, it was claimed they had sodomised young boys in addition to
each other. [30] 

Such claims must be treated with great scepticism. For a start, Saudi Arabia
is a country that makes liberal use of torture to get confessions.
Furthermore, the motive in fabricating stories of 'male rape' or 'child
abuse' by 'sodomites' is almost certainly to neuter any international outcry
over the executions. It is hoped that people in the West will conclude "it
served them right."

The Arak case 

In the city of Arak in Iran, two men were sentenced to death for Lavaat
towards the end of August 2005. [31] Their case seems to have been under
appeal. The rumour that they were due to be executed on 28 August appears to
have been false, as they hadn't even been tried when that rumour first
circulated. [32] It was claimed that they were attracted to another man who
refused their advances. It was further alleged that they abducted this man
and forcibly sodomised him. Some sources within Iran regard this story as
plausible. There was medical evidence used to prove penetration, although
this penetration could, of course, have been consensual. [33] 

Some Iranians are, however, still doubtful and fear that this, too, may be a
trumped up charge. One cause of such suspicions is that the alleged victim
was said to be the son of an officer. [34] Sources suggest the father was an
officer in the regular army, the Artesh. The allegation of forced sex may
have been made to save the family the shame of having a 'sodomite' son. 

No further information has been forthcoming about the Arak case since last
August. We do not know whether these men have been executed or are still on
death row. 

Claims of rape to avoid execution 

Claims of sexual assault by the passive partner are not uncommon in Iranian
sodomy cases, as they know this is their only chance of escaping death. I
recall a case about 15 to 20 years ago (the full details of which I no
longer possess), in which two men who lived with each other were being tried
for sodomy. One claimed that the other man had kept forcing him into sodomy
and doing to him all manner of other same-sex acts, including forcible
fellatio. The other man sat listening to all this impassively, but at one
point said words to the effect: "he was a gay and wanted sex." The mullahs
believed the latter man and they were both sentenced to death and executed. 

Iran's hypocrisy concerning sexual abuse 

It would be a serious mistake to think that the regime is genuinely
concerned about preventing sexual violence and the sexual abuse of children.

The late ruler of Iran, Grand Ayatollah Khomeini, treated lightly the
subject of sex with young girls. He said: 

"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is
still a baby being breastfed. A man, however, is prohibited from having
intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as
for[e]play, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse
with a girl younger than nine years of age has not co[m]mitted a crime, but
only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl,
however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life."
[35] Khomeini himself married his wife, Batul, in 1930 when she was aged ten
and he was 28 [36] 

Rape of both males and females is not uncommon among those held in custody.
Women and girls on death row are often raped by prison guards the night
before the execution to ensure they are not virgins and do not go to
paradise. [37] Sometimes the Mullahs join in with the prison guards. [38] 

Amnesty International has evidence that prisoners are subjected to "various
forms of sexual abuse, including rape of both men and women prisoners. Many
former prisoners interviewed by Amnesty International became so distressed
when asked about sexual abuse that they broke down and could not describe
their experiences." [39] 

Hypocritically, the regime tacitly sanctions this sexual violation of
prisoners. It is a known method of torture, used by the regime to break the
will of detainees and to get them to make confessions to crimes, both real
and imaginary.

It should not, of course, be suggested that such sexual abuse is unique to
Iran or unknown in the supposedly "civilized" West. A gay asylum seeker aged
17, who had fled to Britain in 2002, was repeatedly subjected to sexual
assaults by staff at a UK asylum reception centre. [40] This resulted in
serious mental trauma. 

People of low social status in any country can be abused in this way because
the authorities know they won't be deemed to be credible complainants. Just
as LGBT people are considered worthless by the regime in Iran, so are asylum
seekers in the UK, especially gay asylum seekers. The Home Office views them
with suspicion and contempt. Most are refused refugee status. 

Another unofficially tolerated form of Lavaat (sodomy) occurs in religious
colleges. Iranians tell me that young trainee mullahs will often have sex
with each other in such places, with impunity. The rules of Islam are
apparently for others, not themselves. It is not just the Anglican and
Catholic churches that are full of sexual hypocrisy. 

On this evidence, many of Iran's Islamic judges, the Qazis, who pronounce
sentences of death on sodomites, are likely to have engaged in same-sex

They order the whipping and hanging of men and teenage boys for acts they
have probably done themselves when younger. They are not much different in
this respect from skinhead and other 'queer bashers' who attack obvious
'queers' while having guilt-ridden sex within their own peer group. 

Conclusion: The Islamic Republic of Iran is qualitatively more homophobic
than almost any other state on earth. Its government-promoted and
religious-sanctioned torture and execution of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people marks out Iran as a state acting in defiance of all
agreed international human rights conventions. 


[1] Peter Tatchell in Gay Times October 1995 

[2] Johann Hari in Attitude 20th May 2004 

[3] Amir Taheri 1985 p263 

[4] Letter to Outrage! 04th August 2005 

[5] E-mail from Iran to Outrage! 05th August 2005 

[6] Letter to Outrage! 4th August 2005 

[7] Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 

[8] Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 p18 

[9] Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 

[10] Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 

[11] Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 &
personal communication 

[12] Letter to Pink Paper 1st September 2005 

[13] RM and BB (Homosexuals) Iran CG [2005] UKIAT 00117 p13

[14] RM and BB (Homosexuals) Iran CG [2005] UKIAT 00117 p13 

[15] Ettemaad 1383/12/25 (15th March 2005) [7th article in link]
A7%D8%AF%D8%AB> &Val=????? 

[16] Ettemaad 1383/12/25 (15th March 2005) 

[17] Doug Ireland in Gay City News, 22nd September 2005 

[18] Dr. Hamiz 2004 & Saleha Darani[EMAIL PROTECTED]/iranfem.html
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]/iranfem.html%20> 

[19] Simon Forbes - Place of Martyrdom, April 2006 p3 

[20] Dr. Hamiz 2004 & Saleha Darani 

[21] Kayhan 1384/08/22 (13th November 2005) translated with input from
Bahram Soroush and Hadi Ghaemi

[22] E-mail from Payam Shirazi to Simon Forbes, 22nd January 2006 

[23] Iran Focus 13th November 2005 

[24] Human Rights News, 22nd November 2005

[25] Amnesty International - AI Index: MDE 13/010/2006, 16th February 2006

[26] Letter by Rita Verdonk 5403360/06/DVB, 28th February 2006 p2/5

[27] IGLHRC Press Release 16th November 2005
<> &detail=595 

[28] Iran Newspaper 1384/08/30 (21st November 2005) 

[29] Kayhan 1383/10/12 (1st January 2005) 

[30] Planet Out 14th July 2000; Reuters 01st January 2002; Washington Blade
11th January 2002 

[31] ISNA Markazi 1384/05/25 (15th August 2005) 

ISNA Markazi 1384/06/01(22nd August 2005) 

[32] Samii letter in Michael Petrelis blog 29th August 2005 

[33] Michael Petrelis blog 15th August 2005 

[34] Michael Petrelis blog 15th August 2005 

[35] Khomeini trans Parvin Darabi 

[36] Amir Taheri 1985 pp 89-90 

[37] Dr. Hamiz 2004 & Saleha Darani[EMAIL PROTECTED]/iranfem.html 

[38] Doug Ireland 18th August 2005 

[39] Iran: Briefing (1987, page 10) in Evidence of Ewen Macmillan in asylum
appeal of 'X' 10th June 2004 p24 

[40] HS (Homosexuals: Minors, Risk on Return) Iran [2005] UKAIT 00120, page


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