fo.html> Testimony of Former Al Qaeda Lieutenant in Bosnia

Today, October 25, 2007, 11 hours ago | Ilan Weinglass

On behalf of Darko Trifunovic, I am posting a document containing key
segments from Ali Hamad, a former top lieutenant of Al Qaeda in Bosnia, to
the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The following
excerpt deals with charity fronts which were involved in funding Al Qaeda:

C) Humanitarian organization "Third World Relief Agency" 

The men who had waited and helped me when I had arrived in Zagreb (Croatia)
were employed in this organization, and they were Sudanians. When I had got
to Zagreb, Abu Eyman had immediately recognized me and told me that he had
been called from Bahrain and informed about my arrival, so he had had the
duty to help me. At the beginning of the war the bulk of humanitarian
organizations that have engaged in giving the aid to the BH civilian
population, on the grounds of security, had located their head offices in
Croatia, and this organization was among them. Abu Edmen was its
representative who used to visit Bijelo Buèje by a large truck, that was
filled up with food and many other supplies, that were given us as the aid
for my military unit from that humanitarian organization. In so far as he
has noted that certain food articles were out of use period, he used to tell
me: "Don't consume it, the use period has passed, but transfer it to

D) Humanitarian organization "Al Haramain"

Abu Mohammad, who was injured and temporarily returned to Saudi Arabia for
the hospital treatment, after his recovery went back to BH, but this time
not in the status of Allah's warrior, but as the humanitarian director of
the Travnik office of this organization.

The entire document is uploaded.

_Hamad_testemony.doc> Inserts_from_Ali_Hamad_testemony.doc



Dr Darko Trifunovic

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Security Studies


Some key segments from testimony to the ICTY of Al Hamad former top
lieutenant of Al Qaeda in Bosnia


.."Al-Qaida" has from its foundation become far stronger and more active
than all other Islamic terrorist organizations, because of its enormous
financial capacities. "Al-Qaida" has quickly received a great number of
fighters and other members. Many members of other terrorist groups have
joined "Al-Qaida". Bin Laden has with his intentions gained the support and
help of almost complete Moslem world, the officials of Islam countries -
many of them have clandestinely supported Bin Laden and his organization.
The Egyptian terrorist organization, named "Gama-at el-Djihad al-Islamiya",
supported and welcomed the establishment of "Al-Qaida". It helped to the
highest extent and cooperated with "Al-Qaida". Today one of the heads of
that organization Abu-Ayman al-Zavahiri became the main associates of Bin
Laden and the master-mind of "Al-Qaida". Various terrorist organizations
renewed their mutual relationships and started to collaborate. "Al-Qaida"
showed capabilities and without it many foreign moudjahedins could not have
come to Afghanistan to join the struggle. "Al-Qaida" has soon succeeded to
establish the contacts and cooperation with numerous Islamitic officials.


.."Al-Qaida's" men had not many difficulties and much work to invest in
brain-washing by that sort of people, so they have not troubled much about
them, because they had seen that those BH citizens were of the same opinion.
The described sort of people, i. e. native moudjahedins, are far more
dangerous than the other sort of BHF citizens, who were neither so much
involved in religious rituals, nor the faith was so expressedly present in
their individual lives before the war. Before the joining they had observed
the arrival of foreign moudjahedins during the war who were well-of and well
provided with finances, while in that period many those citizens suffered
from the hard material crisis and the lack of food, and among them the
above-mentioned second sort of Bosnians. For that reason they joined the
moudjahedins, hoping that the moudjahedins satisfy their urgent need for
food and money.


..It means that their association was the consequence of personal interests,
while the foreign moudjahedins misused maliciously their unpleasant
situation, giving them all they needed, but simultaneously they have
dictated their reasoning and instilled their ill terrorist ideas into the
heads of those citizens.


..At the beginning of 1994 two moudjahedins came to Bosnia and Herzegovina
with a new task. I have come to know that those two moudjahedins had been
sent to BH from Saudi Arabia with enormous financial resources in order to
form a new moudjahedin unit, which would be separated from "El Moudjahedin"
detachment, would be placed in the village of ®eljezno Polje, near ®epèe (in
the Middle Bosnia). I was informed that in the wake of the establishment of
that unit El-Zubeir had had several secret meetings with the leaders of "El
Moudjahedin" detachment. At those meetings, Abu el-Zubeir have informed the
leaders of the detachment about the task for which he had been sent and he
cited that the task had been ordered to him in Saudi Arabia, where it had
been approved (such decisions could not possibly be made without the prior
assent and agreement of Ossama bin Laden).


The commanders had finally to reconcile with it, because they were
persuaded, after special check-ups, that the decision had been made by
"Al-Qaida". In that period "El Moudjahid" detachment expanded much and
established in the BH Army. The moudjahedins who had arrived in BH from the
Near and Middle East (Asia) have complained that most of the commanders of
"El Moudjahid" detachment is of African origin (Algeria, Egypt, Sudan). The
bulk of the fighters of that brigade being from the Middle East, they have
rebelled because the moudjahedin brigade had been led according to the
African system/manner, while its founder Bin Laden and almost all its
sponsors originated in Asia.


The new unit was formed under the leadership of Abu el-Zubeir el-Haliliy.
After him there arrived Abu Hajar personally - he was sent to BH to
accomplish one task (opening of the islamic Balkan center in Zenica) for
which he brought enormous money. Abu Hajar resided in Zubeir's unit during
his short visit and got married with a citizen of the BH Federation, whom he
has left when he has returned to wherefrom he arrived. In so far as Bosnians
have demanded so, he has sent them to "El Moudjahedin" detachment, that
received all the interested men with a great pleasure. After the formation
of the Asian moudjahedin unit, Abu el-Zubeir strenghtened its impact in BH,
distributing his soldiers on several locations. Zubeir's unit has got about
130 foreign, mostly Asian moudjahedins for a short time after its
foundation. Both the moudjahedin units, "El Moudjahedin" detachment and
Zubeir's unit, were very pleased with their belonging to the Third corps.


Zubeir's unit had got its own administration for all the civil and military
issues, and has been placed in an evacuated Serbs' house in Zenica. That
Zubeir has had a direct or indirect connection with "Al-Qaida" is documented
by the fact that once he said to me: "I look for you for three days. I need
to talk with you a bit. I carry an important message for you."


I have conjectured, when he mentioned the important message, that the
message was exactly the new decision about my case by "Al-Qaida", for in
that period I have not expected any news from anywhere else but from the
leaders of "Al-Qaida". I have anticipated their response by means of "El
Moudjahedin" detachment. I have reasoned: "It can't be that he is
'Al-Qaida's' messenger and he knows that I'm a member of the damned
'Al-Qaida'?! It seems that I will be imprisoned soon."


He replied: "Abu el-Zubeir has recently arrived in Bosnia. You're maybe
acquainted with him from earlier. He has started to organize a military unit
in ®eljezno Polje, which will be similar to El-Qetiba (i. e. 'El
Moudjahedin'). I inform you that neither you have anything to do with them
anymore nor do they with you. In short, I have looked for you in order to
transmit you the following: you must stay in Bosnia. From now on, you will
be by Abu el-Zubeir in his unit. I have only transmitted the message to you.
You know very well whom the message comes from. It wouldn't be clever to
refuse it too. For that matter, Abu el-Zubeir acknowledges and respects you
much. You will be in no worse position than he."


Through conversation with him, I have witnessed that the heads of
"Al-Qaida", attempting to satisfy my wish for the separation from Abu
el-Harris and also from "El Moudjahedin" detachment, had made the decision
that I should join Zubeir's unit. Therefore, without any explanation, I was
not licensed to go to a battlefield in any other country, which I had
expected from the heads of "Al-Qaida". The number of foreign moudjahedins at
that location began to increase. So, I had to admit joining in the
above-mentioned moudjahedin unit. The refusal of the order without an
acceptable justification would have threatened my life.

The foreign moudjahedins have understood that there is no more justification
neither for the illegal residence in BH, nor for the false statement: "We
have come here to help the Bosnian Moslem movement, that had been attacked
by brutal agression, with the approval of the Christian world, in order that
this country would be cleansed from Moslems." Izetbegoviæ's visit and the
content of their conversation caused worry by the moudjahedins and they were
afraid that the attention of men who had led the state in that period would
be concentrated on them and their illegal presence here after the recovery
from the war. The decision was made that all the foreign moudjahedins who
had not been married in Bosnia should get married immediately with BH
citizens, and then to submit the request to authorized institutions for
acknowledgment of the BH citizenship, because in that period it was enabled
to almost all the foreign moudjahedins that had waged the war within the BH
Army to get a passport. So, the most clever and wise post-Deytonian movement
made by the heads of "El Moudjahedin" detachment (by which they masked their
face and deceived the BH authorities, perhaps even the whole world) was
their decision to invest their enormous financial resources into a legal
trade company, named "Bedr Bosnia", and they were meant for the sponsorship
of the war needs of moudjahedins during the war.




...The new unit was formed under the leadership of Abu el-Zubeir el-Haliliy.
After him there arrived Abu Hajar personally - he was sent to BH to
accomplish one task (opening of the islamic Balkan center in Zenica) for
which he brought enormous money. Abu Hajar resided in Zubeir's unit during
his short visit and got married with a citizen of the BH Federation, whom he
has left when he has returned to wherefrom he arrived. In so far as Bosnians
have demanded so, he has sent them to "El Moudjahedin" detachment, that
received all the interested men with a great pleasure. After the formation
of the Asian moudjahedin unit, Abu el-Zubeir strenghtened its impact in BH,
distributing his soldiers on several locations. Zubeir's unit has got about
130 foreign, mostly Asian moudjahedins for a short time after its
foundation. Both the moudjahedin units, "El Moudjahedin" detachment and
Zubeir's unit, were very pleased with their belonging to the Third corps.

Zubeir's unit had got its own administration for all the civil and military
issues, and has been placed in an evacuated Serbs' house in Zenica. That
Zubeir has had a direct or indirect connection with "Al-Qaida" is documented
by the fact that once he said to me: "I look for you for three days. I need
to talk with you a bit. I carry an important message for you."

I have conjectured, when he mentioned the important message, that the
message was exactly the new decision about my case by "Al-Qaida", for in
that period I have not expected any news from anywhere else but from the
leaders of "Al-Qaida". I have anticipated their response by means of "El
Moudjahedin" detachment. I have reasoned: "It can't be that he is
'Al-Qaida's' messenger and he knows that I'm a member of the damned
'Al-Qaida'?! It seems that I will be imprisoned soon."



Financial support to Al Qaeda members in Bosnia


I have regularly received financial resources from that organization as
expenses for the needed units, and the obtained amounts have oscillated
between 10,000 and 50,000 German marks (7-30,000 USA $), and that was the
money intended as the aid for the civil population of Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Whenever I have received money from the heads of the cited
organization, those heads have provided unfilled bills from somewhere, then
they have filled them as if the money delivered to me were spent for the
benefit of Bosnian civilians, in order that they prove the correctness of
their work by those faked bills. In the area of Travnik, they have regularly
visited my unit in Bijelo Buèje, too, and they took part in several military
operations under my command, in that they surprised me showing their
fighting abilities and experience. They addressed to me manifesting their
longing for struggle. One moudjahedin had operated with the foreign
moudjahedins in BH and then, in a strange way, became the director of the
Travnik office of Kuwaitian humanitarian organization in the period 1992-93.
After the end of the war 1995 he became the director of the Zenica office of
the same organization. Long time after that, Saudian Abid es-Shergiy has
become the director of the Zenica office of the same organization. Abid was
in Afghanistan once upon a time, where he fought together with Bin Laden's
guys, and there we were in the same military unit. In 1995, that is after
the signing of the Deyton agreement, Abid had got at his disposal amounts
that have reached 2 million USA dollars and one hundred German marks. The
cited Abid, with the approval of Abu el-Zubeir, sponsored the departure of
Zubeir's soldiers from BH from that money which stood in his hands. Say, if
130 fighters had got three thousand dollars each, that is approximately
390,000 USA $, and it means that there remains in Abid's safes 1,610,000
dollars more and the whole amount of German marks. All the three cited men
got married with BH citizens.


So called charities and their engagement in supporting and financing Al
Qaeda members in Bosnia


C) Humanitarian organization "Third World Relief Agency"

The men who had waited and helped me when I had arrived in Zagreb (Croatia)
were employed in this organization, and they were Sudanians. When I had got
to Zagreb, Abu Eyman had immediately recognized me and told me that he had
been called from Bahrain and informed about my arrival, so he had had the
duty to help me. At the beginning of the war the bulk of humanitarian
organizations that have engaged in giving the aid to the BH civilian
population, on the grounds of security, had located their head offices in
Croatia, and this organization was among them. Abu Edmen was its
representative who used to visit Bijelo Buèje by a large truck, that was
filled up with food and many other supplies, that were given us as the aid
for my military unit from that humanitarian organization. In so far as he
has noted that certain food articles were out of use period, he used to tell
me: "Don't consume it, the use period has passed, but transfer it to

D) Humanitarian organization "Al Haramain"

Abu Mohammad, who was injured and temporarily returned to Saudi Arabia for
the hospital treatment, after his recovery went back to BH, but this time
not in the status of Allah's warrior, but as the humanitarian director of
the Travnik office of this organization.

E) Humanitarian organization "The High Saudi Committee"

It was deeply involved with moudjahedins. In 1994 Saudian Hussamudin became
the representative of the director of the Zenica office of "HSC", and the
director of this organization was Salih el-Gamidid. For that matter,
Hussamudin was one of the first foreign moudjahedins who came to BH from the
very beginning of the war in 1992, where he performed significant activities
(fighting) along with the foreign moudjahedins who were placed in Te¹anj
(the Middle Bosnia). When he had recovered from wounding, he came back to BH
to occupy a certain new function, which served as a mask, i. e. he became
the director's representative of the Zenica office of "HSC". The members of
the moudjahedin brigade ("El Moudjahedin" detachment), as well as the
members of Zubeir's unit, were not satisfied with the above-mentioned
director of the Zenica office of "HSC", Salih el-Gamidid, for he had
forbidden them to enter the rented house for the humanitarian organization.
The moudjahedins lodged a complaint against Salih el-Gamidid, urging from
the chief director in Zagreb that he gets rid of Salih from the Zenica
office, and to nominate instead Hussamudin. Under very strange
circumstances, the chief director Nasser es-Said accepted that complaint and
fulfilled the demands of the moudjahedins, that is he removed Salih
el-Gamidid at some new job and appointed Hussamudin as the director of the
Zenica office of the same organization. Hussamudin has without any obstacles
and control given a great help in food and money to the members of "El
Moudjahedin" detachment and of Zubeir's unit, and many moudjahedins
transiting BH have passed military and police checkpoints without control,
as if they had been the members of international institution UNHCR. I want
to notice that I was personally given such service by the same organization,
that is by the end of 1994 or at the beginning of 1995 the same organization
employed one of its vehicles with the marks of UNHCR to transport me and
another wounded moudjahedin from BH to Zagreb. But, then they delivered me
travel expenses, too, for I had not got enough financial resources. In 1993
the director of Sarajevo office of "HSC" was Saudian Abu el-Djihad
el-Dossariyda; he was among the first moudjahedins that had arrived in BH
from the very beginning of the war and in that period he was soldier in the
same brigade; thereafter he left BH, and later he returned as a humanitarian
activist, as well as in the status of the director of the Sarajevo office of
"HSC". After the war had finished, the same organization employed several
moudjahedins which operated (fought) in BH within the BH Army during the
war. When Abu Abdel-Azziz left BH, the above-mentioned Ramadan has continued
to operate with moudjahedins, but it did not prevented the leaders of this
organization from employing him in the Zenica office. I, too, have performed
my job in the status of humanitarian worker for several months. Then I put
in charge a vehicle with diplomatic car registrations, and I have often used
vehicles with the car registrations of UNHCR, which enabled me to move
throughout the country without any control in that period. I still possess
the documents, certified by the stamp of "HSC", and with the signature of
the director of the Mostar office, in which is verified that I was an
employee in that organization. In one occasion, Moudjahedin Abu Handala was
arrested in Vitez (the Middle Bosnia, under Croatian control) as a war
captive by Croats. He has complained that Croats abuse him physically and
psychologically every day, claimed that Croats planned to kill him, making
the appeal to the director Nasser to save him. When Abu Handala was freed,
in front of the jail they awaited him in one of the HSC's cars that has
carried the car registrations with the marks of UNHCR. There were an unknown
figure from the BH administration of that time and two or three leaders of
HSC, among them Salih el-Gamidiy, too. When Abu Handala had exited the jail,
they received him and got him back to Sarajevo, where he was liberated on
the same day. The above-mentioned Abid abandoned his position in the
Kuwaitian organization and engaged in HSC in Sarajevo. Therefore, I don't
doubt that the reason for his abandonment of the Kuwaitian organization was
dissatisfaction with the salaries to the amount of 1,000 to 1,500 DEM (700
to 1,000 USA $), while here he has received 7,000 DEM (5,000 USA $) monthly.
The same Abid was sent to Kosovo (Serbian province) during the war crisis in
1999, where he performed his job as the chief director of HSC, that opened
its office there for the sake of help to Kosovo Moslem people.

F) Humanitarian organization "Tayba: ®"

Three humanitarian workers from that organization have often visited us.
But, lately I came to know that one of them was the director of the same
organization. Those three have frequently stood overnight in the house which
resided the soldiers from Zubeir's unit and they have kept tight
relationships with the commander of that unit and his representative.

G) Bahrainian humanitarian organization "Sind el-Infaq el-Harriy"

That organization has not performed any significant humanitarian action in
this area, except for a bit of humanitarian aid that was distributed to the
Bosnian population via the Egyptian humanitarian organization located in
Zenica. That organization has helped the preparation and printing the
islamist literature that was shared among Bosnian people in this area. Among
Zubeir's fighters there was a story that Nasser Lorriy had come to BH within
the scope of his organization. He was a guest in Zubeir's unit. He expressed
the wish to visit the moudjahedins placed in the village of Borovnica (the
Middle Bosnia), expecting the movement towards Serbian village Vozuæa, that
was occupied by moudjahedins in 1994. During his short visit he met Abu
el-Zubeir and Abid several times, and he was always followed by Bahrainian
Abu Ali (the same person who had earlier transmitted to me the "Al-Qaida's"
decision about my case when I had separated from the moudjahedin
administration), which was the member of Zubeir's unit.

H) Bahrainian humanitarian organization "Gemiyet el-Islam"

Some humanitarians came to BH with the aim to give the civilian population
humane aid, but they also were moudjahedins in the guise of humanitarian
workers. I am really astonished when I see those our humanitarians how they
can be furious and dangerous during the battle. Nasser has got the contact
with Egyptian humanitarian organization in Zenica during his sojourn in BH.
When he came to BH, he brought along a great amount of money, from which he
has given a good deal to the main commander of Zubeir's unit as the aid for
that unit from the organization for which he works. He met the commanders of
Zubeir's unit and the above-mentioned three humanitarians from organization
"Tayba: ®" in the moudjahedins' house. After his arrival in BH he has
immediately taken the military uniform and took part in the attack on Vozuæa
with a great pleasure and joy, along with the members of Zubeir's unit.


Saudi Arabia gave support to moudjahedins in BH during the war

In 1993 the foreign moudjahedins, under very strange circumstances, became a
regular and acknowledged light brigade in the composition of the BH Army.
Then, after hard efforts, they could accomplish one really great wish, that
is establishing the links with Saudian Islam and the official who was placed
in Saudi Arabia, by name Mohammad Salih el-Useymin. He has been very
important person, listened to and respected not only by Islamitic people,
but also by all the state authorities of Islamitic countries. His opinions
and words were obeyed to among Moslems worldwide in so high extent that, if
he opposed to "Al-Qaida" and its adherents, and if he announced publicly
that it and its partners are misled and that Islam does not support their
activities, almost all the Moslems would counter to "Al-Qaida". It means
that the above-mentioned Islamitic official was able, by his words only, to
took a significant part in disabling and demarking the actions of

The same Islamitic official accepted the appeal of the moudjahedins from BH
during the war to establish the contact by means of a special telephone line
and that contact endured until the end of the war, that is even after the
resigning of moudjahedins from the BH Army after the conclusion of the
Dayton agreement. The same official gave advices to the moudjahedins and the
best suggestions for resolving their potential problems and for setting the
optimal rules within the brigades. He also gave the complete support to the
BH moudjahedins for all other activities. They have said: "It suffices to us
that our Sheikh Mohammad Salih el-Useymin has confirmed that the Bosnian war
is the holy war (djihad). He has praised and supported moudjahedins, which
he would have never done if they had been bad people and if they fight
hadn't been in the name of Allah." The leaders of "El Moudjahedin"
detachment have made use of that support in the best possible way, keeping
the video- and audio-cassettes in order to prove that they had a contact
with this official and that they enjoyed his full support and confidence,
knowing that those cassettes would bring them more money and more fighters.
Several cassettes were taken away out of the BH territory. Saudian
authorities must have known of those contacts.



The link between Bosnian Muslims authorities and foreign citizen's



Foreign moudjahedins have arrived, according to the "Al-Qaida" scheduled
program, in this area during the war 1992-95, then they were exploited to
murder and slaughter innocent people only for the reason that they do not
belong to the Islamitic confession. They also worked for "Al-Qaida", and
they came here seeking the shelter and in order to make this country a
transit station for their incidents and terrorism. The attack on the USA on
September 11th, 2001, that carried away the lives of about 3,000 innocent
persons, must not be forgotten by the authorities of BH. It should remind
them to eliminate all the persons who had arrived in this area during the
war, and they were actually like-minded with those who hit the USA on
September 11th. The BH authorities of that time gave foreign moudjahedins
the aid, support and shelters in this country, and they enabled them without
interference to propagate their ill and terrorist thoughts among younger
population of BH, by means of printing and distribution of the literature
called Islamitic books, which helped expanding the phenomenon of native
moudjahedins. The BH authorities had made possible to the foreign
moudjahedins to enter the core of the BH armed forces and they had got a
significant influence in the former BH Army.

Also, thereby they have facilitated the entrance of host of the foreign
citizens criminals into the country, whether individually or in groups, who,
misusing the state of war, have engaged in illegal business. A large number
of law fugitives have entered the country, too, for they had known that the
BH authorities in that time had received everyone with welcome and without
any check only if one had declared as moudjahedin and Allah's warrior. If
once those fugitives, criminals and terrorists have found a suitable terrain
and shelter in this country, the relevant institutions should now undertake
the appropriate security measures and clean these areas from their remnants.

A) From the very beginning of their arrival during the war the foreign
moudjahedins have been welcomed, in spite of the fact that their residence
in this country was illegal.

B) The figures who had led Bosnia and Herzegovina have made possible the
organized massive arrival of foreign moudjahedins in the country. That
happened in September, October, November and December 1992, and that on the
basis of the request of the foreign moudjahedins who had earlier come to BH
and organized themselves as a military unit. The BH authorities in that time
have made possible and facilitated the massive arrival of moudjahedins,
awaiting each foreign moudjahedin in Travnik, and have sent them, depending
on individual wishes, in the place where the first moudjahedin camp was
located (Mehuriæi) or where the moudjahedin combative unit resided.

C) In 1993 the moudjahedins succeeded to found their regular and
acknowledged brigade ("El Moudjahedin" detachment), that was included in the
composition of the Seventh corps of the BH Army. The official insertion of
moudjahedins in the BH Army has not made any obstacles to the administration
in that time, that is it permitted the inclusion, giving general Alagiæ
assent to receive moudjahedins in his corps. Why the commander of the Third
corps Sakib Mahmuljin followed him in receiving the same moudjahedin brigade
in his corps, after the emergence of controversies and disagreements between
moudjahedins and general Alagiæ?

D) Since the very arrival of the foreign moudjahedins in BH at the beginning
of the war, general Mehmed Alagiæ have cherished very tight relations with
the BH moudjahedins, and he have arranged several meetings with their
leaders in Mehuriæi.

E) It is the fact that there was a certain connection between the former
head of the Travnik police and Ramadan el-Suriy in 1993. Ramadan obtained a
car without any documents from somewhere, which means that the car had been
stolen. By the same car, Ramadan drove to Travnik, where he met, as Ramadan
says, with his friend, i. e. the police head in Travnik, who worked out for
him, whether as present or for a compensation, all the necessary papers for
that vehicle.

F) The attack on Vozuæa in 1994 was one of the serious mistakes of the BH
authorities, when they allowed the foreign moudjahedins to kill and massacre
Serbian citizens without any constraint, and the leading role in that attack
was played by general Sakib Mahmuljin. Earlier in 1994 the members of the BH
Army had twice tried to conquer Vozuæa, but they had failed, although the
members of Zubeir's unit had taken part in the first attack. Mahmuljin has
prepared the foreign moudjahedins for the attack at both sides of Vozuæa. He
was aware that no one among the members of his corps could not break and
clean Vozuæa, so he sent the African moudjahedins at Vozuæa to find their
death there, giving them the opportunity to murder all the Serbs in that
zone. His plan was that the most blood-thirsty men he had ever seen (the
foreign moudjahedins) should be at the straightforward frontline. The
commanders of "El Moudjahedin" detachment accepted to participate in the
attack on Vozuæa under one condition, and it was that the prime command of
that attack should be under their control, without the interference of
general Sakib Mahmuljin or his officers, i. e. that the moudjahedins should
decide how long the reconnaissance of the terrain before the attack would
last, that all the soldiers should be under their control and domination and
that they should seize all the war trophies, especially armament. It has
been recounted among the moudjahedins that Mahmuljin had agreed with all
those conditions, which meant that from the beginning till the very end of
the attack on Vozuæa the command of the foreign moudjahedins, and not
Mahmuljin's, would be obeyed to. The moudjahedins who took part in that
attack has told that many Serbian soldiers had been killed and massacred.

Before the movement towards Ozren the commanders of "El Moudjahedin"
detachment had installed the checkpoint near Vozuæa with their guys, with
the intention to take away all the war trophies from Vozuæa and Ozren, and
especially they wanted to retain the armament. I saw two trucks covered with
tarpaulin, about which I have later come to know that they had driven away
from Ozren. Those two trucks stopped at the checkpoint for control.

I noticed that blood dropped down one of the trucks. In the other truck,
from which blood also dropped, I observed corpses in military uniforms, but
there were also corpses which were almost naked. Those corpses were thrown
onto one another. I suppose that there were about 20 bodies. I perceived
that almost all the bodies were decapitated, but there were several torn
heads thrown among those corpses. There were located many moudjahedins from
"El Moudjahedin" detachment, but even more Bosniac soldiers.

I and Abu Zubeir have visited Sakib Mahmuljin Sakib Mahmuljin in Zavidoviæi
(the Middle Bosnia) for several times. Ahmed Zuhairi was present during one
of those visits, and three of us met in a separate room. Ahmed asked Bosnian
officer Rekiæ if he possessed mechanical clocks for the activation of
explosive machines. Rekiæ, boasting, showed some sorts of these devices and
told us: "Please, guys, you mustn't say to anyone that I have shown you
these devices!" I think that thereby major Rekiæ has revealed a very
sensitive and confident piece of military information.

G) I have mentioned earlier that in 1993 two Turks had arrived in Bosnia and
they took part in the war within the BH Army under the command of the Third
corps. They were tightly related and regularly linked to the foreign
moudjahedins from "El Moudjahedin" detachment. Their illegal bussiness that
they practised here has demonstrated the opposite of what they have claimed
and has disclosed their true aim about the arrival in BH. They have earned a
lot of money to the detrimen of this country and this people, by means of
smuggling with the Serbian forces located at Vla¹iæ (mountain near Travnik).
The same group has established the trade contact with Serbs, thanks to some
native persons. They have travelled to Vla¹iæ many times, in the presence of
native supporters, where they have bought the enormous amounts of various
sorts of cigarettes from Serbian soldiers and they gained enormous profits,
that attained millions of German marks (or dollars). I should add that in
that period the Moslem police has been located at several places, even on
Vla¹iæ, not very far away from Serbian frontlines, in order to prevent such
smuggling, and Mahmuljin's military police was involved in that action.
Mahmuljin gave Kemal and Handala certificate for the cigarette smuggling,
and in turn he had got a stake from each transported delivery.

H) I have mentioned that in 1995 the members of HVO (Croats) had caught
Ahmed Zuhairi (Abu Handala) in Vitez (the Middle Bosnia), and he was
sentenced to jail. I have also mentioned that Saudian humanitarian
organization HSC had played an important role in his liberation from the
continued serving the sentence, with the strong support of Ejub Ganiæ, the
member of the BH Presidium. In 1995, before his imprisonment in Vitez, Ahmed
Zuhairi had organized a small criminal group, that consisted of several
foreign moudjahedins, but among them were also native people. The gruop
engaged in stealing cars, with the aim to use those stolen vehicles for
performing certain dirty jobs, i. e. in order to hunt and execute
individually the members of international forces in BH, especially Americans
and other foreigners. Ahmed Zuhairi has claimed that the war against Islam
here was not finished, but it just started. Nevertheless, he offered me to
stay, too, saying the following: "We mustn't leave Bosnia. The war has just
begun. It wouldn't be good that Americans come here, and that we leave. It
would be a total loss for Islam and Moslems. We'll fight against them and
hunt them one by one."

In the same year it happened the murder of one citizen of the USA in or near
Tuzla (the North-East Bosnia). The local police suspected Ahmed Zuhairi and
his group to be involved in that murder. They have not caught Ahmed Zuhairi,
although they claim that Zuhairi has driven the car of the murdered American
(he has moved across Bosnia before their eyes). They caught Abu Hisham,
because he was involved in the same murder. He was arrested for three or
four months in Tuzla, and then they have liberated him. Ahmed Zuhairi has
just escaped from BH, for he has got the information that the police decided
to imprison him in 2004. He was accused for the same terrorist act for which
I am sentenced, and left BH under very unusual circumstances. The organizer
of this terrorist act, Ahmed Zuhairi (Abu Handala), had managed to escape
from BH and he was tried in absentia. Ahmed Zuhairi was arrested in Quatar
under the suspicion that he had taken part in the terrorist operations of
Bin Laden's "Al-Qaida". The BH administration during the war and also after
the war has enabled a great number of foreign moudjahedins to get the BH
citizenship under very suspicious, unclear and illegal conditions, which
means that the same government made them possible the permanent residence in
BH. In the wake and after the signing of the Deyton agreement the foreign
moudjahedins have talked that the BH administration has issued citizenship
to all the interested moudjahedins for 1,111 German marks (800 USA dollars),
no matter whether they have possessed proper documents. The interested
moudjahedins have submitted the request for achieving the BH citizenship
(which comprised falsified documents and their translation into the native
language) to the authorized institution by means of the Zenica police. After
about a month the interested persons had got the BH citizenships and
passports, with improper data, and those passports were treated as if they
were regular. In this way many of the foreign moudjahedins, as well as
terrorists linked to terrorist networks, fugitives from the countries where
they had commited crimes, have managed to change their identity,
<outbind://700/#_ftn1> 1 of course, thanks to the BH authorities in that
period. Anyone could disclose that those documents were not correct and were
not faked aptly.

J) The men who had led this country during and after the war enabled the
members of "El Moudjahedin" detachment to propagate among Bosniac people,
especially among younger generation, their ill reasoning and terrorist
education, by means of printing and free distribution of the various
literature with islamic contents. Through such books moudjahedins have
appealed to Bosnian population to accept and endorse Vahabite-Salafian
mezheb (ritual), instilling them impression that they could not be the true
and sincere Moslems until they accept that ritual, which in no way suits the
mentality and customs of the native Moslem people. By means of such,
allegedly, Islamitic books they have propagated the hatred and intollerance,
as well as inimical feelings towards non-Moslem citizens, and exactly that
was the ground for the appearance and expansion of the unwanted sect, that
is native moudjahedins, even after the war. I hold that the authorized
persons have committed catastrophic mistakes when they approved the
moudjahedins to participate in the Islamitic education of Bosnian people. By
editing the books which indirectly claimed that Islam supports violence
towards non-Moslems, they have suggested that Islam prescribe duties to its
followers to love and hate exclusively on confessional basis, i. e. that
they must love only Moslems and hate everyone who is not Moslem; also, that
Islam forbids any cooperation and agreement, even a friendly association,
with non-Moslems. Those books have declared and given the impression to the
readers that Islam and Moslems are heavily attacked by Christians and Jews
through special missions of all sorts, with the predicted goal of
elimination of the Islam confession from the whole world. Such books could
create in many Moslems the inimicity and aversion against adherents of other
religious communities, and induce them to attack them, keeping in mind the
false idea that those attacks were in self-defense.

The author of most of those books was connected with "Al-Qaida" and he was
one of the leaders of the moudjahedin forces in Bihaæ (the Western Bosnia)
during the whole war. After the war he has become one of the managers of the
Boèinja community, until his imprisonment. The strongest proof for that is a
small booklet written by the above-mentioned imam (that is, Islamitic
priest). That booklet frankly speaks about some special mission by
Christians and Jews in order to destroy Islam. That publication in fact
appeals to all the Moslems in this area, having instilled in them the
expression that they are under attack, to defend by any possible means and
to launch counter-attacks.

The troubles that those people caused by propagating their opinions and
religious rituals among the youth are very serious, inducing native people
to accept foreign religious education from the books which the moudjahedins
had published. They announced that the old, traditional religious practice
had not been the proper one and that the natives should renounce it. The BH
authorities has unconsciously made service to the members of the terrorist
network "Al-Qaida" permitting the foreign moudjahedins to found their center
for allegedly Islamitic culture and education, located in Zenica, under the
name Islamitic Balkan Center. It is clear that the center has been intended
for the false Islamitic education of the younger Moslem population. That
center was installed in BH according to the order of the main cell of
"Al-Qaida", for the sake of the indoctrination activities in this country
and propagation of the ill, violent and terrorist attitudes among Bosnian
youth. In other words, the center was, for the public opinion, for the sake
of masking the undercover, intended to the expansion of the Islamitic
religious instruction, while its true aim was to attract younger Bosnian
population for the education, i. e. production of the native moudjahedins,
whom "Al-Qaida" could always exploit for committing the terrorist crimes
here or in the surrounding countries.

The fact that can ultimately corroborate this claim is that the director of
the Islamitic center is Abu el-Hassan el-Mekkiy. I remind that Abu el-Hassan
is the same person who, instead of me, had commanded the moudjahedin
combative brigade in Bijelo Buèje, near Travnik, in 1993. Thereafter he has
become the commander of the moudjahedin training camp in Ora¹je, near
Travnik. In the same camp, while it was under his leadership, the
above-mentioned five captives were imprisoned and ill-treated physically and

The main cell of "Al-Qaida" sponsored the foundation of that cultural center
through its confident man by name Abu Hajar. For that matter, Abu Hajar had
come to Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war and brought with him a large
amount of money by which he supported establishing of that center. Then he
has personally chosen Abu el-Hassan for the director of the center. I remind
that Abu Hajar was one of "Al-Qaida's" guys authorized for the conquering of
younger generations for "Al-Qaida", and for sending them to the training in
appropriate terrorist camps in various countries. Also I have mentioned that
Abu Hajar has arranged several meetings with the leaders of "El Moudjahedin"
detachment during his sojourn in BH. One among the activities that the
cultural center has performed was the printing and distribution of the
so-called Islamitic literature in this area.

K) Algerian Abu el-Mehaliy el-Jezairiy was at the top of the moudjahedin
brigade ("El Moudjahedin" detachment) and awaited the demobilization at that
position. After the signing of the Deyton peace agreement Abu el-Mehaliy had
got the written approval for carrying the personal arms from the Zenica
police, and on this basis he has always brought with himself a pistol,
during the whole his sojourn here. In 1998 that person disappeared from this

L) The figures who has led this country were not satisfied that they gave
moudjahedins all the necessary help and support during the whole damned war,
but continued, even after the Deyton agreement, to enable them to mask and
hide their true moudjahedin look, by means of establishing the trade company
named "Bedr Bosnia", in order to extend their further presence in this area,
acting as tradesmen who manage regular trade business. The foreign
moudjahedins who had arrived in BH during the war, and thereafter joined the
regular and acknowledged brigade within the BH Army, have uniformly received
great amounts of money from certain foreign sponsors, especially from Saudi
Arabia, to be able to carry out illegal activities, e. g. supporting the
illegal residence of Allah's warriors in BH, participation in the war,
sponsoring the establishment of terrorist camps for military and spiritual
education, both for foreign and native moudjahedins, like the moudjahedin
camps which were located in Mehuriæi and Ora¹je, near Travnik. The same
company was intended for attracting young Bosniac population, who has become
the native moudjahedins after spiritual terrorist lectures (brain-washing),
then for providing military devices, documents, as well as for sponsoring
other activities which moudjahedins have practised, like arresting other
moudjahedins, liquidations, kidnapping and taking hostages, liberating the
captivated fighters and so on.

The BH investigation officers in that period should, before they have
enabled moudjahedins to found the above-mentioned firm, have inquired
legality of the capital invested in that enterprise, i. e. they should put
an embargo on that capital until the circumstances under which the
moudjahedins had obtained it have been elucidated, for instance wherefrom
that money was sent, through whom was sent, who is the addresser and
wherefrom he originates, who received the money in BH and where is currently
he who has received the money, but it is most important to investigate why
this money was sent. It is well-known that the international antiterrorist
institutions, within the scope of counter-terrorist struggle, have blocked
several bank accounts with enormous amounts of financial resources, that
belonged to many personalities and institutions, because of the suspicion
that they serve for sponsoring people who are engaged in terrorism anywhere
in the world.






 <outbind://700/#_ftnref1> 1 One of the moudjahedin leaders in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Imad el-Misriy, of Egyptian origin, who had got the BH
citizenship during or after the war, was arrested in BH, then in 2001 he was
extraded to Egypt, where he was sentenced to prison because of a former
criminal act in Egypt. Egyptian authorities asserted that his proper name
was Ussama Faragalla, while in his BH passport, that is regarded as regular,
it is written that his name is Eslam Durmo. Among all the native and foreign
moudjahedins he is well-known as Irad el-Misr. No one could say that he is
the only moudjahedin who have changed his identity by means of obtaining the
BH citizenship. Whom could Mr. Eslam Durmo thank for that illegal service
except to the BH authorities?


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