Re: World Cafe - an appreciative open space communityDear friends and 
I am so thrilled to share this news with you: These days we received the 
fantastic message, that the OpenSpace-Online® Methodology is nominated for "The 
Top 10 Who Are Changing the World of Internet and Politics".
The World E-Government Forum and PoliticsOnline recognizes the Top 10 pioneers, 
organizations and companies having the greatest impact on the way the Internet 
is bringing democracy online. They say, this year marked the toughest year ever 
for the jury in choosing the 20 finalists. Everyone  from all over the world is 
invited to review the 20 finalists at and to 
electronically vote for the Top Politics & Internet World Changer of 2006. The 
winners, those top 10 nominees who receive the most votes, will be invited as 
honored guests to the World E-Government Forum October 18-20, in Paris, 
Please read, how the jury described OpenSpace-Online: "The "do-it-yourself" 
OpenSpace-Online E-Participation Real-Time Methodology is a powerful philosophy 
that has the potential to become one of the most earth shifting Internet 
meeting and conferencing methods in society, politics, education and other 
fields. OpenSpace-Online was developed by Change Facilitator Gabriela Ender and 
her team in Germany (1999-2002). The easy to use innovation enables fast 
collaboration, knowledge-sharing, problem solving and results-oriented dialogs 
about urgent topics for small and large groups in real-time without 'human' 
online moderators. During the virtual-led and structured working process all 
participants are equal. It also bridges value-gaps between online and offline 
collaboration / participation in a wonderful unique way."

I was so surprised, I had no knowledge about this all. I am enthused about the 
nomination, particularly, because this jury looked not only for quantity 
regarding content and usability, but also for quality in terms of value-based 
and results-oriented communication as well as supporting sustainable further 

Reviewing the brief profiles shows that the conferencing method differs very 
clearly from the other finalists, who are mainly political on-line magazines 
and Internet portals or Internet campaigns.The winners will be those Top 10 
nominees who receive the most votes. Some of the nominees have several millions 
users and network members. Do we have a realistic chance to reach the Top 10? 
Knowing that so many miracles are possible - I believe we have a chance.

But we need your help. Please help us to make the impossible possible!

Please forward this news to your contacts or networks and ask for their votes. 
Each voice is so important. Its all about opening more and more spaces for 
selforganization and participation - regardless whether it is online or offline 
- its all about more and more globally consciouness for passion and 
responsibility and for putting the people in the centre. If you have good 
contacts to international press people, please email me: I would like to send them our press release 
very soon. The voting deadline is very close! Thank YOU so much for each vote 
and each support!!!

Click there to review the 20 Finalists and to vote: 
(Only until the end of September)


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