Thanks, Blake -- that was just the inspiration I needed this morning!
I love seeing your face now, when reading your email, after the OSonOS by the Sea.

I'm looking forward to seeing the notes and photos, to catch up on what I missed on the second day. The regional Economic Summit in Portsmouth NH on 9/12 (my reason for missing day two of the OS) was excellent, with a lot of energy in the room, and an OS to follow it up would be perfect. I'll have to talk to the organizers about that idea... I learned from Sue Inches that the primary organizer has experienced OS in the past.

The good energy came from the full house (200 or so people) at the summit, the diversity and energy of those there, and the unity of direction among two governors (NH & ME), one past gov (ME's Angus King), two university (UNH & USM) forecasting economists, and one big picture guy (Neil Pierce of --- yes, 6 men -- all saying essentially the same things about what our region needs, though each had diverse information and references. It was the best use of expertise and data that I've seen in a long while.

The people in the room (Sheraton in Portsmouth) got an hour or so to go into small groups and make comments, give suggestions. The group I was in was very sparky, and the lunch table conversations right after the break-out groups were very in flow -- I think everyone was talking and full of ideas about "what next."

So, it was a "traditional" sort of gathering, but a great start for a process. This region (greater Portsmouth area, three counties) has used Future Searrch, World Cafes, Study Circles -- maybe it's time for OS? :)


Diane Brandon, M.Ed., Coordinator
KEYS Coalition (CWC)
Landmark Hill Community Resource Center
518 Rte One, Box 4, Kittery, ME 03904
Fax: 207-439-8764

On Sep 14, 2006, at 7:22 AM, Blake Mills wrote:

Hello Holger!

Loved the words to that wonderful song and your inquiries.

This morning, in my meditation, this came up and then I opened your email. As you probably already know, Lao Tzu's 81 poems were written about 2,000 years ago. Not sure if it resonates for you, but for me it re-centered me. When I remember, my mantra this year is "I am enough. I have enough. I do enough." I don't always remember.

Tao Teh Ching

By Lao Tzu (Translated by John C.H. Wu)


When the world is in possession of the Tao,
The galloping horses are led to fertilize
    the fields with their droppings.
When the world has become Taoless,
War horses breed themselves on the suburbs.
There is no calamity like not knowing
    what is enough.
There is no evil like covetousness,
Only he who knows what is enough will
    always have enough.

Love and peace,

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