Dear colleagues and friends,
Following my signature, please find the story of the first intentional Open
Space Organization
as I know it. The story is very interwoven with my own story as a human
being. I have learned how linked the values and style of an organization are
to the senior leader's values and style. So, I share learnings about both
through this story. I hope that you find something useful in it for your own
life and work. If you feel inspired to do so, please let me know any
comments you might have at

We learned alot about the Open Space Organization in the years from 1992-95
through our work on a daily basis. I am grateful to have had this experience
while I was a CEO, and could have the experience from the "inside" and can
now take the experience "inside out". I am indebted to all people along the
way who took this learning journey with me and supported me throughout it,
including Harrison Owen who has been a mentor to many of us.

Since that time, I have continued working with the Open Space
Organization--with other organizations in my work as an Organizational
Consultant. We have learned what is duplicable and how. We have learned that
there is no model. I will speak more about that in Parts 3 and 4 of this
story, which should be available within days, assuming no further damage at
this end from  computer viruses.

Birgitt Williams of Dalar International Consultancy
Mentoring for Organizational Effectiveness
Is your organization striving for success? Are you ready to exceed your
expectations? Ask us about our Genuine Contact Program.

See for details

"It is time to lead organizations as though God matters and people are
precious. And in doing so, to be effective in fulfilling the mission of the
Birgitt and Ward Williams - we foster Genuine Contact for higher
The Wesley Urban Ministries Story
 by Birgitt Williams

A story of the first intentional Open Space Organization sustaining itself
as an Open Space Organization from 1992 through 1995

Highlights of Successes in Organizational Effectiveness

Some of the successes achieved as an Open Space Organization in creating
Organizational Effectiveness through an interconnected learning
* Successful positive shift in corporate culture
* Successful shift from problem focus to solution focus throughout the
* Successful change in value systems regarding service delivery resulting in
improved service delivery sustained through a three year period
* Successfully united three diverse, geographically different, physical
locations with three separate staff and volunteer groups into one
organization inclusive of a strategic alliance of support for one another
and maximum use made of resources
* Successful shift in service delivery to twice as many customers without an
increase in staff or financial resources
* The organization received more positive public relations/media attention
than any other service agency in the community during this time
* The organization received a number of awards from the community during
this period including the Award for Organizational Excellence from the
Mayor's Race Relations Committee, the Pinnacle Award for Public Relations,
and the Woman of the Year Award for the CEO

My Mandate as CEO and My Introduction to the Importance of Mentoring

I became the CEO of Wesley Urban Ministries, a non-profit corporation, in
1986.  At the time, it was a multi-service social service with seed funding
from the United Church of Canada, additional funding from federal,
provincial, and local governments, and significant funding that had to be
found from charitable sources annually.  At the time of my departure from
Wesley Urban Ministries in 1995 it continued to be a multi-service social
service but had added a Community Health Center Corporation and a Community
Housing Corporation to it's portfolio. In 1986, the annual operating budget
was $80,000. In 1995, the annual operating budgets were $8,000,000. During
my time there, it was managed as a serious business. It had to be, in order
to grow as it did and to be successful in making a difference in the lives
of individuals within the inner city of Hamilton, Ontario in the way that it

Jack Moore, Chairman of the Board, a man who at that time was in his
mid-70's, hired me.  He told me that during the interview process, I was the
only person that was vibrant with creativity, life, and ideas for the
organization and for these reasons he had stood firm on taking the risk with
me as the CEO.  For the Board, the risk was that I was the first non-clergy
CEO that they had engaged, as well as the fact that I was their first woman
CEO, to say nothing of the fact that I was only 31 years old.  During my
interview process, (please remember that this was a time that was long ago
and we had not made the progress towards women as leaders that we have
achieved today) I had had to justify how I could hold down a full-time job
and be a mother to my four children.  At the time, we had a live-in nanny
and that seemed to satisfy the Board to believe that I could give my best to
both the  organization and my family.

Without saying much more about that, I hope that you can get the picture of
what those times were like for a young, female, CEO.  Throughout my time at
Wesley Urban Ministries, Jack was a good friend to me; he coached and
mentored me. He was one of my many special mentors who assisted me in
developing a real appreciation for the importance of mentoring. One of the
most important lessons of my early days as CEO included setting a fixed time
frame at which I would leave the organization.  We talked about the
importance of knowing that I was building for the organization rather than
building for myself.  He said the best way to do that was to know when I was
going to be leaving the organization, to always have my letter of
resignation in my pocket. The time frame was a total of ten years and no
more, with a review of this and my willingness to leave at five years. Jack
mentored me to be the best CEO I could be. He was relieved to hear that I
wanted to be a CEO for no more than ten years, and that I was focused on a
clear career path to become a business consultant that worked with whole
systems. He was pleased that I had a personal professional goal beyond this

He mentored me to be the best person I could be and to be clear on my values
and principles because he believed that my values and principles as the CEO
would affect the whole organization. And throughout my time, he and other
members of the personnel committee mentored me regarding goals for my life
and career following my time as CEO. Jack Moore, chairperson of the Board,
and later chairpersons Charlie Scott and Joyce Boyd were all mentors and
role models for servant leadership and for principled leadership, long
before these terms came into more frequent use in the business world.

Jack was wise about Board governance.  He had served on many boards in his
time and he said that whatever else I did with my leadership and my
management, I was to be sure that the Board stayed with policy and didn't
interfere with operations and that the staff through me were responsible for
operations.  He said that if I remembered to keep those two separate, I had
my best chance at successful leadership for the organization.  Jack was also
very up front with me about the givens (limits) and the mandate for my job.
He wanted people to be treated fairly.  He also wanted them to perform.  The
organization didn't have the kind of resources to carry situations that were
not being productive.  For him, productive meant to be highly productive on
behalf of our customers, to fulfill our mission for being an organization.

I speak about the mentoring that Jack and others did with me because it was
one of the differences that made a difference. I was among the fortunate few
leaders that was hired for my creativity and inspiration who was given the
freedom to actually use my creativity and inspiration. (I have seen far too
many leaders hired for exactly these qualities and then constrained to such
an extent that they cannot use them.)

A significant aspect of the mentoring was Jack's clarity about the "givens",
the mandate and limits placed upon me, the clarity of what was expected of
me, and the clarity of my relationship with the Board of Directors, the
staff, the volunteers, and our benefactors. With this clarity, I was handed
the gift of clarity for where I could exercise my authority, my creativity,
and my inspiration. I was clear about my accountability and responsibility.

My mandate was as follows: the organization of Wesley Urban Ministries as a
corporate entity, had been birthed only the year before.  Prior to that,
there were three totally separate community centers with three totally
separate mandates, totally separate staff teams, and totally separate
benefactor groups.  He said that historically, none of the three centers got
along with each other and were in great competition with each other for
community resources.  A significant part of my mandate was to bring the
three existing centers into one organization in more than name only.  He
left it up to me to determine what that meant and how I would get there.

The second element of the mandate was to develop and grow the organization
so that it could reach more people in need.  Another part of my mandate was
that I was to take an organization that was focused in a charity model of
'we are the benevolent people giving to you the poor' and transform the
organization to a social justice model.  This required a values and behavior
shift not only amongst the staff, who were operating and benefiting from a
charity model, but a values and behavior shift of the donor base within the
churches that supported us. About 30,000 people were involved with the
organization and it was this entire group that was to be enabled to work
differently with the poor. Churches historically have worked from a charity
rather than a social justice model, at least within North America. They seem
to have shifted to a stronger social justice model in their work in third
world nations (although that might not be the experience of the third world

I understood that the task of organizational transformation of this
magnitude was a mammoth undertaking. I simultaneously was expected to
increase productivity and resources. I naively asked about the finances of
the organization and what finances there were to support me in this work.
Without batting an eye, and in fact looking me right in the eye, Jack told
me that the organization at that time was $35, 000 in debt and that we had a
loan limit at the bank of $50, 000 and enough money for one more payroll.  I
asked him what the plans were for income beyond that.  He said that aside
from the annual donor appeal, which was months away, there were no plans.
Again, I think you can see the challenge with a mandate to bring an
organization together and to help it to grow and evolve without ready
resources to help it do so.  I couldn't have chosen a better training ground
as a CEO.

Jack had a twinkle in his eye. He was experienced enough with over fifty
years of working with organizations to know what the challenge was; he did
not have an answer himself for how this organizational transformation could
take place; and was highly pleased with himself when he saw that I had
understood what was before me and that I was getting more and more committed
to working out how it could be done, rather than feeling sunk by the
magnitude of it.

Jack was very wise in how he handled this.  He told me what my mandate was
and what I was achieve, but made it very clear that he and the Board of
Directors would leave me to figure out how to operationalize things so that
I could achieve the mandate. He knew that I needed the freedom to develop
appropriate structure and processes to get the job done. He said that he
knew that there were many barriers in my way.  He also said that we had many
friends in the community and that there were many resources to be tapped
into if we could find our way.  I was excited by the opportunities.  Through
my innocence or naiveté, even the financial situation didn't deter me.

My first actions were to meet all of the staff, Board, and Standing
Committee members and have separate interviews with them, immediately
followed by meeting with representatives of various agencies and
organizations in the community.  I knew that much of our future success
would depend on relationships and so I set about building them.

Pursuing Knowledge about Organizational Transformation

In my travels in those early weeks, I came across material that spoke of
organizational transformation work that was being done at the automobile
giant, Chrysler and a 1986 book called "Organizational Transformation:
Approaches, Strategies, Theories" that was written by Amir Levy and Merry
Uri (published by Praeger in New York).  At the time, "organizational
transformation" was considered leading edge and ground breaking work with
new words like 'paradigm shift' and 'second order change.'  I knew nothing
about either the theory or practice, but my intuition told me that this was
the path that I needed to explore in order to achieve my mandate at Wesley
Urban Ministries.

So I spoke with Jack about my interest in organizational transformation as
it was being explored within the profession of Organizational Development
and my wish to learn as much as I could about how organizational
transformation could be led.  He and the Board supported my participation in
both a national network that was looking at organizational transformation
and a regional network that met monthly to explore and work together to
achieve change at a community level. Through both groups, the Urban Core
Support Network (Larry Peterson, another Open Space Technology consultant
was our Executive Director) and the Regional Food and Shelter Network, we
learned through reading literature, attending courses, networking, and
mostly through trial and error and sharing our achievements and set-backs.
Specifically at the local level, we cooperated and we competed. Sometimes
our common desire to achieve community change for what we perceived as a
better community drove us to work more collaboratively. Sometimes, our egos,
our differing philosophies and theologies, and our need for additional
monies from the community, drove us to forget collaboration and to compete.
And then we would cycle back to cooperate again.

Highlights of Some of My Life Learnings That Affected My Leadership

My life, my educational background and my work experience prior to my work
at Wesley Urban Ministries affected my ability to work with change,
transformation and chaos. I brought with me life experience that affected me
deeply at the level of what I was passionate about and would spend endless
energy on. All of this informed my worldview. I think it is critical to be
consciously aware of one's worldview. I bring my worldview to everything
that I do, how I perceive and interpret everything, so it is important to me
to know what it is. This is not the place for my life story, but there are
significant happenings and opportunities that I had, that affected the
leadership I brought to Wesley Urban Ministries.

I will tell of  the life learnings here, those that I believe affected my
leadership, as briefly as I can. I was born female.

By the time I was nine years old, I was conscious of myself as a spiritual
being in relationship with God and all of creation. I remember the moment
when I was nine when I committed my life to working to know and serve God. I
made this commitment from my whole being, with all of the commitment and
conviction that a nine year old can make. I knew that people are precious
and usually not treated so. I knew that creation was precious, and usually
not treated so. I knew that our view of God was too limited in relation to
my experience of God. And I knew that I would do my part to change what I
could in relation to how God is viewed, how people and creation are treated.

During my adolescence, I had the opportunity to do volunteer work with the
elderly and with inner city children, those who were very marginalized by
society. I deepened my understanding of the human being, and the
preciousness of every human and I learned a great deal about the devastating
results of prejudice. When I was sixteen, I was selected to attend a
leadership development camp to learn leadership skills, with expectation
that I use the skills at my high school. This was a summer camp run by the
government of the Province of Ontario to develop young leaders.

In university, I majored in psychology and biology, learning as much about
human development as I could. My post graduate work was in clinical
behavioral sciences, specializing in individual, couples, family and then
organizational behavior. I was exposed to the importance of "state of the
organism" and that no theory, model, formula or current knowledge was "The
Answer". Everything seemed to depend on "the state of the organism"
regarding how the organism would respond. Also, during those university
years, I did part time work in the federal prison system, working with
spouses and families of people who had committed serious crimes and received
life sentences. I learned more about family patterns that were very
destructive, and I learned about the apparent unwillingness of humans to
change their lifestyles for something that would likely be healthier, locked
as they were into harmful patterns and behaviors. From my outsider
perspective, it seemed such a simple thing to change. Throughout those
years, I witnessed no apparent change in lifestyles or behaviors of any of
the people I worked with, even those who feared for their very lives. I was
left wondering whether the people I worked with were unwilling to change or
whether I was an inept worker at bringing about change.

My first serious job after university was in the Child Welfare system. At
the age of 21, what I witnessed and experienced in this job is beyond
description of what human beings can do to other human beings. At the time I
worked as an emergency intake and protection worker. I went into homes and
situations that are unspeakable. And yet my biggest learning was that no
matter how bad the family abuses were, they did not feel as bad to me as the
abuses that the judicial and government systems carried out towards the
families. I discerned that systems were significant in keeping people locked
into abusive cycles generation after generation, even for those who were
trying desperately to change for the better. It was the kind of job where a
worker "sank or swam". I looked at it all and at that time, when I was 21,
made a commitment to work with systems, to become an organizational
consultant. I made a commitment to understand systems, and as a consultant
to work with them  with the hope of changing systems for the better.

I knew that it would take hard work to achieve this goal, much more learning
and life experience, and I determined that before I could become an
organizational consultant, I must have experience in management and as a
senior staff person of an organization. I believed that this was necessary
so that I knew at least one or two systems thoroughly from a management
perspective, a case of needing to wear the "leader's moccasins". I did not
want to provide consultation for leaders until I had "walked in their
shoes".  I stayed  in Child Welfare work for ten years, working my way to a
management position. As well as courses in child protection and the law, I
had the opportunity to take management training, training in conflict
resolution, training in communications, and training in mediation.

And then one Friday night, about ten o'clock I received a phone call from an
acquaintance. She had that day become aware of a CEO job with a non-profit
organization and thought I should think about applying. I did. And then I
left my work in Child Welfare to take the senior leadership position at
Wesley Urban Ministries. I brought with me my experience and learning up to
that time. I also brought with me the desire to really know what it was to
be a senior leader and to really know how a senior leader worked with
systems. And I brought with me a passion to do my part to improve the world.

Continued Learning Opportunities to Enhance My Leadership Skills and

Throughout the years, the Board supported a number of personal development
learning journeys for me as I needed to build more skills and more
experience with the next stages of evolution in this breaking field of
organizational transformation work. In the early years, I had the
opportunity to learn more and more about organizational transformation, the
importance of grief work in the transformative cycle, the importance of
story and how to tell stories and use them to bring about change, and the
importance of mythology and archetypes. I also had the opportunity to learn
to use tools like the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and the Enneogram
to assist people to become more aware of themselves and how different
personalities could best work together.I had the opportunity to learn whole
brain Process Facilitation to facilitate the learning process of any group I
was in a leader/teacher role with. I also had the opportunity to be a
consultant and mentor to other non-profit organizations through the United
Way Leadership Development program. Jody Orr, another Open Space Technology
facilitator was the CEO of our United Way at that time. We taught, we
mentored, and we ourselves learned more and more about leadership and

All of this provided valuable information, knowledge, and wisdom for my own
work as a leader of an organization. And yet, even using all of it, I was
unable to lead the organization through the successful transformation that I
had been hired to achieve.

The First Seven Years: To My Dismay, Small Managerial Successes but No
Success With My Mandate

I quickly learned that the amount of change work that was needed at Wesley
Urban Ministries to bring an organization into one cohesive unit and to
bring about a values shift from a charity model to a social justice model
was bigger and more complex than I had imagined. I learned that this change
could not be done by any of the means that I had learned in my previous
management experience and training. The work I had previously had experience
with tended to have linear approaches in which one thing was done, followed
by another and another with goals and measurable objectives clearly set.

I couldn't see following those paths and getting to where we needed to be
quickly. While my greater mandate was for organizational transformation, I
was also responsible to provide a well run business in which we increased
and improved our services and our revenues and resources. I also saw the
pitfalls in attempting to increase our revenues and resources while
simultaneously challenging our donor base to view us and their partnership
differently. There was a great deal of satisfaction amongst our benefactors
within a charity model worldview. The desire to shift to a social justice
model did not stem from them.  And yet, my intuition and instinct urged me
on, full of confidence that we would find a way.

Heading into this, I had no idea how interwoven the different components of
my mandate were and how much one action would affect another action.  I also
had no comprehension of the concept of an open system in the truest sense of
the word.  In those days, most of us were still dealing with systems as
though they were closed systems.  For me, one of the biggest factors was
that many of our benefactors, while it was important for us to increase our
funds, reacted to us by withholding their funds when we shifted towards
working from a social justice model and away from a charity model.

Likewise I didn't understand that the staff in the three separate buildings
were so entrenched in their own separate cultures that they had no incentive
to merge together into one organization.  In fact, they felt that if they
were left alone as three separate entities, the organization wouldn't need
its administration, such as its CEO, and that money could be spent directly
for client services. I had not anticipated that my very function in the
organization was perceived with great hostility. The last significant factor
that I did not understand well enough at the time at the time that I was
working towards my mandate, was the reaction of the customers themselves.

Prior to 1992, from the time of being hired in 1986, I had led a number of
initiatives to attempt to achieve my mandate.  The first of these was to do
as much networking on a personal basis with frontline staff, management
staff, volunteers, donors, and clients and then to create opportunities and
conditions for them to network with each other.

I led the creation of a number of good management practices within the
organization, including having a problem solving worksheet with a method for
proposing solutions so that the organization could be shifted to being
solution focused rather than problem focused. Whenever a problem was
presented to the rest of us, including to management, by anyone in the
organization, it was to be accompanied by an analysis of how the problem had
been thought through, and what solutions the staff person was proposing.

We conducted a needs analysis on the training and development needs of both
the staff and volunteers of the organization.  We put together a strategic
plan that identified mandatory training and development, optional training
and development,  training and development that would be offered internally
to the organization and training and development that we would spend our
training dollars on to external opportunities.  We ensured that training,
development, and ongoing learning were a top priority in our work.

We reorganized the staff into work teams with a team leader that we thought
of as middle management staff.  Besides myself, I created positions for
three other senior managers.  One was responsible for financial management,
one for resource development (inclusive of fund raising), and one for
service delivery.  We developed best practices regarding flow for
communication and clarity of job function and reporting mechanisms.  We
attended to clarity regarding responsibility, accountability, and authority.
We established an annual board, staff, and volunteer retreat so that we
could do planning for the following year for the organization as a

We established a mechanism for monthly staff meetings that involved all of
the staff from all of the organization and any volunteers that wanted to
attend.  I was insistent that every manager meet with his/her staff on an
individual basis at least once every two weeks and to meet with their staff
at least once every two weeks as a group.  For me, our success was heavily
reliant on good relationships and frequent face to face communication.

There were many other things going on in our efforts to create an
organization of excellence. We put a lot of emphasis into our fundraising
and other resource development so that we would have the resources necessary
to follow through on meeting the needs that we were identifying.  I attended
to Board development as much as I attended to staff development, seeing the
role of the CEO as one who offered leadership to both.

Despite the fact that the Board had mandated me to bring the organization
and those associated with the organization to work from a social justice
model rather than a charity model, there were many Board members who were
very committed to a charity model.  As a result, work with Board development
included work to work towards our own collective vision as a social justice
organization.  I brought in external consultants to give the Board a hand in
their development, including moving towards a policy governance model of
governing the organization.

I know that I was an excellent leader and manager and followed all of the
current best practices for management. I was given a lot of feedback and
regular evaluations to confirm this. I had implemented a structure and
mechanisms for the best possible staff communication and support.  Further,
through our annual goal setting, we became an organization that was clear on
its goals and objectives and worked hard to move forward strategically to
achieving them.

However, by 1992 I still had not achieved my mandate.  I still could see no
visible signs that we had shifted from a charity model organization to a
social justice model organization.  I was no closer to bringing the three
organizations within our larger organization into one organizational whole,
despite efforts such as the monthly staff meetings that involved everybody
mingling with one another.  On a daily basis the different centers wanted
nothing to do with each other.  In the words of that time, I was not
effective at bringing about the organizational transformation that I was
after or that the Board of Directors had mandated me to do.  In today's
words, I was not successful in bringing about the change effort that was
desired by the Board.

Those of you who know organizations know that there were probably many more
things going on here than I am noting.  I'll note just one more of those for
the purpose of this story.  The Board itself was very divided.  There were
Board members that were brought on that were very loyal to one of the
geographic centers that we worked out of, and the service that they
provided, but not loyal to the other centers.  Even at the Board level they
competed hard for resources for their special interest.  It was the same
Board members who stated that they wanted a unified organization who in fact
were part of the barrier to creating a unified organization.

One of our centers dealt primarily with the homeless.  There were Board
members, staff members, volunteers, and benefactors who really aligned
themselves with the homeless and wanted nothing to do with the client groups
of our other centers.  Other Board members, staff members, volunteers, and
benefactors wanted to align themselves with the center that was working in
an ethnic community that was working primarily Italian and Portuguese
seniors who were non-English speaking.  They wanted nothing to do with the
other client groups.  Then there were the Board members, staff members,
volunteers, and benefactors who wanted to align themselves with the work of
the third center, which was focused on youth and working with youth
programs.  The youth were youth of refugee families who had come into
Canada.  Likewise, they were so committed to the youth that they wanted
nothing to do with the other centers.  It was clearly an example of "just
because the CEO says so, doesn't mean we are one big happy family."

Organizational transformation had eluded me, despite my best intentions, my
skilled leadership, best practices of the day, a good feedback and
evaluation system, and my enthusiasm and wisdom.

Turning Point Towards Success Through Training in Open Space Technology

In 1992, thanks to a phone call from a colleague that was involved in
exploring organizational transformation, I became aware that Harrison Owen,
creator of Open Space Technology, was conducting his first training session
in Canada.  My colleague urged me to attend and said that what I learned
from Harrison would put a framework around the way that I was managing the
organization and possibly give me some new insights into how to create the
corporate cultural shift that I was after.

I was deeply moved during the Open Space Technology training with Harrison
Owen.  During the four-day program, I felt like I had come home.  The
concepts that he spoke of, the simplicity that he spoke of, and the belief
in the people of the organization to move transformation forward were all
within my own belief system.  Yet, as the CEO of Wesley Urban Ministries I
had been so busy managing and trying to move things forward through my own
initiatives and from my own energy that I had forgotten to rely on what the
people could do to move things forward.  I had not created the space for
them to take their own initiative.  I had thought I had, but in the
reflections that I was doing during the Open Space Technology training, I
realized that there were missing elements.  I was convinced that these
missing elements within Wesley Urban Ministries were the key ingredients for
us to achieve the corporate cultural shift that we were after.

The Open Space Technology training program was a catalyst for me to access
my own deep inner knowledge.  In some ways, I can say that I learned nothing
new because it was all inside of me.  However, it was deeply buried. I
accessed deep inner knowing that I did not know was there. I remembered anew
the importance of intuition and the vast collective wisdom that was present
whenever a group of people were gathered together. I became conscious at a
different level of Spirit present everywhere.

Open Space Technology, as developed by Harrison Owen to that point in time,
was a methodology designed for conducting better, more effective meetings.
You can read about this in Open Space Technology: A Users Guide by Harrison
Owen, publisher Berrett-Koheler, 1997 and in his subsequent books including
Expanding Our Now, 1998.  Basically, Harrison was tired of meetings that
went nowhere.  He realized that all of the energy of a meeting tended to be
during the coffee breaks, or before or after the meetings, when people were
really animated and networking with each other.  The meetings themselves
were much lower energy and creativity was always stifled.  In thinking about
this, he also though about his experiences in a West African village during
his time with the Peace Corps and how that village organized itself.  He
also thought about his studies in Eastern and Western theologies.  Open
Space Technology was the result of how he put all of this together to create
more effective meetings.  By 1992, he had conducted dozens of Open Space
Technology meetings.  By paying attention to particular ingredients, he was
assured that the meetings were always effective.  He had also begun training
others in how to lead Open Space Technology meetings.  They in turn were
going out and conducting their own Open Space Technology meetings with equal

I was deeply interested and impressed. I could see many applications for
Open Space Technology to create better meetings, using the collective
wisdom, working with Spirit.

My Realization That Open Space Technology Could be Used as a Way of Running
an Organization

I also moved beyond seeing Open Space Technology as a means of effective
meetings and thought of the possibilities of using Open Space Technology as
a way of running an organization.

Although I have great interest in meetings that are effective, I am much
more interested in organizational effectiveness.  Organizational
effectiveness for me means an organization that is able to fulfill it's
purpose and mandate, while at the same time being a place that is life
nurturing for it's employees and volunteers.  An effective organization does
not need to sacrifice productivity for the sake of high staff morale, nor
does it need to sacrifice high staff morale for an improved bottom line.  An
effective organization is able to have success with both on a sustained
basis.  I spent several days following the Open Space Technology training
reflecting on my new learning and my remembered learning and determining
what I could do to bring Open Space Technology into Wesley Urban Ministries
on an ongoing basis.  It was my belief that if we used frequent Open Space
Technology, we would increase our solution focus as an organization.  I
believed that we would come together as an organizational whole in ways that
I had not been able to achieve with the previous methods that I had been

In hindsight, the timing could not have been better.  In Ontario, Canada, at
that time, we entered into the full force of a period of economic recession.
Because our client base were the marginalized of society, the number of
people in great need who turned to us for assistance doubled and during the
winter months, tripled.  There was increased pressure on our "no-charge food
store"; increased need of basic food, clothing, and shelter; increased
stresses on individuals and families where they needed to come into any one
of our three centers for counseling help or recreational opportunities to
relieve stress and to develop strategies for coping.  With the recession, we
had a decline in the amount of money that donors were able to give to us,
just when we needed it most.  We also were reduced in our government
funding, as were all social programs.

Immediately following the Open Space Technology training, I entered a period
of deep reflection, a real stepping back from the organization and looking
at it. At the end of my period of reflection, I had come to some
realizations and conclusions.

1) I admitted to myself that all of the management practices that I had been
taught had not brought about the corporate cultural shift I was mandated to
achieve.  I did not have an existing strategy or methodology that would help
me create the shift or the corporate cultural change that I needed to

2) I liked what happened during the course of an Open Space Technology
meeting that brought about real problem solving, real creativity, really
tapping into the wisdom and potential of the individuals that attended as
well as the collective, and fostered high communication, networking, and
productivity.  I wanted to take the risk of bringing Open Space Technology
into Wesley Urban Ministries as the means that I would use to bringing about
the corporate cultural shift of uniting the organization and of shifting it
to a social justice model.  I also realized that I did not know what the
component parts of that would be, nor how to establish goals and objectives
or a direct line strategic plan using Open Space Technology.  What I did
have to go on was that I had a clear idea of my intention for the
organization and the intended outcome.  My intention for the organization
was to achieve the unification of the three separate centers into one
organization so that we could take maximum benefit from all of the resources
we had when we combined them.  I also intended that by bringing the
organization as one unified organization we would have a common story to
tell to our donors and other funders.  It was my intention that by bringing
a unified picture to them, that we could dramatically increase the resources
that were provided for us so that in turn we could do more work and better
work for the client base that we were serving.  I set this as my intention
and my outcome.  I also set for myself the outcome that if I could not
achieve this using Open Space Technology, it was clear to me that I was not
the person to lead this organization through the corporate cultural shift
for it's long term viability.  Here I don't want to forget about the
importance of remembering the board members who were very keen on the move
towards the social justice model had a vision that was not just for the
viability of the organization.  They were very determined that the best way
to work with people in need was to provide opportunities for the people to
access their own power and to be partners with us in the work rather than
being in a position of just receiving from us.  Again, that reminder that
this is similar to what we had already learned in developing countries.  We
learned that the effect of a charity model was devastating to those
countries whereas the effect of working with the people so that they were
building their own skills and economic bases was highly effective.

3) I developed a strategy in which we would conduct our first Open Space
Technology meeting with the broadest possible theme or focusing question.  I
wanted the theme to be  "issues and opportunities for the future of the
organization and the development of a strategic plan".  This meeting was to
include board members, volunteers and staff.  I had a sense that if we used
the broadest possible topic, we would be able to identify what the critical
issues and opportunities were for the organization. At that time, I did not
have a concept of how we would do our follow up work from the topics we
identified at the Open Space Technology meeting. I did not admit this to
anyone, hoping that an idea would come to me. I simply knew that previous
ways of working had not been achieving what I needed to achieve.

4) I wondered if I, at the CEO level of the organization, could be the
facilitator of an Open Space Technology meeting for the organization?  I
realized that in facilitating the meeting, I could not be a participant in
the meeting and add any of my opinions to the content of what came forward.
I really had to examine whether I was prepared to let go of that level of
control.  My conclusion for myself was that it was much more important to me
to see if the organization could bring about it's own transformation than it
was for me to affect the content.  My job was to create the picture of where
we might go and to create the conditions so that the entire group of staff,
board, and volunteers could help us to find the way.  I know that my fellow
managers at the time would have said that I was abdicating my
responsibilities as a CEO.  I thought differently.  I had tried the other
ways and they hadn't worked.  I saw this as exercising my full
responsibility, but very differently.  At the time, I felt like I was taking
a risk.  At the same time I was realizing that it wasn't a risk because I
had no other way that was available to me or that I knew of to go.  In
making my decision that I would be the one to facilitate the meeting, I also
wondered whether the staff and the board and the volunteers could accept
that I could create an environment that was safe enough for them.  I
wondered if there was enough of a respect and trust for me, and I concluded
that there was.  We were an organization that was working very well together
and where there was good camaraderie, despite the fact that the mandate that
I've already talked about was not fulfilled.

5) I also considered whether or not an organization whose structure was a
hierarchical structure, could do more with Open Space Technology than simply
have an Open Space Technology meeting.  Being a hierarchical structure and
having an Open Space Technology meeting seemed to work out just fine because
the meeting was around an issue of concern for the organization and then set
up for action beyond the meeting.  It did not result in organizational
change to a significant degree.  The question for me was "could we be a
highly participative, highly creative, highly productive organization on a
daily basis and be a hierarchical organization?".

My conclusions were that if we were clear about why we had the hierarchy and
what the hierarchy was to function for, we could also be clear about what we
did not need the hierarchy for.  Therefore we could determine where there
was real freedom to act.  I also realized that I was not absolutely clear in
my own mind about the full role of the hierarchical organization.

I knew that our hierarchy was necessary because of the requirement of some
of our funders for critical incident reporting (i.e.if there was an injury
to a child in one of our programs or the death of a homeless person there
was to be a rapid mechanism of notification to the funders and rapid
response on the part of the different layers and responsibilities in our own
organization to take certain actions regarding the critical incident).   The
funders had a very specific role for the CEO and how the CEO was to remain
informed of all critical incidents.  I also knew that we were using the
hierarchical structure to keep intact work teams operating in ways that were
similar to each other. Through these work teams, we provided the mechanism
for rapid communication when needed throughout the organization (this was in
the days before we had the resource of systems wide voicemail or email,
which would have helped that function).  Beyond that, I wasn't really sure
why we had to have the hierarchy. I was sure that we couldn't totally wipe
it out.  This may or may not have been true, but it was what I concluded at
the time.

I was in a position that I have seen several times since with other CEOs.  I
knew that the existing strategies of the times were not going to bring about
the change that this organization needed.  I was faced with the unknown of
where Open Space Technology would lead us, but by this time I was equally
convinced that the root to our organizational health, organizational
effectiveness, and the fulfillment of the mandate I had been given would not
be found by any means except Open Space Technology.

In other words, I was using Open Space Technology because I didn't know
which other way to go and because intuitively, it felt right.  I recognized
within the Open Space Technology meeting that it appeared to be the natural
way that people worked at their highest potential together.  I certainly saw
people accessing their inner greatness.

Birthing the Open Space Organization

So, in 1992 at Wesley Urban Ministries, we conducted our first Open Space
Technology meeting to look at issues and opportunities for the future of the
organization.  It was a two day meeting and was well attended by staff,
Board members, and a number of the organization's volunteers.  We had about
140 people in attendance.  I facilitated the meeting, making it clear in the
opening that by doing so, I was removing myself from input to content in the

As with most Open Space Technology meetings, the closing circle was very
emotional.  People spoke about their commitment to the organization and
their delight in the process.  It was clear that people had networked and
spoken with people they didn't usually didn't have a chance to speak with
nor an interest to speak with.  New linkages were formed.  At this point I
can't remember how many topics were put up, but I do remember some of the
critical ones because they were the ones that we conducted further Open
Space Technology meetings about.  They included addressing: 1) the issue of
affordable housing for people with no income; 2)the issue of health care
that was provided on the streets where people lived instead of at some
clinic that people such as the homeless never attended; 3) communication
within the organization; 4) increasing resources; and 5)advocacy for social
justice. I was pleased with our Open Space Technology meeting and keenly
interested in whether or not we could sustain the new linkages and the
greater level of creativity and communication from the Open Space Technology
meeting into daily organizational life. In other words, was it just a great
meeting, with an emotional closing circle, or would there be lasting results
from the meeting?

The strategy of how to move things forward after the Open Space Technology
meeting was not thought through but seemed to evolve. The logical next step
from my perspective was to hold separate Open Space Technology meetings on
each of the key areas from this first meeting. We conducted these meetings
over the course of the next three months, each meeting lasting about four
hours. This was also a first attempt that I am aware of at conducting such
short Open Space Technology meetings. Harrison, in the training, had said we
needed at least a full day. We just couldn't afford that kind of time on a
frequent basis, if we were to continue doing key meetings using Open Space
Technology. The short meetings worked.

About the third such meeting, I thought that I could skip through the
opening and simply said to the participants to put up their topics, they
knew what to do. A spokesperson stood up and said that this was not
acceptable. The participants told me that although they almost knew the
opening of the Open Space Meeting by heart, it was important for me to do
the full opening every time. They identified that it was not just the words,
but that somehow it felt different for them if the opening was complete.
Because of my studies in energy work, I did not question this. I did not
understand all of the components of the opening of an Open Space Technology
meeting in the same way that I do now after many years and more personal
development. I simply understood that the participants said that it was
important to them, and that was good enough for me. Every four hour meeting
had an opening, two session times, and a closing circle, following the
format that I had been taught by Harrison, but just with less session times.

>From these initial Open Space Technology meeting in 1992 until I left the
organization in 1995, we became the first intentional "Open Space
Organization" that I am aware of. It was pioneering work. We learned a great
deal along the way about what worked, what we needed to pay attention to,
and what needed to be let go of. We took time to reflect about our learning
and to develop a list of what we felt was important in an Open Space
Organization. I will share this list in a minute but first I want to tell
you of some of our results of working in this way. The shift from "having a
series of Open Space Technology meetings" to becoming an intentional Open
Space Organization took place between the fourth and fifth meetings, three
months into the use of frequent Open Space Technology meetings. The shift
took place amidst great anger and upset. When I later discussed this with
Harrison, he called it "Freedom Shock". When I provide you a little later
with the list of the key items that we learned to pay attention to, I will
explain what happened as Freedom Shock.

Our Achievements From 1992-1995 as an Open Space Organization

1) By 1995, we had gained funding for and erected a $12 million housing
complex in the inner city for the homeless and hard to house.  The Open
Space Technology meeting to discuss housing included the people who were in
need of housing.  Open Space Technology meetings to discuss the housing were
conducted within the drop-in center for the homeless and there was one
meeting that was conducted where the homeless gathered in an area outside.
Needless to say, when the housing was erected, it was erected in a way that
directly met the needs of the homeless as identified by the homeless
including meeting the needs of physically disabled persons amongst that

2) By 1994, Wesley Urban Ministries received initial funding for the
development of a community health center with a mandate to service the
people on the streets that might or might not include a physical location.
It was an innovative idea of bringing health services in mobile form where
they were most needed.  In the development of the initial concept of seeking
the resources for the community health center, there was a series of Open
Space Technology and follow-up meetings.  Again, these meetings included the
people who would be receiving the services or people who had most recently
been in similar positions but were now in satisfactory housing.  Once the
funding was announced, the organization was created as an organization in a
series of Open Space Technology meetings to establish what the issues and
opportunities were for operating the community health center.  During the
first Open Space Technology meeting, there was an identification of who was
interested in serving on the first board.  The first board was born during
the first two meetings.

This situation was one in which Wesley Urban Ministries provided the initial
steps to get the community health center moving but then was going to
release it to run as an independent corporation.  One way of providing
support to the organization that was forming was for Wesley Urban Ministries
to hire an executive director on a contract basis to staff the center, to be
a resource to the board and to provide enough support so that the board
could get themselves going.  Once the board was established, it was up to
them whether or not they would have an executive director or whether they
would even use the one that was in on a temporary basis.  In actual fact,
once they decided who they were as an organization, they decided that they
did not want to go with that particular executive director and made a choice
of their own.  It had seemed necessary at the beginning to provide them with
this staff support in order to get the community health center up and
running within the time frame that the funding required.

3) Departments that had been antagonistic towards each other started working
together. The most striking demonstration of this was the relationship of
our fundraising department with all of the other departments. There had been
a number of people in the organization, and this has been my experience with
many social service organizations, that were very interested in service
delivery and were very antagonistic towards the department that was
responsible for fundraising and resource development.  What surprised me was
that some of the people that were the most antagonistic towards the
fundraising department were the ones who not only attended the first
discussion about it (OK that part itself wasn't so surprising because they
actually went there to speak against it) but then they continued with the
discussions beyond the meeting., The discussions were positive rather than
antagonistic. I was surprised that people who had been antagonistic towards
fundraising had come to the realization that they need to give  some of
their energy towards fundraising or else the service delivery just wouldn't
happen.  The staff, Board members, and volunteers in fundraising and the
ones in service delivery didn't become friends overnight and in some cases
animosity continued.  However, they worked together in a way that generated
40% increased revenues in the first year of working together.  This then
plateaued out, but maintained a very steady increase over the next few
years.  This too was surprising because of the period of recession that the
country was in.  Most other social service organizations in our province
were reporting declines in funding during this time.

4) By 1993, the three different geographic locations of Wesley Urban
Ministries were working together co-operatively, supporting each other and
making the best use of collective resources. The mandate I had been given to
bring the organization together as one whole had been achieved. Board,
staff, and volunteers now identified themselves as working with Wesley Urban
Ministries, rather than their previous practice of identifying with a
particular location only. This was most apparent when one location
experienced the need for additional help. People throughout the organization
pitched in and helped, as part of their natural process together.

5) Somehow, at some point in time, in 1993, there was a shift throughout the
organization towards thinking in terms of social justice rather than
charity. I do not recall how it happened or when. I feel as though
overnight, something happened that changed. Volunteers, Board members, and
staff were arranging events and programs that created conditions for
empowerment and challenged any action in the organization that looked like
charity. Not everyone made the shift. Some staff and Board members left. And
some of our donors stopped assisting us. And others came in who were excited
by our philosophy and vision, ensuring the increase and sustainability of
our resources. The motto of the organization, "together we can make a
difference" shifted from words to action. I do know that for years, as the
CEO, I had attempted to hold people accountable to a social justice model
and it just didn't happen, except at the senior staff level and amongst a
rare few Board members, front line staff and volunteers. At some point in
1993, I became aware that I was holding no one actively accountable. I
discovered that they held each other accountable and I had very little
involvement in the shift. I won't say that the part of my mandate to bring
about the shift from a charity model to a social justice model was fully
achieved. I see that as an ongoing process. However, a critical mass of
people within the organization made the shift and the corporate culture
shifted. This shift in the corporate culture was a fulfillment of my initial

6) In 1994, we hired an independent organizational consultant to do an
evaluation of the organization. I do not recall what measurements she used.
I do recall that as well as assessing the knowledge and skills of the Board
members and myself as leaders of the organization, that she used a measure
to see how similarly the Chairperson of the Board and the CEO perceived the
organization, its purpose, its values, and its vision. She provided us with
a report that gave us an excellent rating. She spoke of her surprise at
finding that the Chairperson of the Board and myself had an identical
profile of how we viewed the organization. She said that even by simply
measuring this, she would have known that the organization was healthy. She
said that in her research, this was a prime indicator.

7) The organization received a number of awards from the community in 1995
including the Award for Organizational Excellence from the Mayor's Race
Relations Committee, the Pinnacle Award for Public Relations, and the Woman
of the Year Award for the CEO.

Ingredients of the Open Space Organization

Below, I present a list of what we learned to pay attention to as an Open
Space Organization. We refined this during those three years, actively and
intentionally learning together to capture what worked.

1. The grief cycle at work promoting understanding and tolerance

All staff were introduced to an understanding of the cycle of griefwork and
challenged to view situations within Wesley Urban Ministries from a
perspective that rather than dealing with "resistance to change", we could
be dealing with a person working through the grief cycle. This promoted
understanding and tolerance, and brought a shift towards deferring judgement
about others.

2. Storytelling promoting awareness, collectiveness, empathy, truth

Time was taken at regular intervals, every three months or so, for staff to
tell stories. These were stories of the organization, of their immediate
work in the organization or the larger context. Story telling time was seen
as valuable, with all stories-sads, glads, and mads-being valued. Sometimes
pictures and other artifacts accompanied the story telling. Through the
story telling, we wove a story of a corporate culture that fostered social
justice and valued all people as precious.

3. The story of the organization including purpose, values and vision

We worked to achieve great clarity about our purpose, values and vision
throughout the organization that was understood by all who were involved
with the organization. The purpose, values, and vision were taken into
account during every Policy and Operating decision that was made. All
decisions and actions were upheld to ensure congruity with the purpose,
values and vision.

4. The deep essence, working with what is not seen including Spirit

We realized that much of what we spent our energy on as an organization
especially energy in dealing with conflicts involved attention to behaviors
and actions. As a staff we started talking about a theory that was known as
the "iceberg theory", attesting that most of what was really going on in the
organization was below the level of the visible (behaviors and actions) and
at the levels of emotion, meaning, perception and interpretation. We started
putting more energy to discussing the unseen. Some of this was done by our
discussions about purpose, values and vision. Equally as valuable to
shifting our attention to what we started calling the deeper essence of the
organization was to spend time regularly to discuss our assumptions about
the organization, and about specific areas of work. And we had discussions
about the role of Spirit.

5. Holding as many meetings as possible using Open Space Technology

Every Open Space Technology meeting we held was designed to bring results.
Sometimes key areas were identified that we agreed required further Open
Space Technology meetings. We held an annual two day Open Space Technology
meeting for organization-wide strategic planning, periodic full day Open
Space Technology meetings within different working units, and regular
monthly short four hour Open Space Technology meetings to discuss key items
that had emerged.

6. When holding a meeting that is task focused that is not appropriate for
Open Space Technology, we held the meeting with process and format conducive
to the values inherent in Open Space Technology including sitting in a
circle with no tables, using process facilitation involving whole brain and

7. Recognizing when a meeting was open for participation or was simply to
provide predetermined direction and information.

When providing predetermined direction and information, we were clear that
the meeting was not a participative one and we kept those to a minimum and

8. Working with chaos by learning about it and navigating with it rather
than trying to manage it.

We had discussions within the organization about chaos, about chaos and
change being constant and how to work with it. We started using words like
navigating with change and started to talk about and laugh about the
impossibility of managing change. This affected how we did our planning,
shifting us away from linear goal setting and strategic planning, and
leaving room for new opportunities as they emerged.

9. Formal leadership committed to leading in a different way.

We altered the role of management to one in which we identified management
tasks as those that removed barriers for the job to get done, and one that
ensured that we provided resources for the job to get done. A significant
way of doing this was managing the organization in a way that paralleled the
Open Space Technology meeting, complete with an ongoing bulletin board and
opportunities to attend discussion sessions that could be set by anyone,
based on passion and responsibility. At the Board level, it was essential
that the Board was in a policy governance model.

10. Clarifying "givens" for the organization and clarifying "givens" for
each OST meeting.

This was probably the biggest breakthrough that we had in our journey to
become and then sustain ourselves as an Open Space Organization. After the
third month of Open Space Technology meetings, staff rebelled at the start
of a meeting saying that they did not want any more of these meetings. When
we discussed what the trouble was, amidst a great deal of anger from the
staff, they said that every time they came up with a creative solution at an
Open Space Technology meeting, they felt shut down afterwards by finding out
about some reason why it couldn't be done. Usually the reason was legitimate
and usually I was the one who gave it. I had been unaware of this or the
impact. My intentions were good. It was also apparent that staff were
rebelling against the new responsibilities for solutions in the
organization. This is what Harrison Owen called "freedom shock".

This took us to discussing the "givens" or limits that we worked within as
an organization. We then pared the "givens" down to what truly was a "given"
and all staff, Board and volunteers proceeded with our Open Space Technology
meetings, knowing up front what was and was not doable.

11. Bringing the processes and changes to everyone's awareness

We frequently discussed organizational processes and changes so that we all
paid attention to the organizational whole and how it ran. This enabled us
all to be "keepers of the vision" and to move forward as a collective whole,
each person being given the chance to make his/her personal meaning out of
it all.

12. Organizational lifecycle

We studied and worked with knowledge about organizational lifecycles and
worked intentionally to challenge ourselves to keep ourselves at peak
performance in relation to structure being appropriate to support the spirit
of the organization and of achieving the purpose.

13. Understanding authority, accountability, and responsibility in a
framework of working with energy from passion and responsibility.
We worked from a belief that all people were precious and valuable and that
the wisdom to do what needed to be done was amongst the people involved with
the organization. In doing so, we had discussions about accountability,
authority, and responsibility to ensure that we were clear about these while
simultaneously working with passion and capturing maximum energy to move
things forward without getting in our own way with too many rules.


We sustained ourselves as an Open Space Organization, based on these key
ingredients, from 1992 through 1995. It was an exciting time with a terrific
staff and Board of Directors. We were excited about what could be done by
working differently. My time to leave was quickly approaching. My successor
would soon be hired. I was confident that the organization would remain an
Open Space Organization, with key leadership from senior staff, particularly
our Director of Services, Bill Mackinnon. The sad news is that it did not
remain an Open Space Organization, despite the best efforts of Bill
Mackinnon and the majority of the  staff team. They were handicapped in
doing so by a number of factors, some of which took place prior to my
leaving and some of which took place after my departure.

Prior to my leaving, we accepted a Board member who was not supportive of
the purpose, values and operating style of the organization. We needed a
Treasurer and he had a great reputation. We had wanted him for this specific
skill set and felt that he would not undermine the corporate culture that
the rest of us sustained. Within months, for a number of independent
reasons, all but one of the Executive resigned from the Board of Directors.
A meeting was held at the home of Jack Moore, who was no longer active in
the organization. Remaining key Board members met to determine how to stop
the exit of more Board members.  Our new Treasurer was causing great
turmoil. A strategy of collaboration amongst the remaining Board members was
developed. In hindsight, I wish that there had been more honesty directly
with the Treasurer. Then, through a series of circumstances, this new
Treasurer became Chairperson of the Board. No one else was willing to accept
the position. He had a different idea about how the organization should
operate. He hated Open Space Technology and met with me to tell me that I
did not know how to run an organization. I did not handle this well. Bill
Mackinnon met me in the hallway one day and asked how I could have let this
happen. I reassured him that the healthy way of operating would override one
person who wanted control. Bill saw things differently. He felt that I
should somehow have prevented this person from becoming chairperson.

This new chairperson hired an executive director in keeping with his own
philosophy. Management by control set in and a charity model approach to our
customers was endorsed. Bill Mackinnon and many staff made a valiant effort
over the next two years to ensure that people were valued and solutions were
found. During the two years, many staff left the organization, and finally
Bill too had to leave. The new CEO was taking him through a disciplinary
process with intent to fire him.

What could we have done differently? Probably many things. The one that is
top in my reflections is that it is not good to bring someone into the
organization at a leadership level who is in disagreement with the values
and purpose of the organization. Even one such voice, if strong, can wreak

The good news is that we continue to be proud that we achieved what we did
during those years. The staff who dispersed to other organizations have a
definite influence on those organizations regarding operating differently
for effectiveness. And for me, I learned what I had set out to learn and
have duplicated the Open Space Organization in other organizations and can
share the learning to encourage others to work this way.

The story is not yet over for Wesley Urban Ministries. I am told that the
new CEO has left, the Chairman of the Board resigned, and the Board of
Directors has rehired one of the senior staff who was there during our Open
Space Organization time to lead the organization. There was a period of
destruction and now the chance for a period of rebirth.

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