Mark may be odd (I plead Guilty too) – but he does speak from a place of 
practical engagement. Otherwise known as, “in the trenches.” Not always pretty, 
but definitely where the rubber meets the road…


“Chaos is alive and well and now, fed by resistance, is a different animal for 
facilitators as ill intent looms large. If one's goal as leader is to obstruct, 
defame, ridicule, and act to prevent progress of any kind so as to counter any 
credibility for your co-leaders, then it is impossible.  That is America today 
and it makes honest attempts at system improvement challenging to say the 
least. In any organization the leadership MUST embrace the power of 
collaboration and system improvement.  There are a lot of really well run 
governments where the honest leaders seek to inspire positive improvements, 
continuously.  In the great USofA we have a significant leadership crisis where 
mutually assured self destruction is taking place.”

(Mark Carmel – quoted without permission)


I would guess that we need to keep opening space – wherever, however, about 
whatever… but we sure need some breathing room. The details of “solution” are 
more than any of us can provide, or even contemplate. But we do know how to 
establish the space in which serious, productive conversations can take place. 
And that “conversation” is going to be a big one. Last count… something around 
8 billion participants. Odd, wild, weird? For sure. But we do have the means. 
Will we find the will and the way? Stay tuned!





From: OSList [] On Behalf Of Barry 
Owen via OSList
Sent: Wednesday, January 9, 2019 8:46 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Cc: Barry Owen; Mark Carmel
Subject: Re: [OSList] Report From The Field


Marai thank you for the offering of this video.


It mirrors many of the thoughts swimming around in my head about the seemingly 
incessant "need" for many people to resist and fight when what's most useful is 
the Opening of more space.


If only a sliver of the energy expended on this "warring" over anything and 
everything imaginable were to be directed towards more intentional human to 
human contact, this world be a kinder, gentler, and more forgiving world.


As I witness so many layers of human ugliness manifesting all around us, my 
thoughts always shift to a mantra I've heard from Harrison Owen for years:


Just keep on opening space!




Barry Owen
Real Estate Strategist

CEO/Principal Broker

Pareto Realty, LLC  

The Vital Few

4004 Hillsboro Pike Ste 234-B

Nashville, TN 37215 

Office: 615-502-2080

Connect: 615-568-2123




Inviter - Facilitator/Practicer of Open Space Technology 

Opening & Holding safe space for people and organizations to self-organize 
around important issues and opportunities. 

Invite - Listen - Love

Pareto Realty is a residential real estate sales firm that supports member 
agents in building and growing consistently productive niche businesses as they 
enjoy the healthy life rhythm they want and deserve. 



On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 3:31 PM Marai Kiele via OSList 
<> wrote:

Dear Mark,


I appreciate your flow of energy and appreciation, both for OST and Harrison! 

I am fascinated, hearing about the „at that time“ largest educational 
transformation group and I honour you as someone who has walked the trails of 
OST before me.


At the same time, I notice my resentment in regard to this part of your 


"beware of the evil spirits that seek the status quo at all costs“ and "fortify 
oneself against the forces that WILL seek to undermine change".


I actually don’t live within a paradigm of something like „evil spirits“, and I 
find myself quite „resistant" to changing that world-view. I also don’t believe 
in setting myself up „against“ anything, but instead I believe in focusing on 
what is wanted. For me, this would include honouring those with a different 
perspective on what I desire (which might be change or transformation in regard 
to a specific subject).


I have heard the term, „the client is resistant“ both in therapy and consulting 
contexts, and I notice great discomfort within me towards this kind of label. 


Not mostly, but also from my personal experience of someone giving me that 
„batch of honour". Someone who didn’t understand my perspective and how I was 
actually serving a group with my intervention. It has now happened to me 
several times that someone said to me (sometimes years later): „NOW I get you! 
I thought you were just annoying/resistant, but you were right / actually ahead 
of us with your perspective“.


And.. there are times when I am not at all ahead, but truly resistant to 
change. For example because of different priorities. 


I will never forget the disbelief of the person at the iPhone help desk of my 
mobile phone provider: 


I called to ask how to activate my new iPhone 6. Which had been sitting in my 
desk for OVER A YEAR unused, after I had received the new model. He couldn’t 
believe that I hadn’t activated it right away. I imagine he might have shared 
that story during his coffee break with colleagues and all of them shaking 
their heads or laughing about that strange client.

I just hadn't wanted to let go of my iPhone 3s (until I really had to because I 
couldn’t get software updates anymore). Back then, I so preferred its design. I 
mostly used it to make calls, not for the internet, and it fit so nicely into 
my hand and the back pocket of my jeans… Clearly a criteria that many tech 
savvy people will not find as important at I did!


So the „moral“ of my story: What might be the things that other people value 
which we don’t understand, when we judge them as „resistant“?


I very much appreciate how that perspective is embodied in this short video, 
narrated by Charles Eisenstein: 


What is it like to be you?


Also, isn’t OST based on invitation? And if there is something like „resistance 
to following an invitation“, is it a true invitation in the first place?


(Kudos to Dan Mezick and Mark Sheffield and their book on Inviting Leadership) 


With respect,




Am 08.01.2019 um 02:41 schrieb Mark Carmel via OSList 


Greetings Fellow OST Practitioners!


It is an honor to join you once again.  I met the great Harrison Owen in the 
early 1990's and began immediately facilitating Open Space.  I hope some of you 
remember me.  Guided by Harrison's mentor-ship I set the world record with a 
700 person group in 1993, the largest at the time for an educational 


To my fellow followers of His Honor, Harrison "The GREAT" Owen, THE Inventor of 
the Magic and Miracle of OPEN SPACE, (or the Receiver, from the Great 
Inventor...) I honor you for carrying on His Legacy.  


May I suggest to ALL, that when the Space is Opened to the Spirit of Change, 
you are playing with the fire of the crucible right there, fomenting the ferver 
that IS the crux of CHAOS, and thus bringing out the very, very Good in people, 
and also, sometimes, the bad.  In all your preparations, beware of the evil 
spirits that seek the status quo at all costs, sometimes, literally.  Change 
dies hard, as it is said, and in America, we now live in Retaliation Nation, 
where change, may be, and is, often, met with resistance.  


To fortify oneself against the forces that WILL seek to undermine change (and 
not in an open way, quite the contrary), and undermine the change agents 
championing change, one tidbit of hopefully useful observation is warranted:  
Make SURE Leadership is SOLID!  


It is such a joy to see O.S.T. alive and well.  We ALL have Harrison to thank 
for His Gift of the Spirit of Human Understanding, Peace, and Reconciliation.  
Thank YOU, dear Father Harrison Owen!! 


Cheers!  Long May OST Live!!


O - Open Invitation

S - System Innovation

T - Transformation Communication




Mark Carmel

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