Hi all, 

peparing my next open spaces , i would like to ask you: which tool - beside the 
combination of video-chat and mural/googledocs-like tools - would you recommend 
to do an open space online. Is there an all in one solution, readily prepared 
for online open spaces? I need it for less and for more, than 50 people.

Alexander Schilling
Fon +49 40 32 84 51 16
Mob. +49 177 7531168


> Am 03.04.2020 um 22:29 schrieb Harrison Owen via OSList 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> Exchange... yes. And on that note I might suggest that "getting the whole 
> system in the room" (Marv Weisbord's phrase) is certainly related to the idea 
> of diversity -- but not quite the same thing a my meaning when I described 
> "diversity" as one of the critical five preconditions for self organization. 
> My understanding of diversity may be achieved when "all who care" are there 
> (for the OS). "Caring" is the operative word. Putting it simply: "If you 
> care, you got to be there." "Those who care might include: The whole system, 
> less than the whole system, or more. I've had the experience (as I am sure 
> you have as well, Michael) when total onlookers, just casual observers, 
> suddenly discover that they have an interest, some input -- and actually 
> care. Sometimes they just stand in the doorways, but on occasion they just 
> moved right in and took over -- to the benefit of everybody. Why or how -- 
> who knows??? But they cared! I've seen this happen often enough that I added 
> another little reminder to myself and whomsoever..."Honor the Stranger." They 
> always show up and their gifts can be extravagant. Strangers in out midst is 
> by no means a bad thing.
> Harrison
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: Rolf Schneidereit via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Cc: Michael M Pannwitz <mmpannw...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Fri, Apr 3, 2020 3:24 am
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Meeting of the tribes: Our gifts for crisis and change
> Dear Rolf,
> exchange is what OSLIST thrives on.
> For me, it is (was) THE  worldwide place for reflecting and learning and 
> unfolding about my working and living as an os facilitator... in 
> addition to my regular interaction in local, regional and worldwide 
> OSonOS, including the Stammtische in Berlin (inactive for the duration 
> of physical contact restrictions with the hope that the WOSonOS in 
> Berlin in October of this year will be possible and, of course, 
> Stammtische again...).
> Looking at the 5 or so prerequisites for the unfolding of 
> selforganisation (the center of my craft), I have always looked 
> specifically at "diversity" (or as some say "getting the whole system in 
> the room") and advocated that our os-exchanges would profit from high 
> diversity as far as participants are concerned. I always felt that 
> "diversity" was one of the prerequisites that we have some influence in. 
> For instance, who all we would invite to our events (including OSLIST).
> Looking at that aspect, diversity can be expanded in the same way as we 
> suggest to our clients. Usually, we ask some simple questions in the 
> planning stage of an event, such as "who all needs to be at the event to 
> increase the chance for fullfilling both our aspirations we have around 
> the "burning business issue" and the chance for action on the stuff that 
> we feel needs to be taken?".
> Often, I have found that in answering this question some pretty relevant 
> groups were not in focus, such as "the customer" which, in a school 
> setting, might be the students, in a parish the folks that attend the 
> worships, in a company that specialises on "customer tailored 
> nutritional products" the consumers of those products... or, in an os 
> for the future of an NGO the folks that provide the finances or the 
> government agencies that are needed for cooperation or the competitors 
> in the same or related fields.
> Now, my and the efforts of others to increase "diversity" in "our" 
> events have been only partially successful. Asking ourselves the 
> "diversity" question certainly surface those that should be invited. For 
> an Open Space Learning Exchange or other events we invite to for 
> reflection and learning  etc. that might be:
> --- our clients
> --- children
> --- scholars, scientists, researchers
> --- facilitators of all kinds
> --- caterers
> --- facility managers
> --- event managers in hotels etc. where os events take place
> --- journalists (newspapers, scientific journals, radio, TV, internet...)
> --- non-facilitators that are curious
> --- former participants of os events
> --- writers that have produced works around ost
> ---
> ---
> If we had a planning meeting, this list would certainly be expanded.
> In this spirit, we would help expand time and space for 
> selforganisation... any time, corona, war, hurricanes, climate change, 
> you name it... even in peace and other happy times.
> Apart from expanding on this I presently am participating in efforts in 
> my immediate familiy, our neighborhood, in Berlin and so on, to slow 
> down the spread of Corona to find ways to live with it.
> Personally, I am enjoying some of the side effects of the presently 
> challenging situation: practically no contrails over Berlin with clear 
> skies and many more stars than usual, the reduction of noise (hardly any 
> cars), the enormous unfolding of actions in civil society... in the face 
> of closed schools, limiting contact restrictions, a dearth of protective 
> masks, shortage of toilet paper... what have you.
> Greetings from Berlin and looking forward to analog hugs maybe 
> definitely at the WOSonOS this fall
> mmp
> Am 31.03.2020 um 09:46 schrieb Rolf Schneidereit via OSList:
> > Dear Mates,
> > 
> > would like to get your feedback. I'm wondering: is now the time to 
> > intensify the exchange between tribes like Art of Hosting, Open Space, 
> > Liberating Structures, World Café; Theory U and many others?
> > 
> > With all individual differences - we share extraordinary times. We're 
> > facing an urgent crisis which will cost many lives, we're shure to expect 
> > the next economical crisis and we're amid the fast expanding crisis of the 
> > ecosystem and the climate.
> > 
> > Could it be helpful in this situation if the different streams for 
> > liberation, participation, collective intelligence, deep dialogue and so on 
> > comes together to share their insights, their initiatives, their gifts? How 
> > can we support each other to support the common good and the necessary 
> > transition?
> > 
> > What do you think and sense? I'm going to sent this question to the AoH- 
> > and the OS-List. If this call resonates with you feel free to sent it to 
> > other communities you belong to.
> > 
> > And how?
> > The idea appears after a virtual Open Space. One insight: We can do a 
> > really large gathering online. After that I've offered Lucas Cioffi from 
> > Qiqochat a sponsorship for an online event with up to 300 participants but 
> > he declined: He will offer the use of Qiqochat for such an event for free! 
> > What we can do there (for example):
> > - Check-in (perhaps as Impromptu Networking)
> > - conversation café in small circles (recommendation of Christine Koehler)
> > - Open Space
> > - Harvesting
> > - Check-out
> > 
> > If there is a encouraging feedback the next step will be a first 
> > preparation (zoom) call. Can you imagine to support and host such a call?
> > 
> > Looking forward to your response
> > (or not - following the Law of two feets)
> > 
> > Rolf
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> -- 
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> mmpannw...@gmail.com
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 492 resident Open 
> Space Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 142 countries worldwide
> www.openspaceworldmap.org
> At my publisher you find books and task cards on open space and other 
> treasures, most in German, some in English, some as ebooks, some 
> multilingual
> https://www.westkreuz-verlag.de/de/Kommunikation
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