Whenever it starts is the time it starts, the time when it ends is the time
when it ends, whoever comes seems to be just the right ones I need to meet
or the ones others need to meet, whatever happens is precisely what
happens, where-ever it happens, it will happen outside of my control, and
boy did expecting to be surprised show up with surprise again and again,
my butterfly self kept learning and learning, my bumblebee self kept
dropping in and dropping out all the while experiencing surprise.  Whewwww
Oh, yes, that one less thing to do,   kept leaving, and leaving me free to
just *sit the question.*  Then cam the question,what if I just "sit with I
don't know?"  That one law of freedom to move where I take responsibility
for staying or going just kept me conscious, present for almost 3 whole
days.  Thanks all for meeting in Open Space Technology (life as it is)
surprising me all weekend long.  I feel the ripples spreading faster than
the speed of LIFE - to 8 Billion, throughout LIfe-herself.  Loves, loves,
loves allll.   Skye

*Skye HIrst, PhD*

*Conversations in "Radical Aliveness"*
*Just-in-Time Coaching and Consulting*
Twitter  @autognomics

*"There is no final fact." * Alfred North Whitehead

*"Nature ever flows, stands never still. Motion or change is her mode of
*- Ralph Waldo Emerson*
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