Dear Arantxa,

to me, walking the circle and asking folks to look at the person to their right and to their left and behind themselves (in case there are concentric circles) and across the circle is a simple and effective means of "focusing the group".

This expression "focusing the group" does not mean that I focus on the group or that I focus the group on their issues or tasks but that the group focuses on itself at this moment at the beginning of the os process... it is the first impulse for expanding the space for selforganisation. I call it expanding the space for the forces of selforganisation because I assume that the force of selforganisation is real and existing just as the force of earth magnetism with the difference that it is not necessary to expand space for magnetism.

In groups of ourselves, in our organisations and in our systems it is necessary to expand the space for the force of selforganisation because most of the stuff that goes on in groups, organisations and systems is focused on control.
Control is the main enemy of selforganisation.

This impulse at the beginning always appears to be a natural and pleasant impulse... you will see how folks start smiling. It is the first moment in which they realize that nothing will happen at this event unless they themselves speak up, move, interact, exchange, cooperate, fight, embrace and whatever it needs to eventually come to action.

In my introduction - still walking the circle - I say a few things about the large, varied and valuable amount of experience present within the group in the circle. And keep looking at everyone. If there are 50 folks with an average of perhaps 40 years, I might say something like: "Looking around you see the doors to 50 treasure chests filled with 1855 years of life experience... and centuries of work experience. Each of these treasure chests is filled with vast libraries full of knowledge, experience, dreams, skills, visions. You can go onto a treasure hunt in the next three days opening the doors and opening your own door... give away your treasures and value those of the others."

After that I repeat the Major Theme and start describing the process... still walking the circle and stopping in front of the principles, butterfly and bumble bee, the one Law and the admonition (Be prepared to be surprised!) poste on the walls beyond the circle.

To me, the circle is central not only because it is common to all cultures but also because it is the perfect geometry to see and talk to each other... there is no front, there are no rows... but there is movement exemplified by me walking the circle

When I started with ost back in 1996 I headed the suggestion from Harrison to do it by the book (his book) and after having done that a dozen times my own style evolved (and eventually, after 200 events and trainings) I published a book on "my way".

Wish you a wonderful time for your first os and in case you are in the basque country, invite one of the grand os-facilitators to be part of your team in exchange of being part of his or her team in return...

Greetings and love from Berlin

Am 10.07.2021 um 12:37 schrieb arantxa hergueta bravo via OSList:
> Hi to you all!
> May name is Arantxa. I´m new here, and I´m new in Open Space too. In a
> few days I will facilitate my first OS and to do so I´ve been doing some
> reading and talking with a friend, who knows very well the whole process.
> I´ve got a bunch of doubts, but want to share one specially with you. If
> someone wants to share her/his experience or ideas It´ll be terrific.
> I´ll try to explain it. It´s been years that I don´t write in English,
> so…lets´see!
> My friend has told me, once the “event” promoter has made a
> presentation, he comes from outside the participants circle, invites
> everybody to breathe, look each other and so, and, then, he comes into
> the circle and walks inside it (walks the circle) looking to each of the
> participants in order to greet them. My questions: How do you do it? How
> do you begin? Do you “walk the circle”? Why? How does it make you feel?
> And that´s all for now.
> Thank you very much!!!
> And have a beautiful day!
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