Dear Gunther…..

I am SO SO sorry not to have responded to your lovely email…… 😟 It has just 
re-appeared, now that I have finally managed to tame my Inbox and see what is 
in there !!!!

I’m sure that by now you have been helped by the amazing generosity of the Open 
Space community !

Those who particularly helped me to set up the conversations I was supported in 
holding space for, were primarily Suzanne Daigle and Lucas Cioffi (Mr 

They, and other colleagues are the kindest, most encouraging people you could 
hope to meet and to learn from. If you aren’t already connected, please do 
‘reply to all’ on this email, and they will be there for you, in an instant !!

Phelim McDermott and the wonderful people of Improbable, have also created the 
most amazing online events, to mirror the true essence of the face-to-face 
times that they have held space for.

Needless to say, Harrison Owen always has the most precious wisdom to share. He 
has naturally been involved in all the online versions of Open Space over the 

I with you all the very best in the online Open Space Gunther….




Romy Shovelton

Executive Director
Wikima and the 5* Tyddyn Retreat
Mid Wales Venue & Holiday Cottages
Facebook: Tyddyn Retreat
Twitter: @MidWalesRetreat
Instagram: tyddynretreat
skype: romy shovelton

+44 (0) 7767 370739
+44 (0) 1686 420725

Tyddyn y Pwll, Carno
Caersws, Powys, SY17 5JU

> On 14 Apr 2021, at 17:10, wrote:
> Dear Romy,
> you have been triggering and hosting the nice OST meeting “Open Space in 
> Zoom-Times” on 18th January, in which I had the pleasure of taking part.
> For this meeting you had prepared the Net-basics of OST including agenda, 
> meeting rooms and documentation premises.
> I love Open Space as a facilitator for more than 25 years and I love it best 
> (and up to Covid has started to mix up everything a bit, as the only way) in 
> personal meeting style.
> Up to now I did not have to set up OST in virtual- / Zoom-style. But as said 
> Covid is changing a lot, and so I have to (I don’t want to call it I am 
> forced to) set up an Open Space as facilitator for the last days of April.
> Meanwhile I had also the opportunity  to take part in an introduction /  
> lecture of using MS-Teams for large group (e.g. Open Space) work. The outcome 
> was it has its benefits, but some ingredients of the Open Space, like setting 
> up break out rooms, an environment for butterflies, etc, is not so easy and 
> clear to do.
> So I would rather concentrate on Zoom probably? - as there are no Givens in 
> that respect for the meeting
> Also I will be granted a professional Zoom license by the principal of that 
> meeting.
> Or do you have new insights about pros and cons concerning software tools? 
> So I have a plea:
> Would you please be so kind telling me 
> Where you found which proper information that helped you to set up the 
> OST-meeting of the 18th of January?
> How you created and put in action the OST ingredients like agenda, virtual 
> market place, break out rooms for Zoom-use, and shareable documentation?
> Is there kind of an empty scheme meanwhile for these usual tasks in Open 
> Space, which can be used for a concrete meeting by filling in the concrete 
> contents of a certain Open Space, like date, general invitation and topic, 
> general agenda / time plan, maybe number of break out rooms, and stuff like 
> that?
> I hope I do not ask too much, as I do not want to create too much work for 
> you by these questions, but in the situation of having to try,  any 
> information and maybe additional useful hint is very welcome!
> I hope this plea finds you in good health and without too many problems 
> caused by Covid regulations!
> Yours Gunther
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Dr.Günther G.Morawetz
> Geprüfter Unternehmensberater
> -----------------------------------------------------
> A-5020 Salzburg, Ignaz-Rieder-Kai 7
> TEL +43 662 629017
> FAX +43 662 629017 33
> MOB+43 664 1005152
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