On Friday, 17 August 2018 03:22:48 UTC+2, A Thompson wrote:
> Sorry if everyone knows, but OsmAnd doesn't usually read the 
> favourites.gpx file at startup - the file is more of a backup. To import 
> the file, you can click on it in a file browser and choose OsmAnd in the 
> "Open With" menu if given a choice (for me it just opens immediately).
> I'm sure there's a good reason for this, but it does mean you can't easily 
> sync your favourites between devices just by syncing the favourites.gpx 
> file with SyncThing. 

This seems to be a change. It used to work, you could have on every start 
different favourites inside of Osmand by putting the points inside. 

True to be told, I have not used this method in a long time, it is easier 
either opening gpx files for import or putting these directly in the track 
folder/subfolders and display as needed. For me, the second method (track 
folder) is even easier and more convenient, you can split the files as 
needed, no need to have one big file with everything in it.

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