In contrary of natively calculated routes,
OSMAnd ( other apps usually too) takes GPX route as a simple point sequence.

The is no difference to an off-road outdoor GPX route, just this time points happen to sit on roads.

OSMAnd in gpx-route-following mode ignores road network data from the vector map.
The map just serves as a background.
You could as well use a raster map without any routing data.

OSMAnd has no idea if the GOx route turning is just a curve or a junction/crossroad.Sonit announces every turn.

The exception is, if the GPX is generated with navigation hints by BRouter navigation.
GPX will tell OSMand, where and what to tell.

It even does not tell you to turn, if the turning means staying on the major road( not by traffic to priority, but by road OSM class.)

The easiest way to generate GPX with hints is to use Brouter-web frontend with turned on OSMAnd aware hints in the profile
and download the GPX file.

Dne 8. listopadu 2018 18:49:18 Mike Vanderhoff <> napsal:

I use the application to navigate fun curvy roads on my motorcycle from
preplanned .gpx routes and it works great. The one annoying feature though
that I hope someone can help me with is for every sharp corner it tells me
turn right or left in so many feet when there is no turn it is just a curve
in the road. Is there a way to turn this off as it gets very annoying on
really curvy roads.

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