Hi, I don't understand the routing of OSMAnd. I have the following

D              x           I


I want to drive from O via I to D.
There is a highway connecting D, x and I.
OSMAnd suggests to drive from O to x to I (and back to x and D)
This takes 2 hours and 2 minutes.
Inserting an additional intermediate point on a country road between O and
I gives a much shorter route of only 1 hour and 45 minutes.
This is all with the standard car routing.
Can anybody understand OSMAnds routing here.
I have seen the car profile has "prefer highways" option which can't be
turned off.
How to teach OSMAnd to calculate the shortest (w.r.t time) route?
Many thanks for a hint

If someone wants to try it himself here are the coordinates
D : 50.80729° N, 6.17105° E
I  : 51.22824° N, 7.20733° E
O : 51.16853° N, 7.08233° E
additional intermediate point : 51.20348° N, 7.16982° E
One needs the map of Germany (Nordrhein-Westfalen)

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