Nothing beats the visual analyzator of graphical data representation.

Even if there were all needed data, user would not know, what exactly to search for in the direct navigation to found given location.

Personally, as my general navigation approach , I use location search just to show me the area, and then I choose the point manually, considered the visual data.

It was once said navigation software is much better than if you got lost, but cannot compete with local experts who know local specifics and details, that either are not in data, or is hard to find/use them.

Dne 25. listopadu 2020 15:28:44 john whelan <> napsal:
In Ottawa Canada at Lyon station I wanted to find a route to walk to 60 Cambridge Street.

The station has at least two exits one of which is closer to my destination.

How do I tell OSMAND where to start? Lyon station doesn't work well as the station is underground and I don't want to know a route that takes me on a convoluted journey underground and ignores elevators. I just want instructions from a particular street level exit.

Thanks John

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