On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 09:10:47PM +0100, Harry van der Wolf wrote:
Op ma 15 feb. 2021 om 21:04 schreef Lennart Romberg <

I haven't downloaded any maps. I use online tiles, so I assumed no need to download.
/ Lennart

Osmand is an offline navigation app, so what do you mean with "I use online tiles". I know you can use online tiles for viewing, but I did not know you could use them for navigating.
So which tiles are you using?
And why? The downloaded vector maps are about 10-20% in size compared to using online tiles. That has quite some impact on your wifi and especially on your mobile bandwidth if you use that.

Mr Romberg should look under the OSMAnd menu in the "Download maps" entry, "local" tab.

I suspect he will find that at some point he has downloaded a map, and that the 'last change' date shown likely predates his speed limit changes.

If this is so, then the "updates" tab in the same view will also likely offer to update the downloaded maps, and if he does that update I suspect his speed limit fixes will appear for the roads that he has changed.

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