I have no idea on that question.

On Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 06:17:22AM -0800, 'Ed f' via OsmAnd wrote:
if the voice is coming from google then why the voive of google maps has
always been so much worse than osmands?

Xavier schrieb am Montag, 7. November 2022 um 15:13:38 UTC+1:

One of the prior replies indicated that Osmand uses the Android text to
speech subsystem.

Therefore, the answer to your question of why the voice changed is:

Because Google changed the voice they use as part of the Android OS
text to speech system.

I.e., Osmand does not supply the voice you hear, that voice is built
into Android. If Google changes the voice they use in Android, then
the voice you hear changes.

On Mon, Nov 07, 2022 at 06:09:22AM -0800, 'Ed f' via OsmAnd wrote:
>yes I have found that (even though the path was MUCH different). but that
>is not the voice I heard before. as I can only check it when actually
>navigating it may take a while, as I don't drive every day. I still would
>like to know why the speech in osmand changed. I never changed anything as
>I was very happy with the osmand speech setting from the very beginning
>years ago - which is now gone.

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