Aside from 0.5 removal, the changes are mostly invisible with some minor
exceptions.  From the changes.txt:

   - Removed 0.5 support.
   - Added the --fast-write-pgsql task which uses PostgreSQL COPY commands
   to insert data.
   - Added the CompactTempFile node location store type which allows
   efficient pgsql geometry building for small data sets.
   - All write-pgsql tasks now default to the CompactTempFile node location
   type store instead of in memory.
   - Fixed regression in tar builds to make the launch scripts executable
   - Updated the pgsql schema (now version 5) to add a primary key to the
   relation_members table to allow more efficient updates.
   - Updated apidb support to the latest schema 20100513171259.
   - Updated pgsql dataset bounding box queries to force more efficient
   query plans by disabling inefficient join types.

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:

> Brett,
> Brett Henderson wrote:
>> I haven't created a 0.36 detailed usage page on the wiki yet but will do
>> so before releasing.  There are a few other random goodies in the latest
>> development release that I'd like to release in the near future.
> Will there be significant changes in ordinary Osmosis usage, or is the
> change largely transparent for users?
> Bye
> Frederik
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