I've been working on some API tests, and ran into a case where the
timestamps of objects in a file are not reproduced after loading the file
into the database and fetching it with API calls.

The file contains this node:

<node id="1001" version="1" changeset="1001" lat="1.001" lon="1.001"
user="user_1001" uid="1001" timestamp="2012-10-01T00:00:00Z"/>

I load the file with osmosis into an apidb database and fetch it with the
rails port and get back a node with timestamp="2012-09-30T17:00:00Z"

If I go into the database and SELECT the timestamp column for the node I get

2012-09-30 17:00:00

It looks like osmosis is doing an incorrect time zone conversion.

I'm not sure where to ticket this.

Note: I am in Vancouver, in the PDT timezone.

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