On 29 March 2014 04:33, Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> The Debian package of Osmosis is really old and doesn't work on current
> unstable any more. Since then Osmosis has switched build systems from ant
> to gradle, so we basically have to set up the Debian package build from
> scratch. I think it is important we get Osmosis in a current version back
> into Debian and Ubuntu and want to help get this going.
> Debian doesn't allow getting any binaries from external sources during
> the building process. Build has to be done from scratch and using only
> other Debian packages as dependencies. I have already figured out that
> I can use the Debian "gradle" package and call the gradle from it instead
> of the "gradlew" script. But it downloads a bunch of files from Maven:
> Download
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/5.6/checkstyle-5.6.pom
> Download
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/sonatype/oss/oss-parent/5/oss-parent-5.pom
> Download http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/antlr/antlr/2.7.7/antlr-2.7.7.pom
> ...
> I don't know gradle at all.  Is there a list of those dependencies
> somewhere?
> Any suggestions how to disable all this and tell gradle where to search
> for its
> dependecies locally?

Urgh, building Java projects for Linux distributions is horrible :-)

Here are some tips which might be of use.  Note that I haven't tried
everything below ...

To see a full list of dependencies, from the package sub-directory run the
following command:
gradle dependencies

To locate dependencies from somewhere other than Maven Central you'll need
to modify the top level build.gradle file.
Search for the line that says mavenCentral() and comment it out.
Define a Flat directory repository pointing to a directory containing your
dependency jars.  Some details are on the following page (search for the
heading "Flat directory repository").

That *should* allow gradle to find its artefacts locally.  The flat
directory repository is very simple and should be able to locate jars if
their name matches the name defined in the gradle dependencies.  Other
attributes of dependencies such as version and group shouldn't matter.
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