Spod OSM wrote:
Looking at the OSM data, it does look as if there is missing maxspeed
data on some of the roads involved (but the maxspeed on the major
length of motorway is correctly tagged), but presumably OSRM uses
sensible scaled down defaults, relative to the way type, in that case?

Any suggestions as to how to help to get the public OSRM server to
give more realistic times?

Bear in mind that highway=trunk roads in the UK are often of a lower quality than those in the rest of the world.

OSRM's standard car profile assumes 85km/h for a trunk road. This is not too far off (say) the A1, A14 or A303 in Britain, but evidently not appropriate for the A61.

However, you can't just apply "sensible scaled down defaults" to fix the A61. That would break the parts of the world which have faster trunk roads, including the A1 etc. The correct solution is to add maxspeed tags, traffic lights etc.


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