Thanks for the info.

I'm happy to stay with 4.9.1 for now.

So now I used the release binaries to run extract on my pbf file.

I tried on windows10 and windows2008 server R2.

On windows I have VS2015 installed.

But on 2008 Server R2 I had to install the 2015 C++ runtime.

Both crash within seconds and as far as I can see the faulting module is

It outputs ' found 3 exceptions to turn restrictions'
motor car
motor vehicle

Then crashes

It looks like a lot of people have a problem with ucrtbase.dll but I found
nothing conclusive.

So I'm not sure where to go from here.

Any ideas as to what to try next?

Do I need to have lua installed for any reason?

Thanks for any info.

*John Aherne*

* <>*
020 7223 7567
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