Two similar via-points-related questions I'd like to hear people's opinions on. I realise that out-of-the-box OSRM might not be able to solve these efficiently, but I'd be interested to hear ideas how one might build a plugin (or other code) to solve these.

1. Sometimes users of plan routes with a _lot_ of via points, e.g. . Often, many of these via points are unnecessary: for example, the route from 'via 13' to 'via 15' would pass through 'via 14' anyway.

I'd like to add an option to eliminate these unnecessary points. I could do a fairly naive implementation, repeatedly routing between each pair and eliminating those which aren't necessary, but wonder if there's a smarter way of doing it.

2. Often people ask for a way to upload routes (e.g. in GPX or KML format, perhaps created with another routing website). This would be cool if the resulting routes were editable.

In other words, for a given polyline, reconstruct the via points necessary for (an approximation of) that polyline.

Strava built something like this the other year: . I can't get it to work, but the "divide and conquer" principle I guess is basically analogous to Douglas-Peucker: find a route from (start) to (end), find the polyline point furthest from the generated route, add a via there, and repeat until no points are more than n metres from the route.

Again, I could probably hack a naive implementation together, but wonder if there's a smarter way to do it!

Any ideas welcome. These could be fun challenges but I'd just like to get some second opinions before embarking on them...


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