Thank You Frédéric for this interesting idea.

I guess land usage is a database stored information by default ?

Do you have any testing results that ensure duration is then close to reality 
or at least to Google Maps ? 

Before i consider integrating your code, do You know which parameters are to 
check in the profiles in order to be sure that a MINIMUM realistic 
configuration is done ?
In other words, knowing that my starting point is OSRM 5.3.0 with standard .lua 
profiles, is there any specific settings to check in order to be sure that all 
possible parameters are taken into account ( penalties, road lanes, etc..)


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Frédéric Rodrigo [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 30 août 2017 11:54
À : Mailing list to discuss Project OSRM <>; Richard 
Saba <>
Objet : Re: [OSRM-talk] Travel duration not realistic

Le 30/08/2017 à 11:17, Richard Saba a écrit :
> Hi,
> When computing a route and its duration between two points in a big 
> city, duration result is not realistic.
> In Paris for example, a straight road of 1km takes less than 1 mn to 
> be crossed.
> Google maps, proposes 5 mn which is more close to reality values.
> Beside taking into account real time traffic info, could you please 
> help setting a solution to enhance those results ?
> If I well understood, I have to try different values for tags like 
> speed, maxspeed, penalties etc...
> Is there anyone who already did some tests for this topic ?
> Which tag to modify first, especially in the example I provided ?
> Is there any influence for data, like roads attributes ? Example, 
> maxspeed for motorways is set in the profile but some motorways have 
> different speed.
> So I wonder if OSM data includes such information and if osrm takes 
> this into account.

It is the problem with OSM about traffic realistic speed. OSM it self does not 
have the data. Mapbox use telemetric traffic data to improve the result. But 
this kind of data are not openly available.
On my side I choose to use density of the area to adjust the speed, code is 
available on contrib:
(I have the port for v5.11.0 ready at home).


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