
As mentionned in the mail title, OSRM 5.14.3 is defining kilometers long
ways as small which are seen with a purple casing in the debug view.
I read this view may be buggy, and I don't see those ways in small layer of
standard osrm-frontend.

Nevertheless, osrm-routed won't use the path, despite it has a really good
speed and rate.
My profile was written from scratch, I can't publish it actually and I'm
not allowed to publish a data extract (part of my client dataset)

Furthermore, I have similar ways, with same weight, rate and speed which
aren't seen as small and used by the routing engine really well.

Here are the properties I get from process_way lua function :
forward_mode = 3 (mode.walking)
format_access = nil (both routable and not routable ways, should I have
another value here?)
weight = -1
rate = 5
speed = 45 (prefered path use rate=0.6 + speed = 0.1 ways)

Is there any additionnal value I should watch to find why OSRM says I have
small elements ?

Any input is welcome regarding this issue, all the best

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