Hi Martin,

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 05:07:04PM +0200, Martin Schmidl wrote:
> Hi,
> In a project of mine I am using OSM data from a city for 7 different years.
> Recent data from 2020 acts as the reference. I want to see how different
> changes in the data will affect the routing for quality reasons (e.g: If i
> used data from 2014 today, will my route be better or worse?).
> For this I am using OSRM on the 2020 data to get a reference route. I
> planned to check if the same route is possible in the older datasets from
> 2014 to 2019 (if the same route isn't possible, I am computing the route to
> the destination). I already tried to use some of the values from the
> reference route, however many values (like node IDs or locations) change
> over the different datasets and i can't really compare them to the original
> reference route. Maybe someone has already done something similar and can
> tell me what parameters were used from the routing result, i would really
> appreciate that.

I am doing route QA since 2013 on an hourly basis for a small part of
Germany. So i check whether predefined nodes (~1000) are still reachable
and if route distance and time have changed.
If it changes from dataset now() to now()-1 Hour i get an email
noting the routes which have changed.
I grouped the nodes into "clusters" which is more or less one
community/town/city so my any-2-any matrix does not get too large. Still
its about 60K routes every hour.

I have all routes or better the full OSRM result in a database and the
full geometry.

By this i try to find mapping errors of motorways, junctions etc on the 
high priority street network.

Mails contain a link which overlays both routes to a map e.g.:


Green is current and red is historic route. This was caused by a change
at "Jahnplatz" which is now closed for 2 years for construction.
If you click on the routes it shows distance and time.

This change caused about 400 routes to change because its an important

Most of the work is finding and maintaining the nodes. The cost/distance
of the network changes all the time so you have small changes here and
there. Sometimes you have nodes which have multiple paths which are
exactly the same time (Its fastest route - not shortest) so you have
flapping routes which you can only eliminate be disabling nodes in your

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de
        UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away

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