
On 26.08.20 03:29, Alex Valencia wrote:
>   So I was thinking if there is a proper way to achieve this goal. We
> are considering separating the matrix calculation over the map in a
> separate function and feeding it with a decorated version of the
> original map where we can remove these regions on the fly prior to the
> calculation. But I'm also not sure if this is a realistic way either.

The only routing package I know that does polygonal avoid areas out of
the box is OpenRouteService which internally is powered by a modified
version of GraphHopper. However, only the simple route request supports
avoid areas, not the matrix request, and it's only available if you use
basic A*.

Using avoid areas with Contraction Hierarchies is impossible unless the
avoid areas are baked into the graph (i.e. known at graph building
time). If your avoid areas *are* known at graph building time then
actually removing edges from the OSM data (or doing so while reading it
into OSRM) is certainly option that gives you the fastest routing speed.

If you want to use OSRM, and if you want to use dynamic avoid areas,
then this *might* be possible with a MLD routing graph which has the
option of changing the weighting of certain edges without re-generating
the graph; this was implemented to allow for live traffic (search for
"osrm traffic" and you'll find some stuff about it, using
osrm-customize). However this still requires you to identify the edges
you wish to cut off (by giving them a zero rating), and it is only
possible globally and not on a per-request basis (unlike
OpenRouteService which lets you set avoid areas per-request).

If you have a number of pre-defined avoid areas and want to determine
dynamically which of these should be avoided then it might be possible
to abuse a feature that was built to avoid certain road classes (i.e.
avoid motorways, avoid ferries); potentially you could use that to
define a specific road class for all roads in your avoid area A, a
different class for avoid area B etc., and then make a routing request
that "avoids class A". This feature is documented here


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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