Having a hard time with this one. I am getting my alerts to fire, and can
test with ossec-logtest. Problem is that I seem to only be getting "some"
of the alerts via email.



Here is an entry in the alerts.log file:

** Alert 1361392871.5814: - local,syslog,importantgroup
2013 Feb 20 20:41:11 ossecSRV->/var/log/auth.log
Rule: 101022 (level 6) -> 'sudo shell execution'
Feb 20 20:41:10 ossecSRV sudo: appuser : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/appuser ;
USER=jack ; COMMAND=/bin/bash

I had been getting email to the "importantgroup" alias, but no longer.

Any ideas on how I can debug this email not heppening? It is maddening, and
all the debug and verbose logtest stuff just shows me the alert fires. I
know that already :(




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