hello ossec fellows,


i'm struggling with the json syslog_output filter. The are some "kind of"
json format, but logstash is not able

to decode the message right away. 


example json outputs in kibana4:

windows alert: http://pastebin.com/2n4jsJYS

linux alert: http://pastebin.com/UPAUq9pB 



yes, i've tried all recent grok-filters to watch the alerts.log and
ossec.log with logstash directly, but as soon i forward

windows event logs, this is a pure nightmare to build proper regex.


Therefore i really like the idea with forwarding them through the
syslog_ouput json filter and on the other

side to use logstash native udp input - which is working perfectly fine!



I'm really wondering, that i couldn't find any recent ossec configuration
for latest logstash 1.5.0_1 release.



It would be an amazing help to have a permanent, working ossec syslog
forwarding solution. I'm pretty

Sure a lot of people are looking fort hat - in the wonderful new world of
threat analytics  with ELK ;-)



Thanks for any hints!


Kind Regards,




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