I was also wondering if interrupts in OSv are handler in a way similar to Linux 
or FreeBSD?

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 5, 2017, at 08:49, Waldek Kozaczuk <jwkozac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nadav,
> I agree that I should focus on getting VMBUS driver ported and making OSv 
> boot on hyper/V with ramdisk.
> Also with yours and Avi's help I got most of the compilation errors fixed ( I 
> am down to under 150 lines of errors :-).
> Anyway there are still some outstanding questions/issues I need help with:
> The biggest issue is related to setting up VMBUS interrupt handler which does 
> not seem to be compatible with how OSv drivers do it; I wonder if that part 
> of freebsd code needs to converted to some OSv constructs like interrupt 
> subclasses (processor::inter_processor_interrupt, 
> processor::gsi_edge_interrupt or processor::gsi_level_interrupt); am I on the 
> right track?; Here are the links to the relevant part of the code
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/b97c056b464e28a4b8f1ff68c4b947109c08f20e/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.cc#L128
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/b97c056b464e28a4b8f1ff68c4b947109c08f20e/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.cc#L875-L924
> interrupt handle part1 in assembly code 
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/b97c056b464e28a4b8f1ff68c4b947109c08f20e/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/amd64/vmbus_vector.S#L34-L46
> interrupt handler part 2 - 
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/b97c056b464e28a4b8f1ff68c4b947109c08f20e/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.cc#L667-L689
> pause_sbt does not exist - I wonder what the equivalent in OSv is - 
> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/7a5edbcf70144666ddbbd33f6890fe2ad265ff09/sys/kern/kern_synch.c#L301-L334
> what would be the equivalent of - callout_reset_sbt_curcpu 
> (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/7a5edbcf70144666ddbbd33f6890fe2ad265ff09/sys/sys/callout.h#L107)
> Should I port taskqueue_create_fast() and taskqueue_start_threads_cpuset() 
> from freebsd add them to the set of similar functions in 
> bsd/sys/sys/taskqueue.h?
> lapic_ipi_free and lapic_ipi_alloc doe not exist in OSv but I think they are 
> used to allocate/free interrupt handlers in OSv so somehow in OSv it would 
> have to be done differently
> Most of the relevant code that has the issues I am describing above is in 
> these 3 files (all other files in vmbus subdirectory compile at least):
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/hyper_v/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.cc
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/hyper_v/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_chan.cc
> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/blob/hyper_v/bsd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/amd64/vmbus_vector.S
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Waldek
>> On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 5:07:22 AM UTC-4, Nadav Har'El wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Avi Kivity <a...@scylladb.com> wrote:
>>> On 04/27/2017 07:37 AM, Waldek Kozaczuk wrote:
>>>> Here are other issues where I am seeking advice:
>>>> SYSCTL in FreeBSD provides configuration management mechanism for kernel 
>>>> and device drivers (https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?sysctl(8)). As I 
>>>> understand OSv does not support similar mechanism (and possibly will never 
>>>> do). Does it mean that all sysctl related code should be disabled in the 
>>>> Hyper/V drivers that I am bringing in from FreeBSD?
>>> Yes, it can be ignored, at least now.
>> If you're importing code and don't want to bother porting pieces of it yet, 
>> please keep those parts #ifdef'ed out, to make it easier to re-enabling them 
>> in the future.
>>>> The vmbus driver uses 4 atomic_* functions that are not present in OSv; 
>>>> should they be brought in from BSD 
>>>> (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/master/sys/amd64/include/atomic.h);
>>>>  it looks like some of these functions are intended to be used by kernel 
>>>> modules - does it have any implications to OSv?
>>>> atomic_swap_long
>>>> atomic_testandclear_int
>>>> atomic_testandclear_long
>>>> atomic_testandset_int
>>> You can just bring them over (or implement them with std::atomic).
>>  In bsd/x64/machine/atomic.h we already have  many of the BSD 
>> atomic_functions, you can add more there (and can probably copy them from 
>> BSD, I assume that's what we did with the stuff already there). It's easier 
>> to copy than re-implement because then you won't need to think hard about 
>> what are the specific guarantees that these functions are supposed to make.
>> And like Avi already said, there's also C++'s std::atomic which you can use 
>> in new code, but I think it will be easier for you not to have to modify 
>> that code.
>>>> In some places the code uses DELAY() macro (example 
>>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/becaf5f7f2e608c98d9c470f1ae004b24882f6d5fe3e20e5/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus_chan.c#L687)
>>>>  that I believe makes it wait/sleep on the current thread 
>>>> (https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=DELAY&apropos=0&sektion=9). How 
>>>> should it be converted to OSv? 
>>> There is sched::thread::sleep().
>> According to delay(9) (see http://www.unix.com/man-page/freebsd/9/delay/),  
>> delay() is supposed to do a busy loop for the given number of microseconds. 
>> So DELAY(1000) (as in that code) should busy loop until a whole millisecond 
>> has passed. I agree with Avi that when such a long amount of time is 
>> concerned, it makes sense to just use sched::thread::sleep() or even 
>> usleep() which already takes the correct units - and let other threads work. 
>> For shorter periods, you can easily implement DELAY, as a busy loop which 
>> continuously calls gettimeofday() and stops looping when enough microseconds 
>> have passed (or it would be even nicer to implement the same thing using 
>> C++'s std::chrono mechanisms).
>>>> In some places the code uses __compiler_membar() macro 
>>>> (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/becaf5f7f2e608c98d9c470f1ae004b5fe3e20e5/sys/sys/cdefs.h#L108).
>>>>  How should it be converted to OSv?
>>> std::atomic_signal_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst)
>> We also have <osv/barrier.hh> with the barrier() function, but I agree that 
>> std::atomic_signal_fence looks more standard.
>>>> In some places the code uses critical_enter()/citical_exit() 
>>>> (https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=critical_enter&sektion=9) to 
>>>> prevent thread from migrating to other CPU. How should it be converted to 
>>>> OSv? 
>>> WITH_LOCK(preempt_lock) { .... }
>> If *really* the only concern is migration to other CPUs, we also have 
>> WITH_LOCK(migration_lock).
>> But looking at the critical(9) manual page, it seems indeed you should 
>> indeed use preempt_lock because the manual has the text "These functions are 
>> used to prevent preemption".
>>>> In some places the code uses VM_GUEST_VM macro and vm_guest global 
>>>> variable (example 
>>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/becaf5f7f2e608c98d9c470f1ae004b5fe3e20e5/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/hyperv.c#L147-L148)
>>>>  to determine if code is running on HyperV? What would be the best way to 
>>>> convert it to OSv? Or maybe it does not apply as in OSv hypervisor is 
>>>> detected during boot time and corresponding code would not be executed 
>>>> anyway?
>> OSv also has some code which can tell a curious application on which 
>> hypervisor is running (see http://www.unix.com/man-page/freebsd/9/delay/), 
>> but I assume that most of the HyperV-specific code would only get run when 
>> HyperV is detected, so that code wouldn't need to check if hyperv is 
>> available. I'm not familiar with that code to give a better answer.
>>> The struct ifqueue (sys/net/ifq.h) has following changes which affect 
>>> porting netvsc driver:
>>> new field ifq_drv_maxlen - 
>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/becaf5f7f2e608c98d9c470f1ae004b5fe3e20e5/sys/dev/hyperv/netvsc/if_hn.c#L1348
>>> removed field altq_flags which is used by macro IFQ_SET_READY 
>>> (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/8b6efb8965fa7f80abdc363663ed6dafa0c70ecd/sys/net/ifq.h#L228)
>>> Shall we simply comment out this part of the code as nothing else in OSv 
>>> current code uses it?
>>> Here are the things I have changed so far:
>>> Fixed conversion errors by using static_cast<>
>>> I noticed that in other places (type *) construct was used to achieve the 
>>> same thing as static_cast<type *>(); which one is preferred? 
>>> Replaced pause() with bsd_pause() (OSv version of the same functionality I 
>>> think - is this correct?)
>>> Replaced CSUM_* new constants with old ones (for example CSUM_IP_TCP with 
>>> CSUM_TCP) because of the changes in 
>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/master/sys/sys/mbuf.h 
>>> Due to the changes of struct mbuf layout in FreeBSD 
>>> (https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/commit/08b6ceecbb05f0b7bd21e29feee1624747a5b172)
>>>  I changed all relevant places in netvsc like in this example:
>>> (m)->m_pkthdr.len to (m)-M_dat.MH.MH__pkthdr.len
>>> Is this the right fix?
>>> Due to the difference of field if_snd in struct ifnet between OSv and 
>>> FreeBSD (look at 
>>> https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/commit/19f24526cdd9d937b8d33d25ed7c6437dd5ea89f)
>>>  which makes macros like IFQ_DRV_DEQUEUE not-compilable, I had to replace 
>>> I did it based on the reading of 
>>> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=altq&sektion=9 which makes me 
>>> think that driver managed queue are not supported in OSv
>>> Please see my changes here - 
>>> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/commit/e486143830fcd2020a267cba7f1d3a38df8c34d6#diff-4f9f901a3850cc1241e39ad0cf0d2cb0R4119
>>> Added boolean_t which was missing in OSv
>>> Replaced rdmsr() and wrmsr() with processor::rdmsr() and processor::wrmsr()
>>> Disabled PCI Pass Through support in netvsc driver which use PCIB related 
>>> macros like PCIB_MAP_MSI and functions pcib_ not present in OSv at this time
>>> For example this header is not present in OSv - 
>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/master/sys/dev/pci/pcib_private.h
>>> Read more about CPI Pass Through here - 
>>> https://www.slideshare.net/iXsystems/pci-passthrough-freebsd-vm-on-hyperv-meetbsd-california-2016
>>> Temporarily commented out usage of mtx_lock(&Giant)/mtx_unlock(&Giant) in 
>>> vmbus.cc
>>> Look for example here - 
>>> https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd/blob/8b6efb8965fa7f80abdc363663ed6dafa0c70ecd/sys/dev/hyperv/vmbus/vmbus.c#L520-L522
>>> What would be the best way to achieve similar locking functionality in OSv? 
>>> Should corresponding logic use some kind of global lock but only limited to 
>>> hyperv vmbus? 
>>> Added ift_counter enum and if_inc_counter() function to if_var.h
>>> Added bsd/sys/net/rndis.h
>>> Added bsd/sys/sys/timetc.h
>>> Added bsd/sys/sys/buf_ring.h
>>> There are other devices that I am not sure if they need to be ported to OSv:
>>> kbd - synthetic keyboard (most likely not needed)
>>> pcib - synthetic PCI bridge driver (https://reviews.freebsd.org/D8332)
>>> kvp - key-value pair driver
>>> heartbeat
>>> timesync - I was wondering if this one needs to be ported to possibly 
>>> synchronize clock with the hypervisor; excuse my ignorance in this subject 
>>> but maybe OSv uses some generic mechanism to synchronize clock that works 
>>> on all hypervisors?
>>> I did not see any console driver. Is it the case that there is some 
>>> standard mechanism to use console that works on all hypervisors?
>>> I am also thinking of changing my original plan. Instead of porting all 
>>> drivers first I will first port vmbus only and then work on implementing 
>>> hyperv::vmbus and hyperv::hyperv_driver classes to make OSv at least boot 
>>> on Hyper/V and print something to the console.
>>> Also if anybody wants to collaborate I created the branch here - 
>>> https://github.com/wkozaczuk/osv/tree/hyper_v. It is pretty much in flux 
>>> and most hyperv files do not compile yet. I would definitely need help port 
>>> storvsc and netvsc drivers.
>>> Also I am apologize for such a long email but I wanted to list all my 
>>> specific questions to get a specific help/feedback.
>>> Cheers and thanks in advance,
>>> Waldek
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