Hi Waldek,

I think the slowness comes because cpiod reports each file on the stdout. 
Could you try to comment-out the logging in cpiod and try if it works 
So if you open two terminals and in the first one run:

$ capstan run demo --execute "/tools/cpiod.so --prefix /zfs/zfs" -f 

Then in another terminal run:

$ capstan package compose-remote localhost

Capstan will start uploading. But if you look at the first terminal, then 
you will notice that each file is printed to console, e.g.:

$ capstan run demo --execute "/tools/cpiod.so --prefix /zfs/zfs" -f 
Command line will be set based on --run parameter
Created instance: demo
Setting cmdline: /tools/cpiod.so --prefix /zfs/zfs
OSv v0.24-448-g829bf76
Waiting for connection from host...

Adding /tools/cpiod.so...  # 
Adding /bin...
Adding /bin/libnode-4.4.5.so...
Adding /run/interpreter...
Adding /run/sleep...
Adding /server.js...
Adding /usr...
Adding /zpool.so...
Adding /etc...
Link /node to /bin/libnode-4.4.5.so ...
Adding /run/burek...
Adding /run/node...
Adding /tmp...
Adding /run...
Adding /tools...
Adding /libzfs.so...
Adding /zfs.so...
Adding /run/hello...
Adding /tools/mkfs.so...
Adding /etc/fstab...
Link /etc/mnttab to /proc/mounts ...
Adding /greeting.js...
Adding /libenviron.so...
Adding /libuutil.so...
Adding /bin/sleep.so...
Adding /proc...
Adding /bin/cd.so...
Adding /etc/hosts...
Adding /usr/lib...
Adding /dev...
Adding /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1...

Please let me know if suppressing this log speeds up the process, I never 
had time to play with this myself, but I'm very curious :)

Best Regards,

Dne Ĩetrtek, 02. november 2017 21.16.37 UTC+1 je oseba Waldek Kozaczuk 
> I think this might be a well known and undestood issue by capstan team but 
> I wanted to uderstand why it happens for my own sake. 
> In my scenario I am usually able to upload 300 of files totaling 60MB in 
> 10-12 seconds (Java app) using capstan which I believe employs same 
> mechanism as OSv build script (over a socket to cpiod). On other hand when 
> I upload 13,000 small JS files (node app) totalling around 100MB it takes 
> at least 3 minutes (when I use VirtualBox to run OSv instance I am 
> uploading to it takes over 10 minutes). Both capstan and ODv I am uploading 
> to run on the same machine. 
> Why is the upload of small files at least 10 times slower than with bigger 
> files? Is it because ZFS is not most efficient handling small files? Is it 
> possibly of how the upload is implemented on capstan side?
> Any ideas how to speed it up? Would somehow compressing all files in one 
> archive and uploading to cpiod as one tarball and then decompressing help?
> Regards,
> Waldek

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