When I run pagerank on Ubuntu, the code works fine. (the graph data is 
stored in web-NotreDame.txt, 21M)

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv/apps/my-pagerank-test$ ls
Makefile  module.py  pagerank.c  usr.manifest  web-NotreDame.txt

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv/apps/my-pagerank-test$ make
cc -pie -o pagerank  pagerank.c

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv/apps/my-pagerank-test$ ll -h
total 21M
drwxrwxr-x   2 taseikyo taseikyo 4.0K Jan 14 11:59 ./
drwxrwxr-x 128 taseikyo taseikyo 4.0K Jan 14 11:51 ../
-rw-rw-r--   1 taseikyo taseikyo  110 Jan 14 11:51 Makefile
-rw-rw-r--   1 taseikyo taseikyo   60 Jan 13 11:26 module.py
-rwxrwxr-x   1 taseikyo taseikyo  17K Jan 14 11:59 pagerank*
-rw-rw-r--   1 taseikyo taseikyo 5.6K Jan 14 11:51 pagerank.c
-rw-rw-r--   1 taseikyo taseikyo   85 Jan 14 11:53 usr.manifest
-rw-rw-r--   1 taseikyo taseikyo  21M Jan 14 11:54 web-NotreDame.txt

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv/apps/my-pagerank-test$ ./pagerank
Graph data:

  Nodes: 325729, Edges: 1497134 

Number of iteration to converge: 52 

Final Pagerank values:
[0.002066 , 0.000181 , ...]

Time spent: 0.896491 seconds.

But when I build and run pagerank on osv, it fails to read the graph data 
(only read part of the graph).

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv$ ./scripts/build image=my-pagerank-test
taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv$ ./scripts/run.py
OSv v0.54.0-71-g69a0ce39
Booted up in 338.86 ms
Cmdline: /pagerank

Graph data:

  Nodes: 325729, Edges: 1497134 

Fail to read data...

From: 6 To: 119

Here is part of the code:

while (!feof(fp)) {
fret = fscanf(fp, "%d%d", &fromnode, &tonode);
if (fret == 0) {
printf("Fail to read data...\n");
printf("\n From: %d To: %d\n",fromnode, tonode);
return -1;

When I use a small graph (4 nodes, 7 edges), it runs normally.

taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv$ ./scripts/build image=my-pagerank-test
taseikyo@ubuntu:~/Desktop/osv$ ./scripts/run.py
OSv v0.54.0-71-g69a0ce39
Booted up in 356.44 ms
Cmdline: /pagerank

Graph data:

  Nodes: 4, Edges: 7 

Number of iteration to converge: 41 

Final Pagerank values:

[0.159913 , 0.144016 , 0.144016 , 0.082809 ]

Time spent: 0.693802 seconds.

Is osv unable to read large files (bug?) I'll appreciate your help very 
much! : )

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