On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 6:40 PM Fotis Xenakis <fo...@windowslive.com> wrote:

> Stock QEMU still does not have DAX support so I used one from
>> https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/qemu/-/commits/virtio-dev (shall I be using
>> this?) to test the DAX logic.
> The branch you mention is under active development and will *not* work
> with my current patches. Those are based upon the more stable virtio-fs
> <https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/qemu/-/tree/virtio-fs> branch.
> BTW is there a way to make virtiofsd daemon not to terminate every time
>> after single OSv run?
> I am not aware of a way to make make virtiofsd not terminate every time,
> it would sure be nice not having to restart it all the time though...
> As  I understand this is a temporary solution until we integrate DAX logic
>> with page cache, right? Eventually, pages mapped with FUSE_SETUPMAPPING
>> should stay in page cache until a file gets unmapped? Right now we copy
>> data from DAX window but eventually, we would like not to which is the
>> whole point of DAX, right?
> That would be ideal, but I can't see how we could avoid the copy to the
> user buffers, while retaining proper read() semantics(?). We might be able
> to do it in the case of mmap() though (my only concern is that the DAX
> window is device memory, but that doesn't seem to be a problem.
Yes we cannot avoid it in virtiofs_read() which btw may not make sense to
use DAX in long term over regular FUSE_READ.
For mmap() I agree. I could be as simple (probably not as simple) as what
we do in ROFS (see rofs_map_cached_page()).

> Not right now but going forward as we design integration with page cache
>> we should think of a way to have a simple read-ahead cache in virtio fs
>> just like ROFS has so we can optimize reading even if there is no DAX
>> enabled. In other words, eventually, page cache should either point to
>> pages from DAX window (if DAX on) or to pages in a local cache where we
>> would keep data read using regular FUSE_READ. Ideally we should refactor
>> the read-ahead/around cache in ROFS to make it more generic and usable with
>> virtiofs.
>> But all that is the future.
>  I totally agree, with both points!
> Τη Τετάρτη, 29 Απριλίου 2020 - 8:30:25 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Waldek
> Kozaczuk έγραψε:
>> Let me start with the results of my testing this patch. First I tried
>> with stock QEMU 5.0 just to verify that non-DAX logic still works. In
>> general, it does, however, I encountered that protocol mismatch error which
>> I reported in my other email.
>> Stock QEMU still does not have DAX support so I used one from
>> https://gitlab.com/virtio-fs/qemu/-/commits/virtio-dev (shall I be using
>> this?) to test the DAX logic.
>> When I ran a simple example I got this:
>> #In another window
>> ./build/virtiofsd --socket-path=/tmp/vhostqemu -o source=~/projects/osv/
>> apps/native-example -o cache=always -d
>> # Main
>> /home/wkozaczuk/projects/qemu/build/x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 \
>> -m 4G \
>> -smp 4 \
>> -vnc :1 \
>> -gdb tcp::1234,server,nowait \
>> -kernel /home/wkozaczuk/projects/osv/build/last/kernel.elf \
>> -append "$1" \
>> -device virtio-blk-pci,id=blk0,drive=hd0,scsi=off \
>> -drive
>> file=/home/wkozaczuk/projects/osv/build/last/usr.img,if=none,id=hd0,cache=none,aio=native
>> \
>> -netdev user,id=un0,net=,host= \
>> -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=un0 \
>> -device virtio-rng-pci \
>> -enable-kvm \
>> -cpu host,+x2apic \
>> -chardev stdio,mux=on,id=stdio,signal=off \
>> -mon chardev=stdio,mode=readline \
>> -device isa-serial,chardev=stdio \
>> -chardev socket,id=char0,path=/tmp/vhostqemu \
>> -device
>> vhost-user-fs-pci,queue-size=1024,chardev=char0,tag=myfs,cache-size=64M \
>> -object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=4G,mem-path=/dev/shm,share=on
>> -numa node,memdev=mem #do we need that line?
>> OSv v0.54.0-179-g2f92fc91
>> 4 CPUs detected
>> Firmware vendor: SeaBIOS
>> bsd: initializing - done
>> VFS: mounting ramfs at /
>> VFS: mounting devfs at /dev
>> net: initializing - done
>> vga: Add VGA device instance
>> eth0: ethernet address: 52:54:00:12:34:56
>> virtio-blk: Add blk device instances 0 as vblk0, devsize=6470656
>> random: virtio-rng registered as a source.
>> virtio-fs: Detected device with tag: [myfs] and num_queues: 1
>> virtio-fs: Detected DAX window with length 67108864
>> virtio-fs: Add device instance 0 as [virtiofs1]
>> random: intel drng, rdrand registered as a source.
>> random: <Software, Yarrow> initialized
>> VFS: unmounting /dev
>> VFS: mounting rofs at /rofs
>> VFS: mounting devfs at /dev
>> VFS: mounting procfs at /proc
>> VFS: mounting sysfs at /sys
>> VFS: mounting ramfs at /tmp
>> VFS: mounting virtiofs at /virtiofs
>> [virtiofs] Initialized fuse filesystem with version major: 7, minor: 31
>> [I/43 dhcp]: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER message with xid: [1369429892]
>> [I/43 dhcp]: Waiting for IP...
>> [I/55 dhcp]: Received DHCPOFFER message from DHCP server:
>> regarding offerred IP address:
>> [I/55 dhcp]: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST message with xid: [1369429892] to
>> SELECT offered IP:
>> [I/55 dhcp]: Received DHCPACK message from DHCP server:
>> regarding offerred IP address:
>> [I/55 dhcp]: Server acknowledged IP for interface eth0
>> with time to lease in seconds: 86400
>> eth0:
>> [I/55 dhcp]: Configuring eth0: ip subnet mask
>> gateway MTU 1500
>> Booted up in 145.94 ms
>> Cmdline: /virtiofs/hello
>> [virtiofs] inode 1, lookup found inode 2 for hello!
>> [virtiofs] inode 1, lookup found inode 2 for hello!
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, opened
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=64, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+40 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 64 bytes at offset 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=120, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+78 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 64
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=176, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+b0 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 120
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=232, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+e8 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 176
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=288, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+120 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 232
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=344, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+158 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 288
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=400, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+190 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 344
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=456, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1c8 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 400
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=512, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+200 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 456
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=568, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+238 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 512
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=624, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+270 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 568
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=680, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+2a8 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 624
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=736, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+2e0 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 680
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=792, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+318 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 56 bytes at offset 736
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=2421,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+975 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 282 bytes at offset 14427
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4096,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1000 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 4096 bytes at offset 12288
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=0, len=4096, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1000 from 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 4096 bytes at offset 0
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=8192, len=4096, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1000 from 2000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 4096 bytes at offset 8192
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=12288, len=4408,
>> moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1138 from 3000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 1984 bytes at offset 14712
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=4096, len=4096, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1000 from 1000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 4096 bytes at offset 4096
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, setting up mapping (foffset=8192, len=4096, moffset=0)
>> vhost_user_fs_slave_map: map failed err 19 [0] 0+1000 from 2000
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, mapping setup failed
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, reading 4096 bytes at offset 8192
>> Hello from C code
>> random: device unblocked.
>> [virtiofs] inode 2, closed
>> [I/0 dhcp]: Unicasting DHCPRELEASE message with xid: [2037604332] from
>> client: to server:
>> VFS: unmounting /dev
>> VFS: unmounting /proc
>> VFS: unmounting /
>> ROFS: spent 0.88 ms reading from disk
>> ROFS: read 31 512-byte blocks from disk
>> ROFS: allocated 28 512-byte blocks of cache memory
>> ROFS: hit ratio is 90.91%
>> Powering off.
>> # --- from virtiofs daemon
>> [9219297364154] [ID: 00028096] virtio_session_mount: Waiting for
>> vhost-user socket connection...
>> [9249162235652] [ID: 00028096] virtio_session_mount: Received vhost-user
>> socket connection
>> [9249164340260] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Entry
>> [9249164372505] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184550001] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184589992] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184611833] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184625473] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184641865] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184651170] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184655179] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184664978] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184689289] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184700075] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184711125] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184716746] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184720836] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184731893] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184745853] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184752940] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249184758110] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249184764199] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364236204] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364265160] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364273732] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364285075] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364290786] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364297956] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364303844] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364328100] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364343703] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364353594] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364360048] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364367820] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364373924] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364391839] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364398187] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364407842] [ID: 00000001] fv_queue_set_started: qidx=0 started=1
>> [9249364464882] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364474399] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364481756] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364485904] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364492800] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364497196] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364508482] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364515407] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364524257] [ID: 00000001] fv_queue_set_started: qidx=1 started=1
>> [9249364573934] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364585011] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364600006] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364625104] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364654277] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364688094] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364702845] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249364710061] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Got VU event
>> [9249364723919] [ID: 00000001] virtio_loop: Waiting for VU event
>> [9249366067416] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Start for queue 1 kick_fd
>> 12
>> [9249366082934] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249366077326] [ID: 00000003] fv_queue_thread: Start for queue 0 kick_fd
>> 9
>> [9249366090195] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249366093393] [ID: 00000003] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 0 event
>> [9249366101372] [ID: 00000003] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 0
>> [9249366102360] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 0 out: 0
>> [9249366110558] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249366112383] [ID: 00000003] fv_queue_thread: Queue 0 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 0 out: 0
>> [9249366118974] [ID: 00000003] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 0 event
>> [9249374892326] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249374904012] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 80 out: 56
>> [9249374934131] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249374952478] [ID: 00000009] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 56 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249374973101] [ID: 00000009] unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 1,
>> insize: 56, pid: 0
>> [9249374978513] [ID: 00000009] INIT: 7.31
>> [9249374981936] [ID: 00000009] flags=0x00000000
>> [9249374986298] [ID: 00000009] max_readahead=0x00001000
>> [9249374990203] [ID: 00000009]    INIT: 7.31
>> [9249374993468] [ID: 00000009]    flags=0x00000020
>> [9249374996481] [ID: 00000009]    max_readahead=0x00001000
>> [9249374999609] [ID: 00000009]    max_write=0x00020000
>> [9249375002781] [ID: 00000009]    max_background=0
>> [9249375005895] [ID: 00000009]    congestion_threshold=0
>> [9249375008949] [ID: 00000009]    time_gran=1
>> [9249375011950] [ID: 00000009]    map_alignment=0
>> [9249375015234] [ID: 00000009]    unique: 1, success, outsize: 80
>> [9249375018746] [ID: 00000009] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 80
>> [9249388628910] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249388645266] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 46
>> [9249388654201] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249388676022] [ID: 00000013] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 46 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249388698563] [ID: 00000013] unique: 2, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1,
>> insize: 46, pid: 0
>> [9249388704802] [ID: 00000013] lo_lookup(parent=1, name=hello)
>> [9249388742711] [ID: 00000013]   1/hello -> 2 (version_table[0]=0)
>> [9249388747683] [ID: 00000013]    unique: 2, success, outsize: 144
>> [9249388751520] [ID: 00000013] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249389594247] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249389602640] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 46
>> [9249389612928] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249389643953] [ID: 00000122] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 46 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249389658227] [ID: 00000122] unique: 3, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1,
>> insize: 46, pid: 0
>> [9249389663078] [ID: 00000122] lo_lookup(parent=1, name=hello)
>> [9249389676746] [ID: 00000122]   1/hello -> 2 (version_table[0]=0)
>> [9249389680957] [ID: 00000122]    unique: 3, success, outsize: 144
>> [9249389684394] [ID: 00000122] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249390464470] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249390470787] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 32 out: 48
>> [9249390480181] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249390497618] [ID: 00000011] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 48 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249390511576] [ID: 00000011] unique: 4, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 48, pid: 0
>> [9249390517684] [ID: 00000011] lo_open(ino=2, flags=0)
>> [9249390539984] [ID: 00000011]    unique: 4, success, outsize: 32
>> [9249390544506] [ID: 00000011] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 32
>> [9249391978294] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249391984602] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249391993855] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249392005767] [ID: 00000015] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249392017220] [ID: 00000015] unique: 5, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249392021582] [ID: 00000015] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc47fffec60, foffset=0, len=64, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249392105560] [ID: 00000015] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249392121208] [ID: 00000015]    unique: 5, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249392125024] [ID: 00000015] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249393460800] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249393471742] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 80 out: 80
>> [9249393483093] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249393500057] [ID: 00000129] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249393512842] [ID: 00000129] unique: 6, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249393518827] [ID: 00000129] lo_read(ino=2, size=64, off=0)
>> [9249393523326] [ID: 00000129] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=64
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249393527829] [ID: 00000129] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 80
>> [9249393532868] [ID: 00000129] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=64
>> [9249393540554] [ID: 00000129] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=64 len=64
>> [9249394566540] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249394574279] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249394586046] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249394599505] [ID: 00000017] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249394612392] [ID: 00000017] unique: 7, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249394617078] [ID: 00000017] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc47effcc60, foffset=0, len=120, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249394670847] [ID: 00000017] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249394677377] [ID: 00000017]    unique: 7, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249394681457] [ID: 00000017] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249396052993] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249396060605] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249396070277] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249396079960] [ID: 00000112] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249396090280] [ID: 00000112] unique: 8, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249396093654] [ID: 00000112] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=64)
>> [9249396096462] [ID: 00000112] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249396099045] [ID: 00000112] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249396101787] [ID: 00000112] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249396108136] [ID: 00000112] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249397164852] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249397173531] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249397182093] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249397201306] [ID: 00000019] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249397214127] [ID: 00000019] unique: 9, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249397217527] [ID: 00000019] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc47dffac60, foffset=0, len=176, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249397435430] [ID: 00000019] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249397441524] [ID: 00000019]    unique: 9, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249397454078] [ID: 00000019] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249398867198] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249398875435] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249398883776] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249398902017] [ID: 00000127] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249398914633] [ID: 00000127] unique: 10, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249398919140] [ID: 00000127] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=120)
>> [9249398922546] [ID: 00000127] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249398925731] [ID: 00000127] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249398928997] [ID: 00000127] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249398934407] [ID: 00000127] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249399907784] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249399916384] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249399925085] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249399936672] [ID: 00000125] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249399948784] [ID: 00000125] unique: 11, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249399952702] [ID: 00000125] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc42a7a3c60, foffset=0, len=232, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249400057859] [ID: 00000125] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249400063163] [ID: 00000125]    unique: 11, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249400066644] [ID: 00000125] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249401401872] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249401413855] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249401429460] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249401448982] [ID: 00000021] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249401463655] [ID: 00000021] unique: 12, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249401471468] [ID: 00000021] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=176)
>> [9249401476605] [ID: 00000021] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249401481259] [ID: 00000021] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249401485284] [ID: 00000021] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249401492772] [ID: 00000021] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249402674616] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249402685068] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249402693532] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249402706746] [ID: 00000124] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249402719429] [ID: 00000124] unique: 13, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249402723771] [ID: 00000124] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc42b7a5c60, foffset=0, len=288, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249402786159] [ID: 00000124] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249402792708] [ID: 00000124]    unique: 13, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249402796575] [ID: 00000124] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249404278683] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249404287324] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249404295093] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249404303042] [ID: 00000025] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249404312989] [ID: 00000025] unique: 14, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249404318560] [ID: 00000025] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=232)
>> [9249404322486] [ID: 00000025] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249404326525] [ID: 00000025] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249404329419] [ID: 00000025] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249404334827] [ID: 00000025] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249405432252] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249405438333] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249405447219] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249405454613] [ID: 00000131] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249405472306] [ID: 00000131] unique: 15, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249405476323] [ID: 00000131] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc427f9ec60, foffset=0, len=344, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249405525957] [ID: 00000131] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249405535271] [ID: 00000131]    unique: 15, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249405539101] [ID: 00000131] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249406879761] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249406887945] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249406895289] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249406914015] [ID: 00000023] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249406930268] [ID: 00000023] unique: 16, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249406938332] [ID: 00000023] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=288)
>> [9249406943668] [ID: 00000023] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249406948359] [ID: 00000023] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249406953179] [ID: 00000023] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249406960758] [ID: 00000023] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249407984132] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249407988447] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249407994289] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249408009393] [ID: 00000027] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249408030468] [ID: 00000027] unique: 17, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249408035255] [ID: 00000027] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc474ff8c60, foffset=0, len=400, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249408080642] [ID: 00000027] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249408085935] [ID: 00000027]    unique: 17, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249408089673] [ID: 00000027] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249409434730] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249409443594] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249409451642] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249409460710] [ID: 00000029] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249409470596] [ID: 00000029] unique: 18, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249409475258] [ID: 00000029] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=344)
>> [9249409478934] [ID: 00000029] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249409483191] [ID: 00000029] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249409486073] [ID: 00000029] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249409491600] [ID: 00000029] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249410515108] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249410520635] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249410526005] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249410542743] [ID: 00000030] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249410552967] [ID: 00000030] unique: 19, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249410558956] [ID: 00000030] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc45e7fbc60, foffset=0, len=456, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249410604244] [ID: 00000030] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249410610355] [ID: 00000030]    unique: 19, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249410614587] [ID: 00000030] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249411963400] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249411973593] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249411981221] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249412001349] [ID: 00000032] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249412031262] [ID: 00000032] unique: 20, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249412037867] [ID: 00000032] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=400)
>> [9249412051745] [ID: 00000032] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249412058841] [ID: 00000032] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249412065563] [ID: 00000032] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249412073262] [ID: 00000032] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249413213652] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249413223919] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249413231981] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249413251947] [ID: 00000034] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249413264355] [ID: 00000034] unique: 21, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249413268787] [ID: 00000034] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc45cff8c60, foffset=0, len=512, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249413341678] [ID: 00000034] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249413354571] [ID: 00000034]    unique: 21, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249413361446] [ID: 00000034] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249414705309] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249414714816] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249414722988] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249414740195] [ID: 00000036] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249414758729] [ID: 00000036] unique: 22, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249414765835] [ID: 00000036] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=456)
>> [9249414771786] [ID: 00000036] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249414777754] [ID: 00000036] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249414782104] [ID: 00000036] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249414797471] [ID: 00000036] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249415831266] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249415838956] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249415846458] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249415856280] [ID: 00000038] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249415870991] [ID: 00000038] unique: 23, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249415875928] [ID: 00000038] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc4567fbc60, foffset=0, len=568, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249415933471] [ID: 00000038] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249415943171] [ID: 00000038]    unique: 23, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249415947035] [ID: 00000038] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249417573765] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249417582689] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249417594057] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249417608220] [ID: 00000040] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249417621683] [ID: 00000040] unique: 24, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249417626295] [ID: 00000040] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=512)
>> [9249417630112] [ID: 00000040] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249417633690] [ID: 00000040] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249417637063] [ID: 00000040] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249417642654] [ID: 00000040] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249418678590] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249418689608] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249418701287] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249418713968] [ID: 00000044] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249418726583] [ID: 00000044] unique: 25, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249418731564] [ID: 00000044] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc4537f5c60, foffset=0, len=624, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249418785917] [ID: 00000044] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249418791436] [ID: 00000044]    unique: 25, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249418797053] [ID: 00000044] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249420150574] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249420161560] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249420178264] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249420195968] [ID: 00000048] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249420208740] [ID: 00000048] unique: 26, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249420214504] [ID: 00000048] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=568)
>> [9249420218730] [ID: 00000048] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249420222815] [ID: 00000048] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249420227093] [ID: 00000048] virtio_send_data_iov: after skip
>> skip_size=0 in_sg_cpy_count=1 in_sg_left=56
>> [9249420233726] [ID: 00000048] virtio_send_data_iov: preadv ret=56 len=56
>> [9249421278721] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249421289524] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 144 out: 80
>> [9249421301503] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249421311683] [ID: 00000050] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249421324004] [ID: 00000050] unique: 27, opcode: SETUPMAPPING (48),
>> nodeid: 2, insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249421329441] [ID: 00000050] lo_setupmapping(ino=2,
>> fi=0x0x7fc4507efc60, foffset=0, len=680, moffset=0, flags=0)
>> [9249421393017] [ID: 00000050] lo_setupmapping: map over virtio failed
>> (ino=2fd=0 moffset=0x0)
>> [9249421398311] [ID: 00000050]    unique: 27, error: -22 (Invalid
>> argument), outsize: 16
>> [9249421402197] [ID: 00000050] virtio_send_msg: elem 0: with 2 in desc of
>> length 144
>> [9249422866367] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Got queue event on Queue 1
>> [9249422876294] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Queue 1 gave evalue: 1
>> available: in: 72 out: 80
>> [9249422887417] [ID: 00000005] fv_queue_thread: Waiting for Queue 1 event
>> [9249422898493] [ID: 00000054] fv_queue_worker: elem 0: with 2 out desc
>> of length 80 bad_in_num=0 bad_out_num=0
>> [9249422914125] [ID: 00000054] unique: 28, opcode: READ (15), nodeid: 2,
>> insize: 80, pid: 0
>> [9249422918423] [ID: 00000054] lo_read(ino=2, size=56, off=624)
>> [9249422921976] [ID: 00000054] virtio_send_data_iov: count=1 len=56
>> iov_len=16
>> [9249422925300] [ID: 00000054] virtio_send_data_iov: elem 0: with 2 in
>> desc of length 72
>> [9249422928
>> ...
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