On Sun, 2021-10-03 at 11:04 +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> I'm curious where -
> Maybe we have a bug in our /dev (fs/devfs/*) implementation? It
> should generate good errors when trying to open /dev/shm/something -
> not assertion failures and crashes.

Well, this is one of those rabbit holes...  The assert was happening in
the abort code. Not sure I understand why yet, but the root cause seems
to be that the erlang runtime is looking for __sigaction. It wants to
play games with the signal handler (for reaons outlined below).

#if !(defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__DARWIN__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
||  \
          defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__sun__))
 * Unknown libc -- assume musl, which does not allow safe signals
#error "beamasm requires a libc that can guarantee that sigaltstack
#endif /* !(__GLIBC__ || __DARWIN__ || __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__
||        \
__sun__)                                                         \

Now because of the way erts is being built, it actually thinks is on
glibc. So we end up in this function:

static int (*next_sigaction)(int, const struct sigaction *, struct
sigaction *);

static void do_init(void) {
    next_sigaction = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, NEXT_SIGACTION);

    if (next_sigaction != 0) {


NEXT_SIGACTION is set to '__sigaction' as it would be for glibc. So the
perror("dlsym") is responsible for the message "dlsym: No error
information" we get. Then we abort().

So before I start to put more effort into shm_open / shm_unlink - I
need to understand a bit more about the signal requirements. The
relevnt comment seems to be:

 * Erlang code compiled to x86 native code uses RSP as its stack
pointer. This
 * improves performance in several ways:
 * - It permits the use of the x86 call and ret instructions, which
 *   reduces code volume and improves branch prediction.
 * - It avoids stealing a gp register to act as a stack pointer.
 * Unix signal handlers are by default delivered onto the current
stack, i.e.
 * RSP. This is a problem since our native-code stacks are small and
may not
 * have room for the Unix signal handler.
 * There is a way to redirect signal handlers to an "alternate" signal
stack by
 * using the SA_ONSTACK flag with the sigaction() library call.
 * this has to be specified explicitly for each signal, and it is
difficult to
 * enforce given the presence of libraries.
 * Our solution is to override the C library's signal handler setup
 * with our own which enforces the SA_ONSTACK flag.


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