Hello Mike,

please perform separate full upgrades to all the major versions in between. 
There is also code performing changes there, and even sometimes manual steps to 

Best regards,

Martin Gruner
Team Lead R&D

Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
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I:  https://www.otrs.com/

Geschäftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, USt-Nr.: 
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: André Mindermann 
(Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel


OTRS 7 | Bereit für Veränderung.
Ab 19. November. Jetzt entdecken: https://otrs.com/de/otrs-7/


> Am 09.11.2018 um 02:35 schrieb Mike Morris <m...@musicplace.com>:
> Hi,
> I have an old (3.x) installation that I want to migrate to current 6.x.
> Can I run the DB upgrade scripts from all intermediate versions against my 
> database, and then expect that upgraded database to work on a brand new 
> installation? (Assuming I handle migration of the config files to the new 
> install, of course.)
> I don't see why this wouldn't work, but thought I should at least ask the 
> experts...
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike Morris
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