I posted this contribution to the dev-list last week, but didn't see a
response. How can I convince somebody to merge this?

Below is how to patch Kernel/System/Email/SMTP.pm 1.3 (as included in
OTRS 1.1.1) to be able to use a non-standard port with the SMTP backend.
You may then configure the port to use in Kernel/Config.pm like this:

$Self->{'SendmailModule::Port'} = '2525';

Hopefully you will include this in the next release.


Jeroen Boomgaardt

>     $Self->{SMTPPort} = $Self->{ConfigObject}->Get('SendmailModule::Port') || 
> 'smtp(25)';
<     if ($Self->{SMTPObject} = Net::SMTP->new($Self->{MailHost}, Timeout => 
$Self->{SMTPTimeout}, Debug => $Self->{SMTPDebug})) {
>     if ($Self->{SMTPObject} = Net::SMTP->new($Self->{MailHost}, Timeout => 
> $Self->{SMTPTimeout}, Debug => $Self->{SMTPDebug}, Port => $Self->{SMTPPort})) {

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