> Are you sure? I hate to be the one that says the manual said, but ... The
> manual says...


> Far be it me to speak out against the manual... :-)

The manual is wrong.  This is legacy stuff that is carry over from
OTRS 1.0.  Search 1.1, 1.2. 1.3 manuals for "obin" and you will only
get that one line reference without anything else putting it in
context (not to mention that it is impossible to reach "obin"
according to the httpd.conf file).  But, go into manual 1.0 and you
will find the following:

** Quote Manual 1.0 ***

Configuring Sambar

We now configure our webserver Sambar. Open the file
D:\Sambar\config\mappings.ini and create these entries:

/mysql = d:/mysql/Docs
/phpMyAdmin = d:/mysql/phpMyAdmin

/otrs/ = /otrs/bin/cgi-bin/
/obin/ = /otrs/bin/   # Look! There used to be an alias to obin!


Securing /otrs/bin

We *have* to secure the alias /obin/ which points to d:\otrs\bin\,
holding all of the code useful for hacking the system. I personally do
not want to expose these "tools" to everyone.


Now write an email to one of the system email addresses. Enter this in
your browser, it provides the email to OTRS.
http://localhost/obin/PostMasterPOP3.pl. We will later automate this.

*** End Quote ***

So you can see that they once had access to those tools via the alias
"obin", but no longer.  At any rate, why were you reading that stuff
about obin - it's only found under the "Installing OTRS on Win32"
section anyway?

Cheers :-)

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