On 07.04.2011, at 12:33, Laurent MINOST wrote:

> Currently using an heavily modified version of OTRS 2.3.4 here, we will 
> upgrade to 2.4.9 soon (at least I hope ...) and discovered a bug/wrong 
> behaviour within the Search functionnality of FAQ module :
> Steps to reproduce :
> - Create a new article and fill Problem or Solution or any textarea field 
> with a text not containing the string 'br' followed by line feed/carriage 
> return.
> - Do a search with the FAQ module Search functionnality on the expression 
> 'br' (without quotes of course).
> - You will see that your recently created FAQ article will appear in the 
> results even if it does not match the search because it is not containing the 
> string 'br', the problem is due to the fact that OTRS is saving the FAQ 
> article text as HTML and so HTML tags are saved in the database (which  is 
> normal) BUT the search is done with an SQL query on these fields so if you 
> have an HTML tag such as <br /> or <br> or any others that match then your 
> FAQ article will be (*wrongly*) listed in your FAQ search results.
> This is very annoying if you do some cut/paste operations from shitty HTML 
> generator like Microsoft Word which generates some specific HTML tags which 
> could match a lot of strings ...
> This is the SQL query sent by OTRS on the database to see which FAQ articles 
> will match :
> SELECT i.id, count( v.item_id ) as votes, avg( v.rate ) as vrate FROM 
> faq_item i LEFT JOIN faq_voting v ON v.item_id = i.id LEFT JOIN faq_state s 
> ON s.id = i.state_id WHERE ((i.f_number LIKE '%br%'  OR i.f_subject LIKE 
> '%br%'  OR i.f_keywords LIKE '%br%'  OR i.f_field1 LIKE '%br%'  OR i.f_field2 
> LIKE '%br%'  OR i.f_field3 LIKE '%br%'  OR i.f_field6 LIKE '%br%' ) ) AND 
> s.type_id IN (1, 3, 2) GROUP BY i.id, i.f_subject, i.f_language_id, 
> i.created, i.changed, s.name, v.item_id ORDER BY i.id DESC  LIMIT 200
> I think that this is a bug and should be corrected, this occurs within OTRS 
> 2.3.x / 2.4.x / 3.0.x, I think that independantly of the OTRS 
> framework/version used all FAQ modules are affected.
> Anyone who could confirm the behaviour please before submitting it to OTRS 
> bugzilla ?
> Any thoughts on how to avoid this behaviour would be very appreciate, it 
> currently affects our production system so I 'm searching a way to fix it by 
> myself on 2.3.x/2.4.x as I stongly think a fix will not occurs since the 3.x 
> branch release.

I tested with the latest OTRS and the latest FAQ and I can confirm this bug! If 
you search for HTML tag-names like “br”, “strong”, etc. the list of articles in 
the result screen doesn’t match expectations.

Please be so kind and create a new entry on bugs.otrs.org.

THX for highlighting!

Cheers, Nils

Nils Leideck
http://webint.cryptonode.de / a Fractal project

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