Actually, it's not that bad.

At the most basic level, you can treat the static info as an array of text 
lines and read/interpret them sequentially. That at least doesn't bind the 
information to a file on a specific server and gives you much more granular 
control of configuration management on operating systems that have essentially 
only two privilege levels (root/non-root).

As an interim step on that clustered OTRS system I mentioned in another thread, 
we've stored the config files in git and modified the OTRS startup script to 
check out the configuration files from the git server based on the node id at 
startup and a "current configuration" tag. The basic principle is sound (and 
you get very detailed configuration control) - it wouldn't be too hard to 
migrate to storing the static info in a table.

Where do you see the big problems?

From: [] On Behalf Of Gerald 
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 10:56 AM
To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
Subject: Re: [otrs] Need to set customers/agents's auth witn LDAP.

>The database is the only logical place for that information to live
Static connection information? Maybe not. Configuration? ... I'd be inclined to 
concur. The problem with the database method with a table based data source is 
the freeform data. Move it to something non-sql, like perhaps ldap or other 
NoSQL, and this should be much better handled as desired.
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